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Azerbaijan offers Iraq access to Europe gas pipelines

Interesting. But letting Egypt join would be a huge economic burden IMO. What about a possible pipeline from Oman to South Asia and the markets there across the Arabian Sea?

Or what about a future pipeline to the markets of Africa (Horn of Africa, Eastern Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa)? They are going to become a huge future market one day. With a population far exceeding 1 billion people.

What about the GCC and Turkey doing a pipeline through a future liberated Syria or Iraq if relations improve with them? Maybe a future Iraqi Kurdistan or Sunni Arab state in Iraq. I mean everything is possible in the ME.

Of course Qatar cannot do anything without KSA. They are landlocked with KSA and all their contact with the outside world comes mainly through KSA outside the sea route.

Joining GCC does not mean having common currency were not like EU its only about military , economic and foreign policy cooperation .

The thing GCC could do is investing in strategic areas in Egypt such as Suez canal which would generate billions for both sides apart from fact Egypt is rich in natural resources they only need foreign investment .

Many UAE companies operating in Egypt have made huge sums of profits and their new goverment is more friendly towards fixing their investment laws , it just needs support and things will work out .

A pipeline from Oman is possible but it just needs Aramco to look into it , we already have a pipeline through UAE build in partnership with Saudi Arabia that bypasses hormuz straight .

Interesting. But letting Egypt join would be a huge economic burden IMO. What about a possible pipeline from Oman to South Asia and the markets there across the Arabian Sea?

Or what about a future pipeline to the markets of Africa (Horn of Africa, Eastern Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa)? They are going to become a huge future market one day. With a population far exceeding 1 billion people.

What about the GCC and Turkey doing a pipeline through a future liberated Syria or Iraq if relations improve with them? Maybe a future Iraqi Kurdistan or Sunni Arab state in Iraq. I mean everything is possible in the ME.

Of course Qatar cannot do anything without KSA. They are landlocked with KSA and all their contact with the outside world comes mainly through KSA outside the sea route.

I dought Syria will ever be stable even if we assume its liberated those who will take over will be MB who actually hate us even more than Assad himself .

The partition of Iraq is possible though , if Anbar and Mosul separate they will ultimately need Gulf support but again this wount happen in the near future , the only thing is to work with stable partners like Jordan , Israel and Egypt if we want to pass a pipeline, israel is not possible in the meantime so you end up with Egypt only to pass through a pipeline .

We already have an oil pipeline in Egypt built in the 1970s that bypasses suez canal and reaches midetteranean sea .

Sumed pipeline - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The pipeline carries 2.5 million barrels of oil and then refined in Egypt to be exported directly to Europe , this pipeline was built in a joint project involving Egypt, Saudi Arabia , UAE and Kuwait.

Even during the Egyptian revolution the pipeline was work and ports at full capacity without any problems .

This is why Egypt is a stable partner for Gulf , even more than our fellow Gulf countries like clowns in Qatar and somehow oman .
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