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Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

Iran see itself as a protector of nations within Greater Iran -- regardless of religion.

This is far more noble and tolerant than the "population exchange" connoisseur Turks.
You know little to nothing it seems about the fall of the Soviet Union, the war lost in Afghanistan was economically unsustainable for the Soviet Union and it was the major reason for its downfall, there were several other reasons but the war in Afghanistan was the primary factor. It was not the CIA that initiated the Afghan jihad, Pakistan started it on its own after bieng alarmed by the Soviet intentions about Balochistan. Initially the US wanted nothing to do with it as they were vary of the recent and heavy defeat by commie proxies in Vietnam, we convinced them in the end and they provided SAM's and funding, a lot of funds came from Saudi Arabia too but it was Pakistan that ran the Jihad in Afghanistan, it was Pakistan that trained and controlled the Mujahideen, it was our soldiers , mainly from the SSG that led the mujahideen to victory, it was PAF that shot down several Soviet jets during the conflict. Kindly make urself aware of things before commenting on them and lets not pursue this discussion as i now know that i was in conversation with an ill informed individual and frankly i no longer have the patience......
The war turned bad for soviets when the CIA entered the war without it the soviet would have stayed longer like today if the taliban received the same amount of support against NATO their KIAs would have been hire and they would stay in Afghanistan for 19 years
But what can Pakistan get from Azerbaijan?Although it sounds despicable, international politics is always about interests, not morals.

If I tell you that Turkey is now in a very dangerous situation, it may become the next Libya. The Security Council may even impose sanctions on Turkey. Will Pakistan continue to be involved in this war?
Turks and Azerbaijan build pipeline in that region and its opening ceremony will be in few weeks. The Baku–Tbilisi–Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline is a 1,768 kilometres (1,099 mi) long crude oil pipeline from the Azeri–Chirag–Gunashli oil field in the Caspian Sea to the Mediterranean Sea. It connects Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan and Ceyhan, a port on the south-eastern Mediterranean coast of Turkey, via Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia. It is the second-longest oil pipeline in the former Soviet Union, after the Druzhba pipeline . The 1,768 kilometres long pipeline starts at the Sangachal Terminal near Baku in Azerbaijan, crosses Georgia and terminates at the Ceyhan Marine Terminal (Haydar Aliyev Terminal) on the south-eastern Mediterranean coast of Turkey. 443 kilometres of the pipeline lie in Azerbaijan, 249 kilometres in Georgia and 1,076 kilometres in Turkey. It crosses several mountain ranges at altitudes to 2,830 metres (9,300 ft).
Look Mr. We love turks and We can do anything for turks. We also remembered that what these developed countries did to turkey in WW1. They think they can repeat this with turkey right now but now if they will try to do anything wrong they will feel the taste of their own medicine i.e. war in Europe which they try to impose on second and third world countries.
Armenian crosses international border and illegally occupied Azeri land. UNSC passed many resolutions about it. If we accept Armenian claim than tomorrow Taiwan and Japan will enter china and captured some Chines cities and claim that they ruled China few decades back so that's why some Chinese cities are now the part of Taiwan and Japan. Will you accept this bullshit.

China is also next in line with turkey as well as UNSC sanctions is concerned. USA, Europe, Israel, Australia, India and Japan are all on same page to block China energy supply and goods transit route. God knows better but may be you will also be next Libya or broken USSR.
Pakistanis are always good friends, we always take risks for our friends and help them in every situation. We are helping Turks, Azerbaijan as well as China. How can you say that helping China is a right thing and helping Turkey and Azerbaijan is not the right thing.
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Azerbaijan has got the right to take back what belongs to it. If only the muslims were not as divided as they are.

You captured Nagarno-Karabakh territory of Azerbaijan on the basis that it have Christian population. If this is the logic than your next claim must be Vatican city, Washington DC, Paris and London. Bunch of idiots thinks that they have some Russian and European support than they have the right to do stupid things on Azeri Land. We will burry you in this land with all your supporters. Don't worry we have the stamina to fight stupid aggressors for centuries. This war goes on until you left their land. May be we are busy in some critical matters right now but don't worry we have our own timings to conduct operations which suits us. Historically, we never allowed any one to take one inch of land which our ancestors left for us.
This is a legitimate internation conflict, there are reports that Turkish Airforce are already involved, Azerbaijan has a minimal airforce, Pakistan has taken the back seat for too long now, we should send 4 jf17, 6 Mirages, 1 AWAC, 1 Refueler and a company of SSG to the theatre immidiately and begin operations against the Armenians. We have a clear cut stance on the conflict and we dont recognize Armenia.
This is a legitimate internation conflict, there are reports that Turkish Airforce are already involved, Azerbaijan has a minimal airforce, Pakistan has taken the back seat for too long now, we should send 4 jf17, 6 Mirages, 1 AWAC, 1 Refueler and a company of SSG to the theatre immidiately and begin operations against the Armenians. We have a clear cut stance on the conflict and we dont recognize Armenia.
Wishful thinkin. Economic situation doesn't allow the luxury.
Not so similar but worth pondering, amidst the Armenia Azerbaijan conflict.


Amid increasing tensions on the western border between Afghanistan and Pakistan, former Afghan president Hamid Karzai in a tweet on Sunday said Pakistan has "no legal authority to dictate terms on the Durand Line".

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