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Azerbaijan to carry out terrorist acts?

Confused. What does Jewish American lobby have to do with Russia? If you are prepared to go on this conspiracy about how America controls Russia, please save it.

Clearly you don't know sh*t about economics. GDP per capita does not mean that each person earns that much. It means that, on average, that is how the income would be distributed. In reality, Sultan Aliyev gets everything and Azeris get nothing.

You don't see "paper" Russia because they cannot simply attack pipelines. They will look for excuses, such as raising rent on Gabala radar station, shooting down of Armenian civilian planes, etc.

If Russia wasn't afraid to take down Georiga, why would it be afraid of Azerbaijan. Compared to Russia, Azerbaijan is just as week as Georgia. Everyone knows this.

Jewish lobby is one of the three lobbies that rules US with arms and oil companies. So they have great power in US and Azerbaijan is supported by Oil lobby too. So no Russia invasion of Azerbaijan for you because US will go ape sh't on Russia.
Jewish lobby is one of the three lobbies that rules US with arms and oil companies. So they have great power in US and Azerbaijan is supported by Oil lobby too. So no Russia invasion of Azerbaijan for you because US will go ape sh't on Russia.

ROFL America does not give a sh*t about Azerbaijan. Like zero. Not at all. They recently passed a bill that blocks Azerbaijan off the list of countries eligible to receive US arms. Where was your Jewish lobby there?

US was much closer with Georgia, and yet they stood back and did nothing. They will certainly not engage with Russia ( another nuclear giant) over Azerbaijan.

That was a stupid, stupid post.
Jewish lobby is one of the three lobbies that rules US with arms and oil companies. So they have great power in US and Azerbaijan is supported by Oil lobby too. So no Russia invasion of Azerbaijan for you because US will go ape sh't on Russia.

Lol same Jewish lobby crap that Cenk Uygur spouses... Seriously is the Young Turks the only place you get your knowledge from?
ROFL America does not give a sh*t about Azerbaijan. Like zero. Not at all. They recently passed a bill that blocks Azerbaijan off the list of countries eligible to receive US arms. Where was your Jewish lobby there?

US was much closer with Georgia, and yet they stood back and did nothing. They will certainly not engage with Russia ( another nuclear giant) over Azerbaijan.

That was a stupid, stupid post.

Amusing to see some people expect Jewish lobby to fight Russia over Azerbaijan. The said lobby has not been able to get US invade Iran or, Syria...
ROFL America does not give a sh*t about Azerbaijan. Like zero. Not at all. They recently passed a bill that blocks Azerbaijan off the list of countries eligible to receive US arms. Where was your Jewish lobby there?

US was much closer with Georgia, and yet they stood back and did nothing. They will certainly not engage with Russia ( another nuclear giant) over Azerbaijan.

That was a stupid, stupid post.

Azerbaijan does cooperate with US oil companies and they have very good relationship. Like I said, Azerbaijan buys its weapons from Israel so it wasn't actually something Azerbaijan needed. And you are forgeting EU. EU is dependent on Azerbaijan if they don't want to be in hands of Russia n energy department. Like I said, no Azerbaijan invasion for Russia not until there is no oil and natural gas in Azerbaijan and until that point, Turkey will have the power to stop any Russian invasion of Azerbaijan and Azerbaijan will be lot more stronger than they are now.
If Armenian planes don't want to be shot down, simply stay out of Azeri airspace. This must have something to do with Norgorno Karabach region. Armenia illegally occupies the Azeri territory ( Nogorno Karrabach region ) and they need to get out of there.
If Armenian planes don't want to be shot down, simply stay out of Azeri airspace. This must have something to do with Norgorno Karabach region. Armenia illegally occupies the Azeri territory ( Nogorno Karrabach region ) and they need to get out of there.

Armenians make up the majority there (in fact are the only ethnicity there). So they don't need to get out...
Azerbaijan does cooperate with US oil companies and they have very good relationship. Like I said, Azerbaijan buys its weapons from Israel so it wasn't actually something Azerbaijan needed. And you are forgeting EU. EU is dependent on Azerbaijan if they don't want to be in hands of Russia n energy department. Like I said, no Azerbaijan invasion for Russia not until there is no oil and natural gas in Azerbaijan and until that point, Turkey will have the power to stop any Russian invasion of Azerbaijan and Azerbaijan will be lot more stronger than they are now.

I can't argue with you if you keep making false statements. EU buys VAST majority of its gas from Russia. THAT'S the problem that Russia has with Azerbaijan: that it's market share could decrease.

"Turkey will have power to stop Russian invasion"....what BS. Every aspect of Russia military is stronger. Infinitely better air defense, superior air force, 3x army, NUCLEAR WEAPONS. Maybe Turkish Navy is better, but that is irrelevant.

And Turkey does not care enough about Azerbaijan to engage Russia.

If Armenian planes don't want to be shot down, simply stay out of Azeri airspace. This must have something to do with Norgorno Karabach region. Armenia illegally occupies the Azeri territory ( Nogorno Karrabach region ) and they need to get out of there.

Azeris need to stop complaining. Armenia will never leave Arstakh. How can I possbily convince you of this? Secretly, I wouldn't be surprised if some Armenian and Russian defense minister are hoping for Azerbaijan to shoot at Armenian planes. It will given them excuse to burn Baku to the ground.

Actually Azerbaijan Defence Budget > Armenian State Budget

1930s-1940s - Japanese military budget MUCH smaller than Chinese military budget. Didn't mean that much.

Also, Azeri military is too sh*tty to simply throw money at. This was established in NK war.
I can't argue with you if you keep making false statements. EU buys VAST majority of its gas from Russia. THAT'S the problem that Russia has with Azerbaijan: that it's market share could decrease.

"Turkey will have power to stop Russian invasion"....what BS. Every aspect of Russia military is stronger. Infinitely better air defense, superior air force, 3x army, NUCLEAR WEAPONS. Maybe Turkish Navy is better, but that is irrelevant.

And Turkey does not care enough about Azerbaijan to engage Russia.

Azeris need to stop complaining. Armenia will never leave Arstakh. How can I possbily convince you of this?

1930s-1940s - Japanese military budget MUCH smaller than Chinese military budget. Didn't mean that much.

Also, Azeri military is too sh*tty to simply throw money at. This was established in NK war.

Like I said, EU wants to buy from Azerbaijan and Nabuco pipeline so they can decrease the RUssian oil and gas so they won't tolerate Russian invasion of Azerbaijan.

Turkey will have the power to stop Russia in 15 to 20 years in future and Azerbaijan will still have EU support because they will ahve oil and gas at that time so we are talking about 50 years from now on and Turkey will definitly have the power to stop Russian invasion or any other senario like that. And I said the exact thing you said about EU buing Russian gas and oil, what are you talking about with me lying? Are you mentally ill?

You ethnicly cleansed 700.000 Turks from NK and now you talk like that place belongs to you? NK always had Turkish majority population until Armenia's ethnic cleansing.

Azerbaijan lost the war because of Iranian and Russian support to Armenia but now even with Russian and Iranian support Azerbaijan can take on ten Armania without problem thanks to their oil money and superior training.
Like I said, EU wants to buy from Azerbaijan and Nabuco pipeline so they can decrease the RUssian oil and gas so they won't tolerate Russian invasion of Azerbaijan.

Turkey will have the power to stop Russia in 15 to 20 years in future and Azerbaijan will still have EU support because they will ahve oil and gas at that time so we are talking about 50 years from now on and Turkey will definitly have the power to stop Russian invasion or any other senario like that. And I said the exact thing you said about EU buing Russian gas and oil, what are you talking about with me lying? Are you mentally ill?

You ethnicly cleansed 700.000 Turks from NK and now you talk like that place belongs to you? NK always had Turkish majority population until Armenia's ethnic cleansing.

Azerbaijan lost the war because of Iranian and Russian support to Armenia but now even with Russian and Iranian support Azerbaijan can take on ten Armania without problem thanks to their oil money and superior training.

Yeah, "wants to buy." So as of now, they are still dependent on Russian resources. So if they throw their support behind Azerbaijan (which will do nothing whatsover) and Russia destroys the pipelines, then the EU will be screwed.

"15 to 20 years in future." Stupid baseless statement. Russia is busy building superior S400, S500 systems and developing new fighter jets. Turkey, on the other hand, will be dependent on foreign powers to supply jets and the like. Yes, I know about Altay tank, but until it actually enters production don't talk sh*t.

Besides, Azerbaijan will be attacked in the coming years, unless they do something really stupid (kind of like upping Gabala rent), then it will happen sooner.

"700.000"...wtf does that decimal point mean?????? Are you implying that 700,000 Azeris were killed, or do you just not know how to use punctuation?

Let me ask you this: If Armenians really wanted to kill Azeris, why would they announce that they would be invading on loudspeaker for the entire week before? It's because they wanted Azeris to clear out.
Yeah, "wants to buy." So as of now, they are still dependent on Russian resources. So if they throw their support behind Azerbaijan (which will do nothing whatsover) and Russia destroys the pipelines, then the EU will be screwed.

"15 to 20 years in future." Stupid baseless statement. Russia is busy building superior S400, S500 systems and developing new fighter jets. Turkey, on the other hand, will be dependent on foreign powers to supply jets and the like. Yes, I know about Altay tank, but until it actually enters production don't talk sh*t.

Besides, Azerbaijan will be attacked in the coming years, unless they do something really stupid (kind of like upping Gabala rent), then it will happen sooner.

"700.000"...wtf does that decimal point mean?????? Are you implying that 700,000 Azeris were killed, or do you just not know how to use punctuation?

Let me ask you this: If Armenians really wanted to kill Azeris, why would they announce that they would be invading on loudspeaker for the entire week before? It's because they wanted Azeris to clear out.

I didn't know that I was discussing with a person who doesn't even know ''ethnic cleansing'' means or can't even google it to find out what it means... I can't argue with an ignorants and feel frustuated because they can't even understand simple words... Good night.
I didn't know that I was discussing with a person who doesn't even know ''ethnic cleansing'' means or can't even google it to find out what it means... I can't argue with an ignorants and feel frustuated because they can't even understand simple words... Good night.

I'm going to repeat my post 1. because you answered 0 of my points/questions and 2. I'm really interested about what you have to say on my last point and 3. Your response does not make any sense.

Yeah, "wants to buy." So as of now, they are still dependent on Russian resources. So if they throw their support behind Azerbaijan (which will do nothing whatsover) and Russia destroys the pipelines, then the EU will be screwed.

"15 to 20 years in future." Stupid baseless statement. Russia is busy building superior S400, S500 systems and developing new fighter jets. Turkey, on the other hand, will be dependent on foreign powers to supply jets and the like. Yes, I know about Altay tank, but until it actually enters production don't talk sh*t.

Besides, Azerbaijan will be attacked in the coming years, unless they do something really stupid (kind of like upping Gabala rent), then it will happen sooner.

"700.000"...wtf does that decimal point mean?????? Are you implying that 700,000 Azeris were killed, or do you just not know how to use punctuation?

Let me ask you this: If Armenians really wanted to kill Azeris, why would they announce that they would be invading on loudspeaker for the entire week before? It's because they wanted Azeris to clear out.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/turkey...carry-out-terrorist-acts-3.html#ixzz20oOrfAjC
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