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Azerbaijan to carry out terrorist acts?

Armenia can also count on its diaspora. They are highly patriotic. Wonder if Iran help Armenia this time actively.

They can't, Iran has millions of Turks in its population, openly supporting Armenia against Azerbaijan will cause upraisings in north of the country.
They can't, Iran has millions of Turks in its population, openly supporting Armenia against Azerbaijan will cause upraisings in north of the country.

Turks in Iran don't care that much about what happens in the Caucasus to cause an uprising over it... Most of our top military men who divise this strategy are Azeri.
Only opportunity for Azerbaijan was just after the Soviet breakdown. But they got outmanoeuvred by Armenia. Now chances of regaining back the areas is too bleak.
@ Shahin jan: Do you think that Iran has any plans for retaking Lankaran (or more) if Azerbaijan does something stupid?
@ Shahin jan: Do you think that Iran has any plans for retaking Lankaran (or more) if Azerbaijan does something stupid?

To be honest we have a live and let live mentality. We haven't invaded anybody for a long long time and don't plan to. But Azerbaijan republic is doing some very provocative things, like including Iranian territory on their official maps. Putting Iranian landmarks on their tourist videos and so on. That angered some of our military command to say that we might take them over if they continue provoking us/attacking us. Well see...
Turkey vs iran? If iran invades azeri lands then that would give isreali and US military planners an excuse to launch a strike. Don't what happened to iraq 1991..
Turkey vs iran? If iran invades azeri lands then that would give isreali and US military planners an excuse to launch a strike. Don't what happened to iraq 1991..

"Strikes" will not destroy Iran. On the other hand, it will probably take Iran no more than an hour to decimate Baku.
"Strikes" will not destroy Iran. On the other hand, it will probably take Iran no more than an hour to decimate Baku.

An hour? I tould you that you have no strategic and military knowledge but this just proves my point...
don't feed his delusions.

It seems like the implication wasn't enough. I've felt the need to open it up.

Don't feed Kajutyun's delusions.
Turkey vs iran? If iran invades azeri lands then that would give isreali and US military planners an excuse to launch a strike. Don't what happened to iraq 1991..
Iran would never attack Azerbaijan,unless they make any wrong move toward us.What have you thouht about Iran?going around and launching random military attacks on its neighbours?We haven't started any war in past 300 years.Azerbaijan has its own problems.There are some ultra extremist nationalist junks in the country who are provoking the two country's relation.But hopefully,Azerbaijan and Iran are sorting their differences and problems out slightly.
Are you doing the same thing that you did to last thread?derailing and flaming it?Wasn't that enough?

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