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Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

Anything he says about Azerbaijan is a lie. There is no proof of what he is shown about Azerbaijani troops is true. Take a grain of salt with anything he states.

Page 211, look at his post. Most of what he says is rubbish, but just have a lot of you don't believe me. Could be ARM propaganda. but it's probably true.
Armenians clearly control Hadrut. in the next few days all these people in the video might die, but right now they control it.

One thing is certain, Armenians aren't giving anything away for free.

It is controlled by Azerbaijan but the town is deserted, and the Azerbaijan army isn't confining themselves to the town. They have the hills and are deploying tactics to lure the Armenians back, giving them false hope, and then hitting them hard. After that massacre a few days ago, it seems the Armenians aren't risking of attempting to take the town any more. It is like a cat and mouse game.

We need to understand something in this conflict: Holding empty towns isn't important for the Azerbaijani army. Their goal is to cripple the Armenian military and keep chasing them. The Western reporters who are constantly stating "Azerbaijanis aren't in the town" have no clue of what is happening. The Azerbaijani generals are focusing on winning a war, not what some beer-drinking, pork-eating, and p*o*r*n-watching western reporters say about their progress in this conflict.
Yes I know

and Russian Tanks easly can be destroyed by Turkish UCAVs
Polland and Europe should buy Turkish UCAVs against Russian Army Tanks,Howitzers,MLRSs even mobile Air Defense Systems like PANTSIR , BUK , etc

new Turkish UCAV concept changed the game in Syria , Libya and Azerbaijan against Russian weapons
250 UCAVs are superior to 2.500 Tanks on the battlefield

I personally know how to build cheap UAVs / suicide drones in case my services are needed :P

Between, Russia cannot use all their 2500 - 3000 tanks in a war. A good number is probably operational on paper only. A good number (at least half) would need to be kept for their own homeland defense. And some are stuck in conflict with Ukraine , Syria, Georgia. And finally some are deployed as deterence against NATO.

Russia would be hard pressed to actively deploy 500 - 700 tanks in Az / Am conflict and doesn't have an active border with Turkey.
It is controlled by Azerbaijan but the town is deserted, and the Azerbaijan army isn't confining themselves to the town. They have the hills and are deploying tactics to lure the Armenians back, giving them false hope, and then hitting them hard. After that massacre a few days ago, it seems the Armenians aren't risking of attempting to take the town any more. It is like a cat and mouse game.

We need to understand something in this conflict: Holding empty towns isn't important for the Azerbaijani army. Their goal is to cripple the Armenian military and keep chasing them. The Western reporters who are constantly stating "Azerbaijanis aren't in the town" have no clue of what is happening. The Azerbaijani generals are focusing on winning a war, not what some beer-drinking, pork-eating, and p*o*r*n-watching western reporters say about their progress in this conflict.

You are right about AZ tactics, But the Armenians control the town. 100%
With low oil price Azeris can't afford any more Spike. Armenia getting Javelin from Biden / Harris for free.

You know Azeris got them with friendly prices, at quarter if not half of the market price. Mr Benjamin Netanyahu had called eternal friendship with Aliyev, and soon Borat will came and gathering crowdfunding from Kazakhstan and the whole world to bring more fund at Billion US Dollar for Azeris:coffee:8-) Not to mention, Aladeen of Al Wadiya will support Azerbaijan and put display of his long range Missiles to destroy Moskwa.
All true. Bosnians lost 30,000 soldiers and 30,000 civilians (most dead civilians did not want to fight and trusted their Serbian neighbours who killed them in their own houses).

Most of the dead occurred at the start of the war when people literally used shotguns against machine guns and artillery, helicopters. there was usually 3-4 people with one gun. When one would die, the other would pick the gun up and continue.

Once we got automatic weapons. things were different. once got Pakistani ATGM's things were very exciting.

In the end 60,000 dead out of 2,000,000 to fulfil all our war demands. Democratic, sovereign country in Europe. Unchanged borders. Peace with neighbours.

3% of the population dead. If we were prepared, it might only have been 15,000 soldiers dead. maybe only 5,000 civilians. Still a lot. If we were heavily armed at the start maybe the army would not fight. Maybe they would make tactical withdrawals saving their families. There is no better soldier than the one that has lost a relative or who's city is besieged and if the city falls your children get raped and murdered (chopped up alive) in front of you.

Our leaders knew how to motivate the people. If the serbs were nicer, we would have surrendered.

But that's the price of having your country in this world. We didn't have to. we could have lived in a Serbian dominated country as slightly discriminated citizens. not even too discriminated. But we are strong minded people who we have to be.

Would Azerbaijan sacrifice 3% of its population for achieving all its war aims?
A bRutal and honest post if ever I saw one.
Hadrut hospital is under supervision of Azerbaijani troops:

You are right about AZ tactics, But the Armenians control the town. 100%
Do you hear any sound of clashing from outside? There is no competition over that territory anymore. Azerbaijani Armed Forces even started to sieze villages north-east of the town, probably they are gonna flank Fuzuli city from south.
Let's not forget that Azerbaijan has 300,000 reserve troops it has not used yet. It also has a dozen 300mm salvo rocket systems 9A52 "Smerch" with a range of 70-90 km (55.92 mi) it has yet to use.
Do you hear any sound of clashing from outside? There is no competition over that territory anymore. Azerbaijani Armed Forces even started to sieze villages north-east of the town, probably they are gonna flank Fuzuli city from south.

well, if it was filmed at the hospital. then maybe. you see the hospital is outside of the town.

also, when Armenians filmed their soldiers in the town centre, there was also no shooting.
Let's not forget that Azerbaijan has 300,000 reserve troops it has not used yet. It also has a dozen 300mm salvo rocket systems 9A52 "Smerch" with a range of 70-90 km (55.92 mi) it has yet to use.
A weapon system called "smerch" you say?

......I am simply waiting now for the good name of the Armenian nation to be besmirched by said weapon.

@Musings @Cookie Monster
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