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Azerbaijan arms its bases near Iran

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Sure. Arab states will attack from south, plus joint attack of Israel-USA-Nato, and Azerbaijan will take its lands in north.

The Republic of Isarel-baijan couldn't even defeat 2 million Armenians with old rusty rifles.

Against 80 million Iranians (220 million Persian speakers world wide) ... I would say ...


Also, these are just Border Guards, not Army. And by accordance of their mission, they are well-armed. They have capability to destroy enemy armor, helicopters etc...and even lead an offensive. They also have 150 BMP.

In Iran we don't call them your "border guards" ... we call them the defectors that will be living in President Aliyev's home after Iran trims his mustache.

Cool I see cobra APC. We should from stronger ties with russia in case tensions rises in Azeri lands...if iran doew attack our northern then public opinion goes against Iran in Turkey.. Thousands if refugees will pour on to our borders. One F16 block 50 with ASEA and uplink data with acess to to Beoing Peace deal AWAC can knock out F14 and Migs out of the combat radius.

And when they try to return to land in Turkey, the new name of the base will be North Kurdistan.

Fits the perceived image, doesn't it..?

Cant understand why would Azerbaijan deploy such weaponry near Iran border. After all their main grudge is against Armenia...

Real Azaris are Iranian (like me); we have an ancient history that's more than 2,000 years old. Our original language was a form of Old Persian.

The people in Aliyev-baijan (Israel-baijan) stole the name of Iranian-Azarbaijan.

The Republic of Israel-baijan is now filled with many Crypto-Jews that are exploiting the native population.

"The Turkish speakers of Azerbaijan (q.v.) are mainly descended from the earlier Iranian speakers, several pockets of whom still exist in the region.” (Frye R.N., Encyclopædia Iranica, Publ. by Columbia Univ.)

“In the beginning of the 11th century the [Turkic] Ghuzz hordes, first in smaller parties, and then in considerable numbers, under the Seljuqids occupied Azarbaijan. In consequence, the Iranian population of Azarbaijan and the adjacent parts of Transcaucasia became Turkophone.” … ”Turkish nomads, in spite of their deep penetration throughout Iranian lands, only slightly influenced the local culture. Elements borrowed by the Iranians from their invaders were negligible.” (Xavier de Planhol, “Un village de montagne de l’Azerbaïjan iranien, Lighwan,”Revue de Géographie de Lyon, 1960, pp. 395-418.)
Are you serious??? you will send your jets just for helis.....:argh::argh:
ohhhh man.....wake up.

look , that's because if a foreign country attack the borders the nearest AJA and IRGC bases have the duty to respond to them and the first thing there to stop the opponents air force is Tabriz Mig29 Squad Run ! so they will destroy their air force helicopters and then AJA and IRGC soldiers will do the thing that russia federation did in 2008 .......... :azn:
Man, even with our artillery we can destroy that base in Lankaran.

The Israel-baijanis don't have the backbone Iranians do - Honestly, I believe I could put together an Iranian armed force in 2 weeks to capture Baku. The fat boys from Baku will defect so fast if the Iranian army comes after them. There isn't a single thing they can do.
Old news.

'Azerbaijan granted Israel access to air bases on Iran border'

Israel has been granted access to air bases in Azerbaijan on Iran's northern border, Foreign Policy reported Wednesday, quoting senior U.S. diplomats and military intelligence officials.

"The Israelis have bought an airfield," a senior U.S. administration official told Foreign Policy's Mark Perry, "and the airfield is called Azerbaijan."
haaretz website March 2012
Our Air force is still much better than yours , at least we have one of the best pilots of the world.

and we have a high capability in EW , remember RQ170 .......
And yet you don't have an air-force that could breach such air-defense. What kind of mighty air-force does Iran have that we don't know about?

RQ170 crashed by itself.
O really?
first we will crush your country with our low range missile arsenal , after that we will bomb you with air force ..........
and about rq170. why it didn't used it's self destruction system , and why it was NOT damaged?!

if it was crushed itself , it must be some little seprate parts of a plane not a healthy drone......
"Tabriz-Azari", firsy of all you are not an Azeri Turk, secondly thats BS and only a recent theory, you know, we also have theories about aliens.



you better answer my question , rather than insulting others........
I would advice you to look at Azeri Shahseven tribe if you doubt Turkic origin of Azeri Turks, fake Azeri.

Shahsevens - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Now don't tell me that your "Aryans" began to live in Yurts, or that "Aryans" were "assimilated" to live in Yurts. :D

Do you have a proof he is not a Azeri?Just because you don't like his words?Your logic sucks.

No, because hes not. I encountered him before aswell, he cannot speak Azeri language for instance.
I would advice you to look at Shahsevens tribe if you doubt Turkic origin of Azeri Turks, fake Azeri.

Shahsevens - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now don't tell me that your "Aryans" began to live in Yurts, or that "Aryans" were "assimilated" to live in Yurts. :D

Poor guy,you are a complete paradox.First you come here and say Azeris in Iran are Turks (which they aren't in race and genetics),and now you say they are not of Turkic origins,however you are right on this.
Azeris in Iran have the same race of rest of Iranians,but original Turks migrated from Mongolia and Central Asia,while Azeris,like rest of Iranians migrated to Iranian plateau 3000 years ago,the only thing that is Turkish about them is their language,not even their culture.Only their language is changed.

We are completely aware what is your origins,don't teach us history.
My last sentence are called sarcasm, if your brain weren't able to comprehend it.

Shahseven tribe are perfect living example of origin of Azeri Turks, they live in 100% old Turkic traditions, and in Yurts which is unique to Turkic peoples. Many other tribes were aswell nomadic, but became sedentary afterwards, while Shahsevens remain largely nomadic.
My last sentence are called sarcasm, if your brain weren't able to comprehend it.

Shahseven tribe are perfect living example of origin of Azeri Turks, they live in 100% old Turkic traditions, and in Yurts which is unique to Turkic peoples. Many other tribes were aswell nomadic, but became sedentary afterwards, while Shahsevens remain largely nomadic.
What this have to do with Shahseven?There are only 300,000 to 500,000 of them living in Iran.Not more.
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