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Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

China is not going to help you in any war except for the logistic and spares support or support on diplomatic front.

thats all we Pakistanis ever asked for was a reliable good ally to provide us the necessary parts like China is now. During our war

not like fcking west. always hurting us for India in our most needed hour. Curtailing our strengths.
thats all we Pakistanis ever asked for was a reliable good ally to provide us the necessary parts like China is now. During our war

not like fcking west. always hurting us for India in our most needed hour. Curtailing our strengths.
Do you have enough reserves to pay back?
Pakistan should sell Azerbaijan JF17s asap.
has Azerbijan even requested any warplanes?
how many should we sell?
do you know the production rate of PAC?
where will these jets come from? the ones that are under construction or ones that are already part of PAF squadrons?
are you aware of weapons sale restrictions during armed conflicts?
who will fly those jets? have the Azerbijan pilots even trained on the SIMS of these JF-17s?
what are they currently using? how much their airforce is involved?

I am all for war profiteering and there is an added bonus of Ummah brownie points too but Turkey already has its troops there and things are not that desperate. who will pay for these jets? I dont think Azerbijan is doing very well economically. maybe an Arab country will foot the bill? but wait, have they announced what side they are supporting yet?

trough situation there. Ummah, money, training, production capacity and own defense needs.
Truth is the biggest casualty in war.
so far Turks are practically siding with Azerbijan and we Pakistanis are verbally showing our support on facebook, twitter and this forum.

what about Arab countries like KSA, Qatar and UAE? have they decided to take a side yet? Iran (as per this forum) is siding with Armenians so I dont know if Arabs will even bother to take a side because they are not very cordial with either of these two.
for right or wrong reasons please don't share any tweets or videos where Azerbijan is suffering casualties.
I am undecided on who is wrong or right. I have spent some time and read a contradiction to every statement. whatever the international stance is whatever is recognized, the history and who did what and who is at fault depends on who you ask.
but for an indefensible reason, I have sympathy with Azerbijan.
for right or wrong reasons please don't share any tweets or videos where Azerbijan is suffering casualties.
I am undecided on who is wrong or right. I have spent some time and read a contradiction to every statement. whatever the international stance is whatever is recognized, the history and who did what and who is at fault depends on who you ask.
but for an indefensible reason, I have sympathy with Azerbijan.
The tweet is showing the casualties of Armenia army.
There are NO Pakistan troops in Azerbaijan. These are all fake and malicious lies spread by these A-holes in india. Members here should avoid speculating and falling for this fake news from these nazi Indians.
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The point is not fighting, just answer the simple question, why didn't Pakistan consider the mcmohan line with china, but does consider durand line with Afghanistan. Why did the land exchange favour chinese rather than Pakistan. If Pakistan considers it a inheritance from the british

It seems u lack the braincells to comprehend anything. Durandline was accepted by Afghanistan govt not once but multiple times. The mac mahon line was never accepted by china. Let see if u have the capability to differentiate between the two.
Afghanistan willingly gave away those areas to the british, they did not want to fight the british and left the people of area to their own. Pakistan came as a result of british partition so the agreements made by british holds. U cannot give away a territory when u like and then claim it back when u like, dont be stupid. Once u accept a territory as NOT part of ur country then latter u cannot claim it as yours, are u ppl so stupid to not being able to comprehend this?? Dont waste my time anymore, its my land, ao ka darpakay zor ye no rasha wala ye dalagano.
China is not going to help you in any war except for the logistic and spares support or support on diplomatic front.

Interesting opinion. China has shown that it can take the initiative and cause devastating surprises for Indians.

Indians will have to be wary on two fronts. A Pakistani attack, adventure, or lure will most probably be discussed fully with the Chinese beforehand.
Iran has traditionally had enormous influence in Nakhchivan, the large western exclave of Azerbaijan. Partially, this is an outcome of history—Nakhchivan’s population was more Persianized than other portions of Azerbaijan.

Nakhchivan could join Iran -- a big worry for Azerbaijan.

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This is the most f u border the Soviets ever made. Like. Ever.
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