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Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

Lack of better word, we should say Russia and Iran tried to pull Azerbaijan into their orbit, and both have tried hard to be neutral on Nagorno Karabakh. Both do not want Azerbaijan to perceive them as pro Armenia. Both as well as USA want Azerbaijan to be their client state.

The last thing both Russia and Iran want is a Armenia Azeri War.

But if Azerbaijan initiate the war, then both Russia and Iran would not standby let Armenia get annihilated.

Greater Azerbaijan aligning with Turks will destabilize Iranian Inner Azerbaijan.

Are you kidding me, Armenia annexed Azerbijans land, armenian dissident in Karabakh took over the area and are supported by Armenia and Russia. Azerbaijan was on back footing for a long time, first time they are liberating some of the land for some respectful settlement, that is to get back their internationally recognized land
Hiding tanks behind static berms makes them sitting ducks to AC/drones. That was the case in 1991 gulf war, I'm surprised Armenians are still doing this. Maybe the Azeri didn't didn't have precision air strike capacity in previous conflicts. Now they do.

Yes its the first time advanced weapons have been used by Azeris, they have been armed in last 2 years by Turkey with high tech precision stikes weapons and by ammo from believe it or not by Pakistan
I am not blaming Azerbaijan.

Russia was neutral on the earlier Karabakh War.

By all means Azerbaijan can choose to take back Karabakh.

Are you kidding me, Armenia annexed Azerbijans land, armenian dissident in Karabakh took over the area and are supported by Armenia and Russia. Azerbaijan was on back footing for a long time, first time they are liberating some of the land for some respectful settlement, that is to get back their internationally recognized land
I dont understand why they are fighting, there is nothing valuable in that land.

It's a unprofitable war, I think.
I would say this shyt stirring is a masterstroke by Turks. Significant young Iranian Azeri must be fuming when Iran assist Armenia.

In addition, Azerbaijani have lots of affinity with Iran.

The prolong Armenia-Azeri war could create hatred among Azerbaijan against Iran.
What did Iran do to assist Armenia again?
I guess foreign countries (Turkey, Israel, Russia, Iran...) are taking advatange of both dumbs parts to test their weapons? And because that this mess?

Didn't Turkey killed enough Armenian people in the past? They want to surpass their own record?.
It seems Turkey is sad because they still aren't the genocide number #1 of mankind history.


Meanwhile Pakistan declared support of Azerbaijan

we are hearing this from yesterday
Did Azeri forces strike Armenian airbases? i see cluster ammo being used by Armenian on Azeri soldier in one of the videos.
Pakistan had better not get too involved in this war. This is not a religious conflict. Pakistanis should not look at these from a religious perspective. Behind Armenia are Iran and Russia. Behind Azerbaijan are Turkey and Israel.The core of the war is the battle between Turkey and Russia. There is also the confrontation between Iran, Syria and Israel.
Pakistan had better not get too involved in this war. This is not a religious conflict. Pakistanis should not look at these from a religious perspective. Behind Armenia are Iran and Russia. Behind Azerbaijan are Turkey and Israel.The core of the war is the battle between Turkey and Russia. There is also the confrontation between Iran, Syria and Israel.

**** the Russian dogs.
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