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Featured Azerbaijan's Border Service Says Two Troops Killed in Clash With Drug Smugglers on Iran Border

We maintain good relations with both Turkey and Azerbaijan against all odds, particularly with Turkey. It is in the interest of the entire region that Turkey and Iran remain friends.

It is important that Iran maintains good relations with her neighbors, even having good relations with Arabs is very important for us, if they want to improve their relations with us as well.

Honestly even the KSA-Iran rivalry has no tactical value or significiance it will completely fade away and be forgotten shortly as they are soon finishing the ceasefire.. Just like Libya it worked and the Same with Yemen where each entity keeps what it holds and economy is opened to both ends. Both Iran-gulf are in talks and there relations will be fully restored within this month
We maintain good relations with both Turkey and Azerbaijan against all odds, particularly with Turkey. It is in the interest of the entire region that Turkey and Iran remain friends.

It is important that Iran maintains good relations with her neighbors, even having good relations with Arabs is very important for us, if they want to improve their relations with us as well.

With so much in common I find it odd that Iran and Turkey don't work more closely together and are always borderline hostile towards each other. I think the issue is there is little people to people contact, unlike the sort you see among European countries.

Also ignore the @Tai Hai Chen troll, he spews venom against Turkey in indian defence forums, I have no idea why they (Indians) want to see more wars in the Middle East.
With so much in common I find it odd that Iran and Turkey don't work more closely together and are always borderline hostile towards each other. I think the issue is there is little people to people contact, unlike the sort you see among European countries.

Also ignore the @Tai Hai Chen troll, he spews venom against Turkey in indian defence forums, I have no idea why they (Indians) want to see more wars in the Middle East.
Iran and Turkey are not hostile to each other. We share intelligence with each other. Turkey has handed over many suspects and criminals to Iran in recent years. It has continuously supported Iran's nuclear program and we continue to discuss regional affairs with each regularly. Our economic ties are very strong and we continue to invest money in Turkey. We have the strongest ties with Turkey among all our neighbors.

The things that seem like hostilities to you are more about regional rivalry. We both are regional powers and it is only natural for us to compete with each other. But it's healthy competition. It's not like we hate each other or want to remove each other, unlike what we have seen between Iran and Saudi Arabia. It's nothing like that and hopefully, it will never be like that.
Iran and Turkey are not hostile to each other. We share intelligence with each other. Turkey has handed over many suspects and criminals to Iran in recent years. It has continuously supported Iran's nuclear program and we continue to discuss regional affairs with each regularly. Our economic ties are very strong and we continue to invest money in Turkey. We have the strongest ties with Turkey among all our neighbors.

The things that seem like hostilities to you are more about regional rivalry. We both are regional powers and it is only natural for us to compete with each other. But it's healthy competition. It's not like we hate each other or want to remove each other, unlike what we have seen between Iran and Saudi Arabia. It's nothing like that and hopefully, it will never be like that.
This... some people have stupid expectations.. VEVAK and MIT are closely cooperating on many issues. Erdogan himself and his family profited a lot from helping Iran. They became billionaire thanks to Iran. On top of that thousands of Iranians invest in Turkey buying property etc. The ties are too advanced to be harmed by some ill wishers. There are some tensions but this is normal imo.. Iran and Turkey also have the oldest most peaceful border in the world since the battle of chaldiran (if i am not mistaken).

So that is about Turkey (azarbaijan is attached to Turkey so no need to talk about them). Now about the Arabs in the Persian gulf... the conflict that we saw from 2013 up to 2018 is almost non-existant today. If we manage to fix ties with the Persian gulf states then we have pretty much everyone on our good side except of course Israel and their dog the US.
Iran should beef up defense along border with Azerbaijan. With backing from Israel, Azerbaijan has big plans for West Azerbaijan and East Azerbaijan. Also, Iran should sign mutual defense treaty with Russia, Greece, Egypt, Armenia to make Azerbaijan think twice.
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Two Azerbaijani border guards killed

BAKU: Two Azerbaijani border guards were killed on Saturday in a shootout with unidentified assailants on the border with Iran, officials said, adding that 10 kilogrammes of drugs had been found at the scene.
"Three unidentified persons violated the state border with Iran near the Goytepe checkpoint," in Azerbaijan’s southeast, the ex-Soviet republic’s state border service said in a statement.
"The infiltrators opened fire, fatally wounding two border guards who died in a hospital later," the service said, adding that one of the attackers was arrested.

Two servicemen killed in shootout on Azerbaijan-Iran border

BAKU, May 15 (Xinhua) -- Two Azerbaijani servicemen, including an officer, were killed on Saturday in a shootout on the Azerbaijan-Iran border involving a group of armed border violators, Azerbaijan's State Border Service said.

The incident happened when a border patrol unit tried to prevent three men from illegally crossing the border from Iran into Azerbaijan near a border checkpoint in the southeastern district of Yardimly, according to border authorities.

The border violators did not obey border guards' "stop" command, opened fire in response and wounded two of them. The wounded servicemen, a senior lieutenant and a junior ensign, were immediately taken to hospital where they later died of their injuries, the border service said in a statement.

The authorities said one of the border violators, an unidentified Iranian citizen, was arrested, while two others managed to escape. "A search operation is now ongoing to find them," the border service said.

Border guards discovered 10 kg of substance at the scene resembling narcotic drugs in appearance.

Iranian authorities had been informed of the incident, the border service added.

Armed incidents involving drug trafficking are a frequent occurrence on the Azerbaijan-Iran border.

Two Azerbaijani border guards killed

BAKU: Two Azerbaijani border guards were killed on Saturday in a shootout with unidentified assailants on the border with Iran, officials said, adding that 10 kilogrammes of drugs had been found at the scene.
"Three unidentified persons violated the state border with Iran near the Goytepe checkpoint," in Azerbaijan’s southeast, the ex-Soviet republic’s state border service said in a statement.
"The infiltrators opened fire, fatally wounding two border guards who died in a hospital later," the service said, adding that one of the attackers was arrested.

Two servicemen killed in shootout on Azerbaijan-Iran border

BAKU, May 15 (Xinhua) -- Two Azerbaijani servicemen, including an officer, were killed on Saturday in a shootout on the Azerbaijan-Iran border involving a group of armed border violators, Azerbaijan's State Border Service said.

The incident happened when a border patrol unit tried to prevent three men from illegally crossing the border from Iran into Azerbaijan near a border checkpoint in the southeastern district of Yardimly, according to border authorities.

The border violators did not obey border guards' "stop" command, opened fire in response and wounded two of them. The wounded servicemen, a senior lieutenant and a junior ensign, were immediately taken to hospital where they later died of their injuries, the border service said in a statement.

The authorities said one of the border violators, an unidentified Iranian citizen, was arrested, while two others managed to escape. "A search operation is now ongoing to find them," the border service said.

Border guards discovered 10 kg of substance at the scene resembling narcotic drugs in appearance.

Iranian authorities had been informed of the incident, the border service added.

Armed incidents involving drug trafficking are a frequent occurrence on the Azerbaijan-Iran border.

a small question?
if they arrested one of the assailants then how they are still unidentified ?
Stop writing nonsense. Iran will occupy all of Azerbaijan from the bottom to the top in less than a month in case of a full blown conflict. Nakhchivan will be invaded in hours.

Turkey and Pakistan sided with Azerbaijan when they have a conflict with Armenia. Turkey has special affection with Azerbaijan, how do you see it ? Don't you think Turkey will get involved. Seeing the broader picture you bet no one from Western Countries and Israel will let go this chance to fight against Iran. I to be realistic think that you are in position to do so.

@BATMAN & other Pakistanis, what do you think how Pakistan is going to react or act if Azerbaijan is invaded by Iran as mentioned by Arian.
Stop misleading... i daily read news of IRGC brutality in Tabriz and surroundings.

Let me know if you need more...

No Mr. Arab-Wannabe-Albakistani ... Quoting BS from our known enemy/Anti Iranian News channels like Daily Sabah (Turkish propaganda), Arab News (Anti Iran Saudi Propaganda) is equivalent to me quoting news about your Pakistan from Indian Sources

Here are few gems.

Here it says Pakistani Kashmir part wants separation from Pakistan over inflation

https://www.sundayguardianlive.com/...d Kashmir-huge-inflation-lack-essential-goods

Here it says Indian Air force shot down Pakistani jets for fun


Here it says Pakistan is on verge of disintegration


You want more propaganda from your enemy ? I can literally post 20+ more such links. You are a literal joke.
So us Azeris are ~80 % Medes Iranians by Genetics and rest 20 % of us is Oghuz Turkic. We Turkic Qizilbash revived iranian state after mongols and put the country back togather as one. Yes we Azeris have more of a ethnic rivalry inside Iran for jobs, posts, businesses against Kurds, Mazandaranis, and Persians but that is in every racial group. Irish Americans compete against Italian Americans and so on ... This means nothing. Bulk of military of Iran and its leaders come from Turkic origins.

Today we have a Bayat Turk for a supreme leader and Afshar Turk for military head.

If anyone thinks that 85-90% Shia Azerbaijan can go against Iran then they are stupid most idiots. Higher chances exists that Azerbaijan will probably merge with Iran in future then reverse.

Shah Ismail Saffavid, hero of Iranic plateau .. in Baku


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