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Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

seriously? much wealthier bigger country defeating a small poor country and celebrating? like how some American got emotional while announcing victory against the US
so far Turks are practically siding with Azerbijan and we Pakistanis are verbally showing our support on facebook, twitter and this forum.

what about Arab countries like KSA, Qatar and UAE? have they decided to take a side yet? Iran (as per this forum) is siding with Armenians so I dont know if Arabs will even bother to take a side because they are not very cordial with either of these two.
most dont even know where azerbaijan is. because of turkey, everyone is afraid of clown donkey salman's reaction if they say anything.
Who told you that I am afghani. I build Pakistan as much as you did. Our province took the bullets when you were sleeping at home. Our cities were captured by TTP when you were sleeping. Our people were taking missile fires. Our children died in schools, which the army couldn't save, then what was the use. Our people were put up in planes and sent to Guantanamo bay, our people died in drone strikes. Don't tell me you fed afghanis, if you cant defend your own people, then that's the real disgrace.

Dont act innocent, i am a witness of all that, we suffered alot but it was the Pak army that rid us of the poison of terrorism and extremism. Why people of swat allowed TTP? How fazlullah was given so much gold and money in charity, if ur frm KPK then u should know how he was given so much charity by ppl and then he killed the same people. Its easy to generalize things n show it as black and white. Reality is different.
If ur from KPK ull also know how much we hate afghan muhajirs, why? Because they destroyed our cities, brought crime and took our businesses. De dalagano kho mung tabah kru. U may be a dumb illiterate PTM fanboy but i suggest u go n study some history books. U forgot those daily bomb blasts in Peshawar? Why they stopped now? Because durandline is being secured. If pashtuns of Afghanistan cared for us they would never signed durand line agreement and they would never sent mercenaries and suicide bombers to kill pashtuns. Pak has more pashtuns than Afghanistan and its Pakistan that represents pashtuns, not Afghanistan.
Yes we made deal with china because we didnt want bad relationship with a future super power, is that anything bad? Is taking steps for long term survival bad?ur stupid n dont know abt reality, so get an education first. Giving shaksgam valley to china was a master stroke by Pakistan and brought china into the issue of kashmir. If u bother to read then ull find that china and Pakistan agreement says that border demarcation will be done again once kashmir is liberated. U keep contradicting urself, first u say international laws have no value and then u blame Pakistan for making a deal with china?? Thia is not siasat.pk or fb, people here are aged and highly educated, go get educated before u come here and embarrass urself.
Meanwhile Turkey is encroaching economically on Azerbaijan Nakchivan, traditionally economic sphere of Iran.


Turkey's state gas grid operator Botas has opened a tender for a gas pipeline to supply Azerbaijan’s exclave of Nakhchivan. The new supply route would sideline Iranian gas sales to Azerbaijan and comes as Ankara is trying to repair its relationship with the United States.

Countries get to choose what spheres they want to be in. Chechens converted to Islam to protect them from the Mongol Russians.

"Latin America is traditionally a US sphere", does that mean Venezuela and Bolivia must be servants and obedient to Washington. That they have no rights in foreign affairs. Washington holds that to be true. That the Americas are part of US sphere.

People must be able to associate with whatever sphere they want. Europe is being bullied by Washington to stop joining the Belt and Road Chinese sphere. Do Europeans have rights to choose spheres, or must they hate the Chinese as Pompeo demands.

Syria, Egypt, Cyprus, Libya don't want to be part of Turkey's sphere because Turks are warmongering and destroying those countries.

If you believe 6 million jews out of 18 million jews worldwide were killed in the holocaust and it is immoral to subjugate them to Himmler, then Chechens must be free of Russia's sphere. The people of the North Caucasus/plains were killed by the millions in the Holodomor. Then Chechens were killed greated than the holocaust in their deportation by Stalin, then Chechens broke free from the terrorism of the Russians after the break up of the Soviet Union, and then again 25% of the civilian population of Chechnya were killed in two wars with Russia.

Does Vietnam belong to France, or the US, or do Vietnamese have rights to be free. Chechens were treated worse than Vietnamese by the Russians.

The people of the Caucasus were treated worse than the Native Americans. They have the right to be free.

If you are for freedom Nakchivan, you must also be for freedom for the rest of the people of the Caucasus or you are beyond hypocritical, you are at the level or worse than Washington.

The Caucasus is the sacred homeland of the Caucasus people, including Greek Italians. The Caucasus are more sacred than the Garden of Eden, for it is the parent to the child of the Garden of Eden. Russian genociders must get out. It is no different than US and French needed to get out of Indo-China. Sundaland/Vietnam is the ancestral homeland to every East Asian and is sacred.
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Nope but I don’t like injustice or hypocrites, bunch of people here supporting Azerbaijan and knowing absolutely nothing about the root causes of the conflict except that Azerbaijani are “Muslim” and yea “white “ ( lol). Karabakh people were literally in the same situation as Kashmiri people and fought to free themselves from a bunch of blood thirsty Azeri, who wanted to kill all Armenians. What happened instead was that the Armenians kicked arse and freed their lands. Do I support Armenians? Hell yes I do, do I think they will win? No way, Azerbaijan has 10x a stronger army and even with overwhelming enemy superiority, still see Armenians fighting to the end for what is their land and the righteous thing to do.
And you are exactly who???? An Armenians cheer leader. You are doing exactly the same as those who support Azerbaijan. You can't even see your double standard
Jihadi in Azerbaijan.

Moscow is concerned about reports of the transfer of illegal armed militants to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement, asserting that Russia is against the move and calls for their withdrawal from the area without delay.

"We are deeply concerned about these processes, which lead not only to an even greater escalation of tensions in the conflict zone, but also create long-term threats to the security of all countries in the region", the statement says, adding that the ministry is calling on the leadership of both states "to take effective measures to prevent the use of foreign terrorists and mercenaries in the conflict".

I do not fault the Caucasians for wanting to weaken the power of Russian influence. The countries that they operate in, are hostile to the people of the Caucasus. Iran supported genocide in the Caucasus. Serbia did the same. Assad mildly supported genocide. If you support genocide of good people, which the people of the Caucasus are the same as me, those people have the right to struggle - Jihad - against the those that worship the Devil - genocide.

The late Soviet Union was supported by the people of the Caucasus and Slavs. There were Chechen generals and other Caucasians in the Soviet Union military. After the break up, Russia lost any claims. Moscow genocided the people of the Caucasus over and over again, and must be free.
Hong Kong was controlled by the British for about the same time as the Russians controlled the whole Caucasus. Do the British have rights over the Chinese and Hong Kong.
Unfortunately, Soviets made up some of the most f u borders in the world. Northern Kazakhstan, Baltics, Caucasus, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Ukraine, are all ripe for war because of illogical borders. This is what I'm talking about. Blame the deaths on the stupid Soviets.

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