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Azerbaijan to carry out terrorist acts?

Lets pretend for a second that you are right and Azerbaijan shoots down a civilian plane. Do you honestly believe that Armenia (and Russia) will not completely destroy Azerbaijan in the following days? Turkey will do nothing because they will not want to sponsor terrorist actions.

ARmenia and which army? and please stop this Russian BS... Russia may still have absulute power in Caucasus but they are nothing more than paper tiger in international area...

Russia will never have the strengh of its formal glory please stop your Russian worship. It won't get you anywhere...
stop talking without knowing anything , it never said it will shoot civilian planes , do you know the genocide to azeris? the hocali genocide?

Azerbaijan officially announced that the flights to Khankendi will be prevented and all measures, even the physical destruction can be applied to the planes

This is what is being reported. And I am commenting from a neutral position with no inclination towards any of the two countries involved. I also am aware of the alleged genocide. Does not give Azerbaijan moral right to shoot Civilian Plane.
XOCALI: A show of unseen forgery and falsifications

Armenia can destroy Azerbaijan all by itself. Russia will join because it wants to destroy pipelines. Honestly, I don't care if you don't agree with me. I have lived in Russia for the majority of my life, I understand what is going on. Russian government HATES Azerbaijan. There LOOKING fore excuses to re-establish dominance.
XOCALI: A show of unseen forgery and falsifications

Armenia can destroy Azerbaijan all by itself. Russia will join because it wants to destroy pipelines. Honestly, I don't care if you don't agree with me. I have lived in Russia for the majority of my life, I understand what is going on. Russian government HATES Azerbaijan. There LOOKING fore excuses to re-establish dominance.

Russia is a paper tiger... they can't attack any country except banana country like Georgia...

And please don't compere the Armenian army and Azerbaijan Army... Azerbaijan's military budget is more than Armenia's state budget
stop talking without knowing anything , it never said it will shoot civilian planes , do you know the genocide to azeris? the hocali genocide?

you supporting terrorist state armenia that did genocide against azeris? , azeri turks will never do that , we are not terrorists , do you know about ASALA terrorists that killed turkish diplomats and put bombs on airports?

you supporting terrorist state armenia that did genocide against azeris?

No, but Turkiye has supported Israel for the past several decades and has had strong bilateral economic and military ties with Israel who has oppressed the Palestinians since 1947, not to mention the same country that supports PKK, an organization which conducts attacks in Turkiye. How are you any different then?
XOCALI: A show of unseen forgery and falsifications

Armenia can destroy Azerbaijan all by itself. Russia will join because it wants to destroy pipelines. Honestly, I don't care if you don't agree with me. I have lived in Russia for the majority of my life, I understand what is going on. Russian government HATES Azerbaijan. There LOOKING fore excuses to re-establish dominance.

As if Georgia was not enough, People want more proof of resurgent Russian federation. With recovering economy Russia is set to play a bigger role in future. I wont be surprised if some former Soviet states decide to rejoin Russian Federation with greater autonomy.
Russia is a paper tiger... they can't attack any country except banana country like Georgia...

And please don't compere the Armenian army and Azerbaijan Army... Azerbaijan's military budget is more than Armenia's state budget

How can you say this???? On what basis???? Russia's only two military conflicts have been with the Chechens and Georgians, both which were soundly defeated.

Turkey on the other hand is getting killed by the PKK. If Russia is a paper tiger, then Turkey must be a dust bunny...

As if Georgia was not enough, People want more proof of resurgent Russian federation. With recovering economy Russia is set to play a bigger role in future. I wont be surprised if some former Soviet states decide to rejoin Russian Federation with greater autonomy.

There are already such initiatives in Ukraine and Belarus.
As if Georgia was not enough, People want more proof of resurgent Russian federation. With recovering economy Russia is set to play a bigger role in future. I wont be surprised if some former Soviet states decide to rejoin Russian Federation with greater autonomy.

I wont be surprised if some former Soviet states decide to rejoin Russian Federation with greater autonomy.

May be India can join the Russian Federation, lol don't get too excited I doubt any former Soviet state will join the Russian Federation willingly, not in Eastern Europe nor Central Asia. However, it may benefit Armenia to go one step further than a Russian satellite state and become a province of Russia, there economically and living standards will improve as well as military strength. In this scenario Russia would offer Armenia semi-autonomy.
WHERE ? WHEREEE? where did they shoot a planee? isit that i cant see it?

This is what is being reported. And I am commenting from a neutral position with no inclination towards any of the two countries involved. I also am aware of the alleged genocide. Does not give Azerbaijan moral right to shoot Civilian Plane.

why dont india join russia? it will be good after they were colony of britian , they are used to being a colony
May be India can join the Russian Federation, lol don't get too excited I doubt any former Soviet state will join the Russian Federation willingly, not in Eastern Europe nor Central Asia. However, it may benefit Armenia to go one step further than a Russian satellite state and become a province of Russia, there economically and living standards will improve as well as military strength. In this scenario Russia would offer Armenia semi-autonomy.


I was not excited. Belarus is actually seriously considering the option. And as a student of Geopolitics I would certainly like to see a 3rd strong power center. Us-China has become too boring and predictable. :)

WHERE ? WHEREEE? where did they shoot a planee? isit that i cant see it?

why dont india join russia? it will be good after they were colony of britian , they are used to being a colony

Sorry...Not interested.

And BTW try to keep a cool head while discussing. Helps a lot.
However, it may benefit Armenia to go one step further than a Russian satellite state and become a province of Russia, there economically and living standards will improve as well as military strength. In this scenario Russia would offer Armenia semi-autonomy.


why dont india join russia? it will be good after they were colony of britian , they are used to being a colony

You are probably the biggest a-hole on this forum.
How can you say this???? On what basis???? Russia's only two military conflicts have been with the Chechens and Georgians, both which were soundly defeated.

Turkey on the other hand is getting killed by the PKK. If Russia is a paper tiger, then Turkey must be a dust bunny...

There are already such initiatives in Ukraine and Belarus.

Russia literally destroyed villages and razed cities to the ground... Anyone can win the war if they are that barbaric... And I really can't see how Turkey defeated by PKK? And don't compere Russia with Turkey please... Russia may well be considered paper tiger but Turkey still has lot to do before compering her with Russiai.

And yes, Russia can't attack Azerbaijan because Azerbaijan is supported by JEwish lobby in US and supported by EU because of their energy importance.
azerbiajan is prospering , let armenia carry on isolated , soon it will become a point where there will be no armenian left because they dont want to live with 1,000 gdp per capita

we f... russians interests with nabucco and baku-tblisi-ceyhan pipiline and i cant see paper russia anywhere
And yes, Russia can't attack Azerbaijan because Azerbaijan is supported by JEwish lobby in US and supported by EU because of their energy importance.

Confused. What does Jewish American lobby have to do with Russia? If you are prepared to go on this conspiracy about how America controls Russia, please save it.

azerbiajan is prospering , let armenia carry on isolated , soon it will become a point where there will be no armenian left because they dont want to live with 1,000 gdp per capita

we f... russians interests with nabucco and baku-tblisi-ceyhan pipiline and i cant see paper russia anywhere

Clearly you don't know sh*t about economics. GDP per capita does not mean that each person earns that much. It means that, on average, that is how the income would be distributed in a perfect world where everyone earned the same amount. In reality, Sultan Aliyev gets everything and Azeris get nothing.

You don't see "paper" Russia because they cannot simply attack pipelines. They will look for excuses, such as raising rent on Gabala radar station, shooting down of Armenian civilian planes, etc.

If Russia wasn't afraid to take down Georiga, why would it be afraid of Azerbaijan. Compared to Russia, Azerbaijan is just as week as Georgia. Everyone knows this.
all countries are not like some south asian countries, who tend to give permission to each and every flight of some powerful countries.......... its azerbaijans right to maintain its integrity.
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