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Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

What happened in Afghanistan?

They killed 2 million people, genocided them. Lost 14,00 troops and some money. When they decided that the afghan villagers could not be model soviet citizens, they left.

I think Pakistan won, USA won, but Afghans suffered greatly.

USSR failed to gain a communist country in the long run. But they conquered what they needed in about a month.
Record defence industry exports to Azerbaijan

Well I hope so, but the west made sure Turkey signed the "Missile Technology Control Regime". Limiting all its missiles to less than 350km. If it goes beyond that expect more coup attempts or economic sanctions unfortunately.
It don't mean they can't develop missiles with greater range.
It means they can't export missile beyond this range.
They killed 2 million people, genocided them. Lost 14,00 troops and some money. When they decided that the afghan villagers could not be model soviet citizens, they left.

and after 10 years of war in Afghanistan , Russians could not take Afghanistan and USSR was collapsed ( one of the biggest mistake by Russians )

to fight against Azerbaijan+Turkiye will be worse than Afghanistan for Russians
so any map update? you know like detailed maps the kind that we used to get of the Syria war?
They killed 2 million people, genocided them. Lost 14,00 troops and some money. When ththe ey decided that the afghan villagers could not be model soviet citizens, they left.

I think Pakistan won, USA won, but Afghans suffered greatly.

USSR failed to gain a communist country in the long run. But they conquered what they needed in about a month.

The afghan civilians were always going to suffer

This is what happens when nations do not prepare for their defence

They get slaughtered

The heap of dead across history is testament to this, Bosnia included

The Soviet Union however did collapse, whilst their were multiple reasons for this, the debacle in Afghanistan did not help

PAKISTAN for its part and the ISI in particular did incredibly well against both the Soviet Union and USA/NATO but you are right afghan civilians paid the price either way
The ceasefire is really hampering Azeris politically. They can't take territory without violating the ceasefire. Armenians are preparing counterattack to take back Cabryil. When Biden / Harris takes office, they sanction Turkey and Azerbaijan and provide billions of USD of foreign aid to Armenia to buy new military hardware. It's going to be tough days ahead for Azeris.
Too many eggs in one basket.
Lets suppose it don't happen and biden support Azerbaijan.
The afghan civilians were always going to suffer

This is what happens when nations do not prepare for their defence

They get slaughtered

The heap of dead across history is testament to this, Bosnia included

The Soviet Union however did collapse, whilst their were multiple reasons for this, the debacle in Afghanistan did not help

PAKISTAN for its part and the ISI in particular did incredibly well against both the Soviet Union and USA/NATO but you are right afghan civilians paid the price either way

All true. Bosnians lost 30,000 soldiers and 30,000 civilians (most dead civilians did not want to fight and trusted their Serbian neighbours who killed them in their own houses).

Most of the dead occurred at the start of the war when people literally used shotguns against machine guns and artillery, helicopters. there was usually 3-4 people with one gun. When one would die, the other would pick the gun up and continue.

Once we got automatic weapons. things were different. once got Pakistani ATGM's things were very exciting.

In the end 60,000 dead out of 2,000,000 to fulfil all our war demands. Democratic, sovereign country in Europe. Unchanged borders. Peace with neighbours.

3% of the population dead. If we were prepared, it might only have been 15,000 soldiers dead. maybe only 5,000 civilians. Still a lot. If we were heavily armed at the start maybe the army would not fight. Maybe they would make tactical withdrawals saving their families. There is no better soldier than the one that has lost a relative or who's city is besieged and if the city falls your children get raped and murdered (chopped up alive) in front of you.

Our leaders knew how to motivate the people. If the serbs were nicer, we would have surrendered.

But that's the price of having your country in this world. We didn't have to. we could have lived in a Serbian dominated country as slightly discriminated citizens. not even too discriminated. But we are strong minded people who we have to be.

Would Azerbaijan sacrifice 3% of its population for achieving all its war aims?
in the last 80 years Russia invaded Poland 2 times And each time it took less than that.

in all seriousness, if it weren’t for USA. Russia could go all the way to the Atlantic Ocean in 2 months max.

it’s an immensely powerful country. and it’s been like that for 150 years. If you saw what they did to the Japanese in WW2 or what they did to Nazi germany. It’s scary. Germany had technology that most counties don’t have today. And all that was left was rubble.

they took Crimea without a shot. They took parts of Ukraine and no one did anything.

they took parts of Georgia in 4 days. They could take Baku in 6 days. Let’s hope we never find out.

They didn't take Georgia in 4 days. It was really protracted fight and Georgians have put up a serious fight while being a poorly armed country.

In Syria, the Assad-led govt backed by the Russian air force, Russian mercenaries and special forces, Iran, and other militia have really struggled capturing major towns, and the war dragged on for years.

In Afghanistan, a poorly Afghan resistance has kicked them out and the result was the collapse of Soviet empire.

So in a conflict with Turkey, Russians' defeat is very clear without the deployment of nuclear weapons.
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Too many eggs in one basket.
Lets suppose it don't happen and biden support Azerbaijan.
This won't affect the shameless troll at all, because he will claim that Armenia will be supplied by Russians for free and that Kim Kardashian is buying them Chinese drones.
Go figure.
Modern Russia is not even the former shadow of imperial Soviet Union, they can't easily defeat Georgia in which had almost non existing Air Defense system, they must contesting for almost seven years and still continue against weak economy like Ukraine over Crimea and region around. Their system keep blown up against more modern system fielded by their adversaries. Poland and Turk Will bleed Russian armed forces heavily and keep most of their ground troops at Border let alone let them rolling to the capital.

Well said.
Too many eggs in one basket.
Lets suppose it don't happen and biden support Azerbaijan.

Biden absolutely pro Armenia. Plus, his VP Kamala Harris is senator from California which is one of the states that recognizes NK as a sovereign state. Biden arms Armenian army with Stinger MANPADS and Javelin ATGM to fight Azeris in NK.
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