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Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

Please hold a civilized conversation . While some can be more " agressive " and guilible in their tones as a follower of the prophet we always has to strive to conduct our mannerisme and perseverance in all our day to day conducts . Things are still running and the curtain hasn't been clossed off as yet . Many things stilll could go wrong and went wrong while at it ....
So , try to be walk on the ground brother ... Walk on the ground . The Azeris aren't winning as yet ...

Azeris are not wining. Thats right. Armenia is about to deal them a crushing counter attack with wager leading the charge. I wrote about this today. dont worry, all good for armenia.

Back in the real world. Some people that support azerbaijan seem to think that taking shusha is the same as israel taking jerusalem. :crazy: There seems to be no face palm enjoy.

Errrr, no its not the same. or even close.
Azeris are not wining. Thats right. Armenia is about to deal them a crushing counter attack with wager leading the charge. I wrote about this today. dont worry, all good for armenia.

Back in the real world. Some people that support azerbaijan seem to think that taking shusha is the same as israel taking jerusalem. :crazy: There seems to be no face palm enjoy.

Errrr, no its not the same. or even close.

I hope they will make an adhan and make this their statement :)
After Karabakh Iran is next. THIS treacherous behavior from Iran can't be left unanswered.

I dont think it would be wise to spoil a good run with something as outrageous as questioning Iran's territorial integrity.

If it turns out they were helping ARM lose this fight, then shame on them and they should be held accountable. But I'm sure no-one wants to injure Iran's territory.
Ceasefire is upcoming. Probably a temporary one so the filth can move their stuff out of our lands.

This does not make sense. AZE to give them road into NK so they can send more soldiers and missiles to his Azeri towns, in exchange for a corridor into nexchivan? It's madness and absurd. And just before they take the capital.
This does not make sense. AZE to give them road into NK so they can send more soldiers and missiles to his Azeri towns, in exchange for a corridor into nexchivan? It's madness and absurd. And just before they take the capital.
Good deal if true. In return Armenia will allow passage from Azerbaycan to Nahcivan.
Once AZE take shusha and khankendi they can shell lachin and ARM border area from there and ARM retaliatory fire will flatten those cities and it will ensure Armenians don’t come back to their homes as ARM would have destroyed them.

At that point it will be easier to take the rest of NK. But it’s no rush. They can do it slowly. At that point the artsak army becomes like PKK in the mountains. Just a guerrilla force.
The war will be over once these two cities fall
Guerilla war for what..most of the population is seemingly also leaving..
Drones will keep hunting
Aliyev first visited his father's (previous president) grave and gave a speech announcing that Susha is liberated. It is official now.

Some sources also say Azerbaijan army took some positions between susha and hankendi. They will probably wait hankendi to be empty of civilians since roads are jammed and secure their position then take hankendi as well. Iy may be matter of days. Losing hankendi will be a massive blow since thats where hqs, hospitals, depots are located at. From onwards it will be really hard for armenians to continue fighting. We have already seen that with susha. They gave a massive defensive position up really quickly. Better words would be they could not hold on to it.

Faster then expected fall...
So my original thought that it will take 1-2 weeks was true after all

I think susha had the strongest resistance ..my thinking is the capital will fall faster ..

Also explain why every one is leaving..
More then half population had already left the capital
army liberates key city of Shusha in Nagorno-Karabakh after 28 years of Armenian occupation, President Ilham Aliyev announced on Sunday.

"The adhan voice will be heard in Shusha after 28 years," Aliyev said in his announcement
This does not make sense. AZE to give them road into NK so they can send more soldiers and missiles to his Azeri towns, in exchange for a corridor into nexchivan? It's madness and absurd. And just before they take the capital.
It's about face saving and image potraying . Some political gesture has to be made for the world concernation . Nevertheless it's never wise to back your enemies to the wall without an escapes outlet . Always provide some sort of routed corridor to be opened cause it makes the enemy more prone to make an unplanned withdrawal or in the armenian case was a counter strike moves all over again . And it's done a wonder for over millenia and decades .
This does not make sense. AZE to give them road into NK so they can send more soldiers and missiles to his Azeri towns, in exchange for a corridor into nexchivan? It's madness and absurd. And just before they take the capital.

It is Putin's shenanigans. He saw Armenia losing and wants to provide a face-saving way to hold onto territories in Karabagh. More like territories for Armenia in Karabagh in return for the corridor to Nahçivan. In my view, Azerbaijan should delay any discussion on the corridor to Nahçivan until all of the territories of Karabagh and surrounding regions are liberated.
Good deal if true. In return Armenia will allow passage from Azerbaycan to Nahcivan.

it was good deal 6 weeks ago. ok, i get the road to naxhivan. but what will be going from armenia into NK? who will hold what parts of NK? NK must be demilitarised, and surrounded by AZE troops. Otherwise ARM will be bombing Tartar city again in a year or every time something goes bad.

Its better to go to naxhivan via Iran than accept this.
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