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Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

both nations should avoid conflict as it is part of greater conspiracy of israel to destabilize turkey and damage relations between turkey and russia,armenia has orthodox christan population who not accepted zionists version of western christanity that is why israel hate them,Azerbaijan being Muslim country is also not liked by israel and western zionists and although they apparently support them but in reality are enemy of azerbaijan.Pakistan should try to mediate between two nations and avoid becoming part of conflict,armenian christans have preserved their values and customs and not live vulgar life like those in western countries like u.s,u.k etc

Azerbaijan has made some advances but the mountain region will make it difficult.

Armenia could attack the S Azerbaijan territory of Naxcivan aswell.


I'm seeing pics of Nagorno-Karabakh in google maps and I only see ancient churches and christian cross everywhere, even in water fountains :lol:

It doesnt seem a so much Azerbaijan land in the real terrain.
That’s what I don’t get, plenty people here in this forum seem to be quite knowledgeable but they close their eyes on the fact the Nagorno-Karabakh was always Armenian and was only forcibly transferred by Stalin, into what was the Azerbaijan Socialist Republic. Nobody here seems to know the history. Pretty weird how one can support Kashmiri freedom from India but be ok with Karbakah.
so there is republic or artsakh also... I thought azeri couldn't capture besides surrounding Karabakh
Not so similar but worth pondering, amidst the Armenia Azerbaijan conflict.


Amid increasing tensions on the western border between Afghanistan and Pakistan, former Afghan president Hamid Karzai in a tweet on Sunday said Pakistan has "no legal authority to dictate terms on the Durand Line".

You are quoting a tweet from march 2017!!

Only relevant and similar is the Kashmir dispute, depending on how you are looking at it.
Pretty weird how one can support Kashmiri freedom from India but be ok with Karbakah.

You cant compare with the Kashmir dispute which is on UN agenda and to which both parties, Pakistan and India agreed on to resolve in accordance to the wishes of Kashmiris who were suppose to vote and choose between Pakistan and India. Its India which backtracked on its pledges to the international community and Kashmiris.
If only azirbaijan had a squadron of jf-17, a hundred vt-4 or 200 alkhalid 1 and 5000 Bakhtaran Shikan, the war result would be different

If only azirbaijan had a squadron of jf-17, a hundred vt-4 or 200 alkhalid 1 and 5000 Bakhtaran Shikan, the war result would be different

it is with armed drones, but they need to find a solution to drones from Armenia which is also targeting Azerbijan tanks with drones.. whats the best way to counter armed drones? AWACs or Long range radars??

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