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Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

Lol, I am quoting PH.D thesis. The net gain was in favour of China, not Pakistan. You still did answer my first question, What is international law, if the mighty doesn't abide by it.
I answered and countered all your 'questions' - you're just choosing to ignore answers you don't like.
Illegally occupy? Power comes from the barrel of a gun. Says Mao Ze Dong. Who has power. Who takes land.

You believe in the law of the gun when it favors you, otherwise you cry when your hero Armenia loses land and soldiers to Azeris.

Typical. Your mindset is clear for all to see.
You believe in the law of the gun when it favors you, otherwise you cry when your hero Armenia loses land and soldiers to Azeris.

Typical. Your mindset is clear for all to see.

Armenia ain't even started yet. You ain't seen nothing yet. Su-30SM air superiority jets just delivered earlier this year, S-300PM, Kornet anti tank missiles. These will be used in the coming weeks.
so far Turks are practically siding with Azerbijan and we Pakistanis are verbally showing our support on facebook, twitter and this forum.

what about Arab countries like KSA, Qatar and UAE? have they decided to take a side yet? Iran (as per this forum) is siding with Armenians so I dont know if Arabs will even bother to take a side because they are not very cordial with either of these two.

Their most likely side with Armenia, just look at the Cyprus issue the Arabs sided with them against Turkey. Some might say on this forum in racist or whatever, but I see no bigger Kurdoglus than them and I mean the hole lot of them.
It seems u lack the braincells to comprehend anything. Durandline was accepted by Afghanistan govt not once but multiple times. The mac mahon line was never accepted by china. Let see if u have the capability to differentiate between the two.
Afghanistan willingly gave away those areas to the british, they did not want to fight the british and left the people of area to their own. Pakistan came as a result of british partition so the agreements made by british holds. U cannot give away a territory when u like and then claim it back when u like, dont be stupid. Once u accept a territory as NOT part of ur country then latter u cannot claim it as yours, are u ppl so stupid to not being able to comprehend this?? Dont waste my time anymore, its my land, ao ka darpakay zor ye no rasha wala ye dalagano.
Dear once you make a treaty you abide by it. What does it mean, china did not accept, but Afghanistan accept. Treaties are made by mutual agreement. The afghanis say that the Sikhs took it from us. what was rightfully ours, Pakistan also made treaty with India to resolve the issue peacefully, doesn't mean kashmir is India. Same logic can be applied for afghanistan. Za bas sirf da waem chae da bara sa yo dwa dalagan padae nadi chae afghanistan kae hum pakhtana da, aghi wi chae iran ba a wahli sa pa Pakistan wahli, olae da khairat dae sa.
Armenia ain't even started yet. You ain't seen nothing yet. Su-30SM air superiority jets just delivered earlier this year, S-300PM, Kornet anti tank missiles. These will be used in the coming weeks.

I am still waiting for Greeks and Armenians to start, will it take another 1,000 years?

I have been hearing this rhetoric that they will destroy Turks and crush Muslims, finish Islam.

Still waiting... :sleep:
Dont act innocent, i am a witness of all that, we suffered alot but it was the Pak army that rid us of the poison of terrorism and extremism. Why people of swat allowed TTP? How fazlullah was given so much gold and money in charity, if ur frm KPK then u should know how he was given so much charity by ppl and then he killed the same people. Its easy to generalize things n show it as black and white. Reality is different.
If ur from KPK ull also know how much we hate afghan muhajirs, why? Because they destroyed our cities, brought crime and took our businesses. De dalagano kho mung tabah kru. U may be a dumb illiterate PTM fanboy but i suggest u go n study some history books. U forgot those daily bomb blasts in Peshawar? Why they stopped now? Because durandline is being secured. If pashtuns of Afghanistan cared for us they would never signed durand line agreement and they would never sent mercenaries and suicide bombers to kill pashtuns. Pak has more pashtuns than Afghanistan and its Pakistan that represents pashtuns, not Afghanistan.
Yes we made deal with china because we didnt want bad relationship with a future super power, is that anything bad? Is taking steps for long term survival bad?ur stupid n dont know abt reality, so get an education first. Giving shaksgam valley to china was a master stroke by Pakistan and brought china into the issue of kashmir. If u bother to read then ull find that china and Pakistan agreement says that border demarcation will be done again once kashmir is liberated. U keep contradicting urself, first u say international laws have no value and then u blame Pakistan for making a deal with china?? Thia is not siasat.pk or fb, people here are aged and highly educated, go get educated before u come here and embarrass urself.
Yes, because Pakistan alone cannot take kashmir, they gave shaksgam to china, so that they can retake kashmir for us. You know it and I know it. Yah, Also remember this, the army job is to defend us. It doesn't matter how many afghanis came here, but once they come, its army duty to safeguard their own civilian. However, if army could not give security to an army school, what could the civilian ask for, aren't these valid question. Its not about making deals, it about what is right, we made a deal with china because they could retake kashmir for us, cause we cannot. The border demarcation of kashmir, not shaksgam valley.
Pakistan refuses to recognize Armenia due to racism. As a matter of fact, Pakistan is the only country in the world that does not recognize Armenia.

I know a lot of Armenian people in US and i have not seen such a lot of racist and selfish people in my life.. dont be throwing stones when you yourself live in a glass house.
Yes, because Pakistan alone cannot take kashmir, they gave shaksgam to china, so that they can retake kashmir for us. You know it and I know it. Yah, Also remember this, the army job is to defend us. It doesn't matter how many afghanis came here, but once they come, its army duty to safeguard their own civilian. However, if army could not give security to an army school, what could the civilian ask for, aren't these valid question. Its not about making deals, it about what is right, we made a deal with china because they could retake kashmir for us, cause we cannot. The border demarcation of kashmir, not shaksgam valley.

It is the army that defended us and hence u see no more bombs going off. Army is not a super being and cannot stop every attack, if anything the kids that died in APS had many kids of army officers. Pakistan still successfully took care of terrorism, a success story in the world. Show me any country finishing terrorism so quickly without help?
As far as some ppl saying to take over Afghanistan, they r just fools, if USSR and US and NATO couldnt take it then how can we and why would we? We have no shortage of land. Pakistan even have not shown interest in taking wakhan corridor, as it was given to Afghanistan by british and was a disteict of chitral. Wakhan can give Pakistan immense advantage as it give a land border with Tajikistan but still we avoid it. Pakistan policy is very clear and that is peace and stability in Afghanistan, this is also demand of china and requirement for success of CPEC. No one wants to take land of Afghanistan and have more issues, taking land means taking the people as well and we cannot afford more problems. Our focus should be developing our existing land, visit balochistan and u will realize how huge and immense land we have and no development.
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