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Azerbaijan: T-90SA, BMP-3M, Msta-S, TOS-1A

T90 is nice but I honestly think Azerbaijan should wait a little and switch to NATO standards with Altay. We could jointly produce Altay in Azerbaijan, we could customize it for Azerbaijan's needs.
I don't know why everyone is acting like Iran would attack Azerbaijan if war resumed between the Azeris and Armenia. Iran isn't stupid and isn't going to do something so much out of their interests. Even if it did happen, while it's questionable that Turkey would intervene to save Azerbaijan from Russia, Turkey would no doubt be sending quite the army into South Azerbaijan if Iran attacked Azerbaijan. It's not gonna happen tho, so that's good.

You're absolutely right, Iran would not intervene militarily on behalf of Armenia. But as long as you're talking about hypothetical situations, it's worth mentioning that there will not be a war between Azerbaijan and Karabakh anywhere in the near future. Especially given Azeri presidential elections and the fact that military parity is maintained (in other words, Armenian/Karabakhi defense budget is smaller but that is not counting the fact that Russia heavily supplies us. Also, geographically speaking, Nagorno Karabakh Army has the overwhelming edge.)

I also wish you Turks would stop saying what Turkey would and would not do. You keep forgetting that any force from Turkey would have to go through Russians. which they are NOT WILLING TO DO.

As for the topic: Nice weapons :). I thought there would be some naval equipment also though....
MAybe the government will hesitat but the Turkish people won't stay quite when Azerbaijan get's invaded. Turkey's military will act. Turkic solidarity is too high. Especially if you look nowadays on facebook/twitter you can see things like "we will raise Turkic flags in Karabakh and Tebriz".
MAybe the government will hesitat but the Turkish people won't stay quite when Azerbaijan get's invaded. Turkey's military will act. Turkic solidarity is too high. Especially if you look nowadays on facebook/twitter you can see things like "we will raise Turkic flags in Karabakh and Tebriz".

:D :D :D

You are honestly the easiest Turk to argue with because you are so ignorant of history. Pick up a book, or search the internet for the public opinion of Turkey under the Demirel administration.
@ptldM3 Sorry for hitting the wrong nerve. That however does't change the fact that Russian armor has pathetic history. Afghanistan,Iraq,Bosnian,Arab Israeli war,Syrian civil wars are trophies for how badly the Russian armor sucks.

Before you go tutin' your horn get a few things strait.

The majority of the tanks in those conflicts were the T-54/55 and T-62. The T-54 was designed in 1946, the T-62 which is based on the T-54/55 was developed in the 1950s and reports indicate that man Iraqi tanks were equipped with steel penetrators, not tungsten and certainly not depleted uranium.

This would be no different if a T-90 or T-72 would go up against a Sherman tank :lol:

As for those wars, most tanks were destroyed from airstrikes, again nothing to brag about considering the roof of a tank is thinest part of a tank. I also am willing to bet that you have no states about tank losses from most of those conflicts, I for one would like to see a figure from Afghanistan.

T-72 has always been as crap for the previous generation of ATGMs or Rockets as it is today. We supplied Mujahideen with MILAN ATGMs in the 80s and what happened to the Russian armor is evident in the mountains of Afghanistan.

Please tell. Tanks themselves rarely operated where they could be ambushed, many that were hit were merely disabled and as a result many of the disabled tanks were destroyed by crews or airstrikes because they were too heavy to move and too risky to salvage.

But give yourself a pat on the back for trying.

It depends on if the Tank is carrying any ammunition or not. Let me show you a few videos about T-72.

And what does that prove? That tank was hit with an RPG-29, the same weapons that destroyed many Merkava tanks in Lebenon as well as having pierced the armor of a Challenger tanks. There is also videos of Abrams being hit with the RPG-29 and images of destroyed Abrams being credited the the RPG-29.

These videos are real and they speak volume about how pathetic the Russian armor is when it comes to safety.

No it shows that Newer Russian weapons can easily destroy the most modern tanks in the world. If a challenger, Merkava, and Abrams can either be disabled or destroyed by an RPG-29 then how is a 40+ year old Russian tank pathetic?

It depends on the type of engagement. One set of tactics that work in one type of engagement can prove disastrous in another. The average age of a tank on a modern battlefield environment is 3 minutes. No tank army will survive without Air cover.

This is where your bias lies, most countries that used Russian armor never had air support, never mind that the tanks they were operating were 1940s-1960s era relics.
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oh,come on.T-90MS is the second operational tank with trophy system.this and merkava MK.4 MBT are the best operational tanks in the world.

I would put Leopard 2A6 or 2A7+ in that list..I agree, it hasnt proven itself in the battlefield but Germans produce the best armor if you ask me
See the comments of new Iranian president from earlier this month. They do not hide their hostile stance towards Azerbaijan.

Iranian presidential candidate: Azerbaijan has become a threat to Iran’s security

Iran should not show indifference to Azerbaijan’s threats, Hassan Rohani, Iranian presidential candidate, representative of the Iran’s Supreme Leader in the Supreme National Security Council (SNSC), told Irdiplomacy.ir in an interview.

The Iranian presidential candidate spoke of Iran’s foreign policy problems and challenges of relations with some neighboring countries. “After the collapse of the USSR, new states were established in the Caspian Sea region and Azerbaijan is among them. It is not an exaggeration to say that Azerbaijan has become a threat to Iran’s security. The actions taken by some Azerbaijani officials pose threat to Iran’s territorial integrity. Therefore, Iran’s responsible officials should not show indifference to Azerbaijan’s threats.”

Iranian presidential candidate: Azerbaijan has become a threat to Iran
It seems that the deal includes 94 T-90, 100 BMP3, 18 2S19 Msta, 18 Smerch MLRS, 18 2S31 Vena, 6 TOS-1.

It also appears that there was another contract for TOR-M2E.


The very similar tank.

Both had ammo.

Same weapon on M1A2 tank

********.com - RPG-29 vs M1A2

And Challenger 2

Trooper Sean Chance, 20, lost three of his toes when an rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) penetrated the tank's armour and exploded in his cabin.

Defence chiefs knew 'invincible' tank armour could be breached | Mail Online

Every body knows you don't know a sh!t about tanks... You also know you don't know a sh!t about tanks... then why acting a clown here... Its time you spared others at international stage of your everyday circus.
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You're absolutely right, Iran would not intervene militarily on behalf of Armenia. But as long as you're talking about hypothetical situations, it's worth mentioning that there will not be a war between Azerbaijan and Karabakh anywhere in the near future. Especially given Azeri presidential elections and the fact that military parity is maintained (in other words, Armenian/Karabakhi defense budget is smaller but that is not counting the fact that Russia heavily supplies us. Also, geographically speaking, Nagorno Karabakh Army has the overwhelming edge.)

I also wish you Turks would stop saying what Turkey would and would not do. You keep forgetting that any force from Turkey would have to go through Russians. which they are NOT WILLING TO DO.

As for the topic: Nice weapons :). I thought there would be some naval equipment also though....

I agree with the first part but from my view as a Turk i would make a small change. I wouldn't say there's military parity but more so a stalemate, in the sense that yes Azerbaijan might be a little stronger but not stronger enough to make it worth resuming hostilities.

I think that Turkey might not be willing to go to war with Russia but any confrontation would be on a limited scale so if the situation is desperate enough, Turkey could do something. Both countries understand the stakes and even if a few planes from either side is shot down, I wouldn't expect for example a naval battle in the Black Sea or anything.

While Armenians like to point out that Turkey might not be able to stand up to Russia, in the event that Azeri lines collapsed and were losing territory badly, we might have no choice.
"and the fact that military parity is maintained"

Give me an example of qualitative and quantitative parity.
Number of Azeris in Iran has nothing to do with supporting Republic of Azerbaijan as a country, the same way number of Turks in Germany doesn't mean Germany should always support Turkey.That's not the way politics work.

That's true for every other country in the world.

In a democracy, the policy is determinad by population (electorate) . Right? The Azeri are part of this Iranian population. Right? More than10 mio Azeris living in Iran. Right? That's a hugh nummer! Much more turks as in Germany. What do you think, whom would Azeris support more, Azerbaijan or Armenia? Of course, Iran is not a democracy, but they can't ignore the Azeri voice.
I didn't say that we've been doin this for 20+ years or sth. What we did is using combat proven parts to get the best result as we got that. By your way of logic Turkish Navy is the most powerful navy on the planet because Turkish Navy is founded as the oldest; 10 July 1081. Far older than the USN, RN. If you still go with that, for God's sake stop doing this.

Not necessarily, I meant research. I did not mean power at all. I meant research, technology and quality. Turkey hasn't exactly been a pioneer in any military technology so far, I expect you to do so :tup:

Altay is better than K2 anyway.
Not necessarily, I meant research. I did not mean power at all. I meant research, technology and quality. Turkey hasn't exactly been a pioneer in any military technology so far, I expect you to do so :tup:

Altay is better than K2 anyway.

Shipbuilding, IFVs...etc. :coffee:
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