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Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

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i would love to hear your opinion on how would we loose badly??

Armenia did let Iran to invest heavily in their infrastructures and we gain billions of dollars from them. what is the benefit of azarbaijan to us??

lol so we should reach out to azarbaijan?? we actually did in the first stages of war with armenia when they were marching toward garabagh. we engage with armenia militarily in a short period too. but the azarbaijanis refused our assisting and put on the pan turkism rhetoric and claimed north-western region of Iran belongs to newly formed AZ. then they allied with israel which if you do not know did operations against us from AZ soil...
so on one side we have armenia which is a economic partner, on the other hand we have a hostile nation which claims our land, harbors israel and will possibly invite US/NATO to region. i ask you, which one would you choose if you were in Iran's shoes??

US/UN and maybe EU would use this attack as excuse to attack you. Not to mention Turkey, Israel and Arab folks.

First at all, thanks for that candor. First time, I heard this from a Persian. Which one I would choose? I tell you as a German. ALWAYS! both sides, for an optimum benefit.
My condolences to Azerbaijanis on recent events. Stay strong.
Nothing is gonna happen ! Azeri leadership is to weak and disorganized thats for sure ! Honestly , I lost my confidence in them.
Nothing is gonna happen ! Azeri leadership is to weak and disorganized thats for sure ! Honestly , I lost my confidence in them.
there are no Azeris in the leadership or in high command ranks of the military - just think about what is happening... Armenia gets fucked, is fleeing their positions - Russia is Bellydancing to protect their Armenian inbred - and the FM just disappeared, the people demanding from the chief of staff to resign, because he is Russian - like agents, when things go wrong - chaos...
then why they don't attack us while we are in 5 other country??

not persian

Your proxy, not you official.
Okay, Iranian than.

there are no Azeris in the leadership or in high command ranks of the military - just think about what is happening... Armenia gets fucked, is fleeing their positions - Russia is Bellydancing to protect their Armenian inbred - and the FM just disappeared, the people demanding from the chief of staff to resign, because he is Russian - like agents, when things go wrong - chaos...

Ayatollah Chamenei is half Azeri (mother). He speaks turkish.

because your country is already a shithole - executing everything from "alpha to omega" - you are no threat and -
just be good - behave yourself ... and Israel will only bomb you once in a week or so my dude -

Maybe you should be little calm down, my friend.
Your proxy, not you official.
Okay, Iranian than.

Ayatollah Chamenei is half Azeri (mother). He speaks turkish.

Maybe you should be little calm down, my friend.
My friend, they have driven me crazy... The Iranians have been bothering me for 3 days in a row (cause I'm AZ), tagging me and quoting me from their section, trying to discuss Turkic matters .. here they were banned and most got already warned - I had to block half of them ... Now the mosquitoes came here to tell something about Santa Claus ... by the way, I know that Khamenei has Turkish blood - half of the Iranians have Turkish ancestors, they just hate to admit that...
IRGC-Army is present in Lebanon, Iraq, Syria and possibly Yemen...why NATO does not attack us then??

right now qaani is possibly somewhere in region...
There is no IRGC in Lebanon and especially in Bekaa Valley. not even on Syrian border with israel. In Syria IRGC is present at T4, along the coast close to “Russian umbrella” and DZ area
NATO is not war with Iran not even US. But Israel smacks you around without impunity and US,when it felt like, slammed that shithead Suleymani and another IRGC general(I don’t care about Muhandis just another filthy shia pawn)

Qaani is hiding
Qaani is quiet useless. He lacks charisma and experience of Hajj Suleyman.

there are no Azeris in the leadership or in high command ranks of the military - just think about what is happening... Armenia gets fucked, is fleeing their positions - Russia is Bellydancing to protect their Armenian inbred - and the FM just disappeared, the people demanding from the chief of staff to resign, because he is Russian - like agents, when things go wrong - chaos...
I think you need to stop making baseless accusations and clearly delusional claims.
you’re saying there are no Azeris in high cmd. Well, that General was in charge of the Corps. Now look at that militaries command structure.
1. You have a President who is a Commander in Chief
2. You have Minister of Defense. (I looked him up he is Azeri)
3. You have Chief of Staff(he is from minority, so fvking what)
4 you have Corps commanders. So this General is one of the top 10 people of country’s security establishment. How is it “no Azeris in high cmd”?:blink:
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