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Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

The hell is wrong with the PDF today ?? First we get the autistic guy ( OK , atleast i still get the humour off him ) . And now we get a high *** smoker self deluded proclaimed iranian ?? With a fascism mindset to boot ... ??
Dude , somebody must be messing up his database hard drive somewhere . To think all of this bots suddenly popping out nowhere ....

Jeez , what a mess....
Azeri are gradually beating the Armenians back in Shusha despite the fact that Armenia has thrown all available resources into the fight.
Fyi, SHusha is a battle, not the war and the most important thing is to win the war, not the battles. GOod luck.
Once AZE take shusha and khankendi they can shell lachin and ARM border area from there and ARM retaliatory fire will flatten those cities and it will ensure Armenians don’t come back to their homes as ARM would have destroyed them.

At that point it will be easier to take the rest of NK. But it’s no rush. They can do it slowly. At that point the artsak army becomes like PKK in the mountains. Just a guerrilla force.
Iran is completely ok with Azerbaijan taking its rightful NK land back, no one is disputing that. But if Azerbaijan lets TUrkey let ISraeli intelligence and anti-Iranian militants setup bases in NK close to Iran, Azerbaijan will find out if Iranian weapons are fake.
Fyi, SHusha is a battle, not the war and the most important thing is to win the war, not the battles. GOod luck.

Iran is completely ok with Azerbaijan taking its rightful NK land back, no one is disputing that. But if Azerbaijan lets TUrkey let ISraeli intelligence and anti-Iranian militants setup bases in NK close to Iran, Azerbaijan will find out if Iranian weapons are fake.

change your flags.. everyone knows your Iranian
President Aliyev: "We have purposefully gathered strength over the years to win. The main factors determining our victory are economic independence, a strong modern army, national solidarity and our success at the international level."

The ceasefire agreement is close.
Black medium small square Armenians will withdraw from 5 rayons immediately and 2 from within 15 days.
Black medium small square Corridor will be opened for the Azerbaijan-Nakhchivan connection against the road from Armenia to Karabakh.
Black medium small square Turkish and Russian peacekeepers will be deployed in the region.

-MEE / Turkish Source

Azerbaijani model: Don't decline any negotiations but keep pressing on their military offensive. There is no need for outside forces when Azerbaijan army is already liberating their territory.
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they have spies in Iran and Iran has spies in their countries. this is normal.

a neighbouring state harboring, assisting, and giving safe haven to an enemy states intelligence agency to attack you is not normal. and in a completely different league. i dont know whether you simply dont understand this, or just pretending to be stupid?

would pakistan toletate it if for example there was a small Hindu minority living in the afghani pakistani border area, and that hindu minority was recieving massive indian assistance to expand in sensitive pakistani border areas?? this is what turkey is trying to do in Iran, and Iran needs to respond in kind in my opinion

Please do check your own territory being used against Pakistan in recent past i.e Kalbushan Yadev and his network. Your Govt stance till termination of economic agreements with India were hostile. Further Baluch terrorists have safe heavens in Iran, Please try to unite with Turkey and Pakistan rather division on sectarian basis. Do check what Armenians have done with Mosques in disputed territory.
people who are wondering why Israel is so in love with Azerbaijan.

1. Azerbaijan borders Iran. Allows the use of azeri territory for spying and sabotage purposes.

2. Azerbaijan territory is seen by Israel as a safe haven that Iran cant touch. zionist spies would not be able to survive on any other Iranian border territory without being hunted down like rats by Iranian inteligence.

the only other non azeri territory Israel rats could possibly infiltrate would be Northern IRaq. But IRanian intelligence has a massive presence and influence there that would eat them alive. Azerbaijan is the only 'safe' territory for zionist and mossad terrorists at the moment.

3. most importantly. The US and zionists have a 'balkanization" plan for IRan. They want to seperate IRan on ethnic lines. and they strongly need azerbaijan and their pink pan turk propaganda to try and fan sepratist flames in Iran.

4. Turkish expansion is a direct threat on Irans northern territroy.

At this point any IRanian that supports this is commiting Treason against Iran (whether they realize it or not) . Azerbaijan is directly threatning Iranian national security, with the help of IRans biggest enemies .

ignorance is no longer an excuse. Iran should actively start giving new toys to PKK freedom fighters. and make it a state policy to cut turkey into 2 and liberate their occupied kurdish regions. and even start negotiting with GReece over Cyprus, and constantinoples liberation

Glorious suicide I welcome this with open arms and before you know you could become the next Armenia if you miscalculate
Please do check your own territory being used against Pakistan in recent past i.e Kalbushan Yadev and his network. Your Govt stance till termination of economic agreements with India were hostile. Further Baluch terrorists have safe heavens in Iran, Please try to unite with Turkey and Pakistan rather division on sectarian basis. Do check what Armenians have done with Mosques in disputed territory.
Spot on.
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