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Azerbaijan to carry out terrorist acts?

Iran would never attack Azerbaijan,unless they make any wrong move toward us.What have you thouht about Iran?going around and launching random military attacks on its neighbours?We haven't started any war in past 300 years.Azerbaijan has its own problems.There are some ultra extremist nationalist junks in the country who are provoking the two country's relation.But hopefully,Azerbaijan and Iran are sorting their differences and problems out slightly.

I respect the fact that Iran is taking diplomacy as a priority. However, Iran must also ask itself if short term peace is worth the comprimisation of its sovereignty, identity, and dignity in the long run. Iran cannot have unlimited patience for Aliyevbaijani subversiveness.
Are you doing the same thing that you did to last thread?derailing and flaming it?Wasn't that enough?

Post reported.

This thread is about Azerbijan. Maybe you should report your Armenian friend that supports Iranians and trolls Turks with unrelated things like genocide,etc.

If you go back one page you will see your Armenian friend derailing this thread with his own deluded ideas about Armenia. Double standard Iranian :/
This thread is about Azerbijan. Maybe you should report your Armenian friend that supports Iranians and trolls Turks.

If you go back one page you will see your Armenian friend derailing this thread with his own deluded ideas about Armenia. Double standard Iranian :/

I started this thread, genius. I fully reserve the right to support my brothers and criticize genocide deniers. Besides, being that this thread is about potential Azerbaijani terrorism against Armenians, any Armenian discussion is fair game.
This thread is about Azerbijan. Maybe you should report your Armenian friend that supports Iranians and trolls Turks with unrelated things like genocide,etc.

If you go back one page you will see your Armenian friend derailing this thread with his own deluded ideas about Armenia. Double standard Iranian :/

This is the Armenia-Azeri thread,so it's non of your business if he wants to talk about his own country.

But you are spreading bs about Iranian Azeris who have nothing to do with topic.
I started this thread, genius. I fully reserve the right to support my brothers and criticize genocide deniers. Besides, being that this thread is about potential Azerbaijani terrorism against Armenians, any Armenian discussion is fair game.

There is already a thread for discussing Turkish Armenian issiues, if you want to talk about it please post your opinions there and don't go offtopic.

"Azerbaijan officially announced that the flights to Khankendi will be prevented and all measures, even the physical destruction can be applied to the planes carrying out flights to Armenia without Azerbaijan’s permission."

These are civilian planes, by the way.

Civilian plane in an occupied under conflict land?
Civilian plane in an occupied under conflict land?

Well, Artsakh residents are people too, regardless of the political situation. You cannot deprive them of basic transport necessities such as an airport.

Have you seen the roads in rural Armenia? Let me put it this way: the only way to make roads less driveable is if you distribute iron nails and tape them upright....

Besides, I thought that, according to your avatar, you "don't see any borders"?:D
Those lands officially belong to Azerbaijan. This is not my opinion but the security council of UN. Yaaa, the world has been created without borders but I really do not like the solutions provided by racism supporters. I mean shift deleting the other races! for example by Dashnaks!!! The current situation only brought aggression to the region which will threaten the peace state of Azerbaijani and Armenian nations.
Those lands officially belong to Azerbaijan. This is not my opinion but the security council of UN. Yaaa, the world has been created without borders but I really do not like the solutions provided by racism supporters. I mean shift deleting the other races! for example by Dashnaks!!! The current situation only brought aggression to the region which will threaten the peace state of Azerbaijani and Armenian nations.

Ir.Tab I'm surprised at you. We had a similar conversation a number of weeks ago, and at the time you were more able to see through Azerbaijani BS. Artsakh was NEVER part of an independent Azerbaijani state. Ever.

During Soviet times, there were some backdoor deals and Stalin lumped NK with Azerbaijan. He did with with no regard to the indigenous Armenian-majority population. In the 90s, when NK declared independence from USSR just like the other 15 states, Azerbaijani forces began shelling Armenian towns. Armenian Army came in, liberated Artsakh. They would have done the same with Nakhchivan, (it was also given to Azerbaijan during USSR), but by that time all the Armenians were ethnically cleansed and it would therefore be harder to justify an attack.

Mod Edit: This is the second time I had to edit your posts. Please don't use offensive language when referring other nations.
The only claim of yours which supports that Azerbaijan is not successor to Soviet Azerbaijan , as I said they're not denying any of agreements of past.

Also you had no right on Nakhchevan and Turkey was guarantor of it, so yo ushould be thankfull your leaders didn't done something that stupid.
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