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Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

That’s what I don’t get, plenty people here in this forum seem to be quite knowledgeable but they close their eyes on the fact the Nagorno-Karabakh was always Armenian and was only forcibly transferred by Stalin, into what was the Azerbaijan Socialist Republic. Nobody here seems to know the history. Pretty weird how one can support Kashmiri freedom from India but be ok with Karbakah.
UN Resolutions support the claims of Azerbaijan on the territory, do they not?

In the case of Jammu & Kashmir, UNSC Resolutions declare J&K as disputed territory and call for a plebiscite to determine final status.

The Pakistani position on both is consistent - follow the UNSC Resolutions & support the territorial integrity of States as recognized internationally.

Pakistan is a multi-ethnic State herself - taking the position that vast parts of the State should be able to 'separate' just because a different ethnic group resides there would have severe consequences for many multi-ethnic States. Internationally recognized borders and territorial integrity must be respected. The role of international institutions in dispute resolution and their decisions must be respected.
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it is with armed drones, but they need to find a solution to drones from Armenia which is also targeting Azerbijan tanks with drones.. whats the best way to counter armed drones? AWACs or Long range radars??
Well if-17s would have provided air dominance against Armenia at an affordable cost. Furthermore effective SEAD operations could be conducted.

That’s what I don’t get, plenty people here in this forum seem to be quite knowledgeable but they close their eyes on the fact the Nagorno-Karabakh was always Armenian and was only forcibly transferred by Stalin, into what was the Azerbaijan Socialist Republic. Nobody here seems to know the history. Pretty weird how one can support Kashmiri freedom from India but be ok with Karbakah.
Are u Armenian?
Armenia may need to consider joining Iran.

The Iranians are going to support secession based on ethnicity despite the UN and international community recognizing the region as part of Azerbaijan?

In that case, perhaps the Iranians should set an example and let the Kurds and Baloch separate from Iran first.

The Iranians are going to support secession based on ethnicity despite the UN and international community recognizing the region as part of Azerbaijan?

In that case, perhaps the Iranians should set an example and let the Kurds and Baloch separate from Iran first.
Those ethnic groups you mention are part of Iranian plateau and are Iranian tribes. Their motherland = Iran

Republic of Azarbaijan was part of Iranian territory, it was a Iranian province. Until the Russian enforced treaty.

Read some basic history.
Government of Azerbaijan took a bold step to support Turkey and to claim Azeri Turkish regions of Northern Iran. That has angered Iran and so Iran supports a crusader Islamophobic state like Armenia.

It is the same angst which Iran has towards Afghanistan, which today have gravitated towards Pakistan. That anger pushed them to support India and bring in India's spy/terror network to Chabahar.
Azarbaijan is a Israeli puppet and Mossad agents stationed there are a direct threat to Iran. Your beloved white Azari friends are in bed with Israel. There goes your muslim ummah.

Azerbaijan-Israel Military Partnership: Implications for Regional Security  | Israel Defense
Those ethnic groups you mention are part of Iranian plateau and are Iranian tribes. Their motherland = Iran

Republic of Azarbaijan was part of Iranian territory, it was a Iranian province. Until the Russian enforced treaty.

Read some basic history.
If you have a strong case based on 'history', take it to the UN or some other international body to arbitrate.

'History' on its own has no bearing on international law, treaties and agreements. This canard of 'history' is used by greedy, petty States like India to argue for some mythical 'Greater Bharat' and the Afghans to claim half of Pakistan.

If this so called 'history' was so relevant, the UN and international community would not have accepted the borders of Azerbaijan to include the disputed region.

So again, if Iran is so intent on violating international law and the territorial integrity of States like Azerbaijan on the basis of 'ethnicity', it should set an example by letting Iranian Kurds and Baloch secede from it first.
If you have a strong case, take it to the UN.

History on its own has no bearing on international law, treaties and agreements. This canard of 'history' is used by greedy, petty States like India to argue for some mythical 'Greater Bharat' and the Afghans to claim half of Pakistan.

If this so called 'history' was so relevant, the UN and international community would not have accepted the borders of Azerbaijan to include the disputed region.

So again, if Iran is so intent on violating international law and the territorial integrity of States like Azerbaijan on the basis of 'ethnicity', it should set an example by letting Iranian Kurds and Baloch secede from it first.
It seems you have comprehension problems.

The ethnic groups you mention are Iranian in terms of everything literally. They are of iranic stock.
Their motherland = Iran

Which part don't you understand?
It seems you have comprehension problems.

The ethnic groups you mention are Iranian in terms of everything literally. They are of iranic stock.
Their motherland = Iran

Which part don't you understand?
I have no issues with comprehension, but apparently you and the Iranian government do.

So lets break this down step by step - Is the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh recognized by the UN as being part of Azerbaijan or not?
Couldn't find this statement other than this twitter account and btw, Israel has done magnitudes for Azerbaijan than Pakistan....
" We see that those who are with us today are the countries that have openly expressed their positions - brotherly Turkey and brotherly Pakistan. "

Read the entire press release - the Azeri President is quite effusive in his praise for Pakistan.

Can you elaborate on what Israel has tangibly done for Azerbaijan, outside of military cooperation and sales?

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