If we would like to list the priorities and later prerequisites for survival of a country in every fields, especially in self-defence to exist forever; and then take look at the current situations of the allies/suppliers in every respects, the result(s) after multiple-cross checks in multiple constant/unconstant; dependent/undependent variables has to have the optimum advantages to exist forever.
With current government in Turkey and after all consequences of its policies we still and will pay; you can understand where i get at in seeing some decisions of Azerbaijan Turks very smart to exist forever. But i won't go into detail about the government, I am pretty sure you know the reason.
The co-operation of ''two states one nation'' is
more crucial and deep than measuring it with some money/profit in your lists of prospective weapon sales, almost to bound each other to exist forever if you read the agreement inked in 2010. Here it is(especially article 2 and 5):
the military excercises, also physical and technical support to Nahçivan is self-explanatory enough.
I hope emotions do not block the essential logical decisions for a very young and already-in-war country to exist forever.