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Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

Until you read the part with hanging 3 young ladies right? :lol:
Pure nonsense man. His post was Off topic and i didnt even Read it properly. Please don't derail the topic.
[emoji1039]Azerbaycan Cumhurbaşkanı Aliyev:Savaş halindeyiz dışişleri bakanım ortalıkta yok,bulamıyoruz

Acıklamalarına ait video...

Bazı arkadaslar şaka yaptıgımı sanmış..;) https://t.co/PuKWtapskP

Bu rus ajanları sikm
Rus helikopterleri Ermenistan-Türkiye sınırında devriye atıyor. https://t.co/nsenTHHqKF

Russia is also targeting al bab... The real face of our real enemy...
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[emoji1039]Azerbaycan Cumhurbaşkanı Aliyev:Savaş halindeyiz dışişleri bakanım ortalıkta yok,bulamıyoruz

Acıklamalarına ait video...

Bazı arkadaslar şaka yaptıgımı sanmış..;) https://t.co/PuKWtapskP

Bu rus ajanları sikm
Are you fucking kidding me? I was skeptical but now what you wrote makes sense...
For a moment i thought youre Talking about Turkey lmao

We dont hang people publicly. Cant see how you got those two confused. :)

We dont hang people publicly. Cant see how you got those two confused. :)

Thats why your country is Second to Italy in mafia. You let criminal go away with their crimes, you become a mafia driven country
Why should I bullshitting like these Armenian gypsies in here... Further

Russia is now striking al bab and idlib
Are you fucking kidding me? I was skeptical but now what you wrote makes sense...
It will happen sooner or later
legally Caspian sea is 60 percent Iranian water and 40 percent soviet's. Iran negotiated to give the right to other states to have their own territorial water in the first place to cut US and NATO hand of the sea. if anyone try to do so we can claim we do not recognize the privileges we gave to the country.
Azerbaijan should open up karabakh front stretch Armenian army as much as possible they have little manpower
And try to grab some land from karabakh as much as possible, fortify it defend it and de escalate
You are not the international law and as long as AZ has its own coast, you and your satanic russian fathers can't do shit about it... Now gtfo dirt u already talking too much
legally Caspian sea is 60 percent Iranian water and 40 percent soviet's. Iran negotiated to give the right to other states to have their own territorial water in the first place to cut US and NATO hand of the sea. if anyone try to do so we can claim we do not recognize the privileges we gave to the country.
legally Caspian sea is 60 percent Iranian water and 40 percent soviet's. Iran negotiated to give the right to other states to have their own territorial water in the first place to cut US and NATO hand of the sea. if anyone try to do so we can claim we do not recognize the privileges we gave to the country.
Soviets dont exist anymore, Azerbaijan is an independent country and can invite any state to build a base in its waters.

Would be a disaster for Iran's security.

[emoji1039]Azerbaycan Cumhurbaşkanı Aliyev:Savaş halindeyiz dışişleri bakanım ortalıkta yok,bulamıyoruz

Acıklamalarına ait video...

Bazı arkadaslar şaka yaptıgımı sanmış..;) https://t.co/PuKWtapskP

Bu rus ajanları sikm

Can you translate?
Türkiyənin "F-16" qırıcıları Azərbaycana dəstək nümayiş etdirib https://t.co/Wv6X3cGisV
Azerbaycan is at war and the Foreign Minister cannot be found, he some kind of disappeared
Would be a disaster for Iran's security.

Can you translate?
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