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Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

They seem to forget the central asians speak russian, are in military pact with russia, look chinese and don't see themselves as Turks rather Kazahs, uzbeks etc. They will be integrated into China/Russia in due time.
Any basis for ur comment. Although Kazakhstan did voice their concern for the same.
Any basis for ur comment. Although Kazakhstan did voice their concern for the same.

lmao.. His one of these very strange posters around here and says irrelevant stuff.

On Topic.

If we look at the bigger picture here Azerbaijan conquered about 20% of Nagorno-karabakh in just 12 days. If you ask anyone that is an overachievement considering the terrain being mountainous. If 1 week more it could have been 50% of the territory as fatigue was setting into the Armenian forces and by next time the ceasefire is broken it could be over for Armenia but losing 20% in 12 days is big win for AzerBaijan militarily. They have proven that they can get rid of Armenia rather quickly if need be despite the mountainous regions. Also this proves with Turks new technological advancements no one is save in any mountainous regions against Turkey the same thing happened to the Kurds who were living in mountainous areas and the turks found a way and now Armenia can't use the mountains properly since they got basically ran over in bliztkrieg fashion in 12 days despite the terrain losing about 20%.

They can use this ceasefire to fill up their ammo and munitions and recycle and build defense and camps in their newly conquered territories then continue rinse and repeat
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Perhaps the Armenian crew didn't know how to operate it, or the Azerbaijani military was deploying other means of jamming the radars of the S-300s before their drones took it out. I aint an expert in this, so I can only speculate. Nevertheless, it clearly demonstrates how the Azerbaijani military have the upper hand.

it’s likely great powers sell downgraded systems to their naive customers. Like Saudi patriots probably couldn’t hit a zeppelin on a clear day. As we saw in the oil facility incident.
Armenians are going crazy on social media with claims of nonexistent genocide being initiated against them.

Nobody is interested in invading Armenia proper. Their claims need to be refuted...
lmao.. His one of these very strange posters around here and says irrelevant stuff.

On Topic.

If we look at the bigger picture here Azerbaijan conquered about 20% of Nagorno-karabakh in just 12 days. If you ask anyone that is an overachievement considering the terrain being mountainous. If 1 week more it could have been 50% of the territory as fatigue was setting into the Armenian forces and by next time the ceasefire is broken it could be over for Armenia but losing 20% in 12 days is big win for AzerBaijan militarily.

they’ve taken back a out 2.5% so far
Ceasefire is definitely to Armenias advantage. They have been hard pressed by the Azeri onslaught and the ceasefire gives them breathing space. We don't know what kind of diplomatic pressure was imposed on Baku but as it stands the ceasefire allows Armenien forces to reorganize.
Ceasefire is definitely to Armenias advantage. They have been hard pressed by the Azeri onslaught and the ceasefire gives them breathing space. We don't know what kind of diplomatic pressure was imposed on Baku but as it stands the ceasefire allows Armenien forces to reorganize.

I think it might be sensible way of taking stock

Replenishing hardware

Identifying targets and getting prepared
Why would Azerbaijan agree to a ceasefire without achieving its core objectives? Doesnt make sense.

They have been pressured hard by international community . This simply a gesture as kind intention as a last warning statement from the Azeris . By taking this step they were seen as a good guy . It's about image simply . Everybody know the armenian get stomped . Atleast they are idiot they should preserve what is left from their tattered military .
On other hand .... With a lot movement in the armenian land a lot of intels could be taken and interpreted as a future target .

We should see what's beyond the veil..
Azerbaijan shouldn't agree to any ceasefire bad decision if taken Armenia will reorganize against Azeri forces and it will slow them down.
I could get some from the comments, that Azeri denied bombing church.. Nonetheless church proximity seems damaged.. who are the soldiers?
Press in army fatigue.
Again please read my friend. do u understand wat u r saying. "If I buy them this is what I would do. My money, my property, my decision what it becomes. Can I not do that in Islam? " actually NO.
Please stop following extremist Mullahz. Musalman is judged by his character, in turning church into toilet, wat service are u doin to the religion? u understand the concept of "Niyat" intention in the religion. plz calmly think again wat u r saying and its implications as well. May Allah guide u my friend.

On a side note, my instinct wants me to do exactly as u think and want to do. tats only natural. Problem is when u think wat Allah has asked us and will be happy to see u doing. the situation changes. please read Quran and hadees, decide for urself.... tats all i want to say. And please no cherry picking stuff, as this will only lead u to the path of misguided ones. May Allah guide us all.
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