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Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

Lack of better word, we should say Russia and Iran tried to pull Azerbaijan into their orbit, and both have tried hard to be neutral on Nagorno Karabakh. Both do not want Azerbaijan to perceive them as pro Armenia. Both as well as USA want Azerbaijan to be their client state.

The last thing both Russia and Iran want is a Armenia Azeri War.

But if Azerbaijan initiate the war, then both Russia and Iran would not standby let Armenia get annihilated.

Greater Azerbaijan aligning with Turks will destabilize Iranian Inner Azerbaijan.
what greater azerbaijan. Nigoro Kalabak is internationally recognized part of Azerbaijan. Plz correct your info
Seeing all of these videos, at this point, I do not want to even imagine what a modern, adequately equipped Air Force would do to armor. They literally will not know what hit them.

Those who control the skies at all times, will survive, else armor will not survive a modern war. Even one such precision strike pass, will count.
Seeing all of these videos, at this point, I do not want to even imagine what a modern, adequately equipped Air Force would do to armor. They literally will not know what hit them.

Those who control the skies at all times, will survive, else armor will not survive a modern war. Even one such precision strike pass, will count.
your story only happens when one side's af dominate the sky, but if the war erupt between two major power, it will be four dimensional ,you can miss any piece of the puzzle.
The command staff of the Azerbaijan Army decided to launch a counter-offensive operation of Azerbaijani troops along the entire front to suppress the combat activity of the armed forces of Armenia and ensure the safety of the civilian population, Trend reports referring to Azerbaijani Defense Ministry.

"The military personnel and tank units, with the support of units of the Rocket and Artillery Troops, frontline aviation, and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), determining a large number of manpower (military personnel), military facilities, and military equipment of the Armenian armed forces located in the forward line and in the depths of the enemy's defense, have destroyed them," the ministry said.

"According to the information received, 12 OSA anti-aircraft missile systems of the Armenian air defense units were destroyed in various directions. A combat helicopter of the Air Force of Azerbaijan was shot down in the Terter direction, the crew members are alive. The blitz counter-offensive operation of our troops continues," the ministry said.

What is this madness..
He who rules the sky controls the ground —
Modern war strategy is to decimate armor using drones and attack helicopters
No brother its not. Helicopters are an easy target for shoulder fired air to ground missiles. Furthermore, quantity of helicopters are limited so after each sortie they have to get back to refill fuel and ammunitions.

Every arm has to work in synchronization with each other. Tanks and soldiers are required to hold the ground. However, they need air cover to hold the ground. WIthout air cover they will be easy target on the other hand if you dont have armour at ground it means enemy can easily get to your population center and the air units can now do nothing.

Remember in actual air war the number of sorties and hours spent in air by air force and helicopters are very very small. AIr force and air defence can only cover a fraction of whole theater. So the job of air force and air defence is to provide air cover and security to the ground forces to strike enemy key bases and assets whereas defend your own bases from enemy air attacks.
I would say this shyt stirring is a masterstroke by Turks. Significant young Iranian Azeri must be fuming when Iran assist Armenia.

In addition, Azerbaijani have lots of affinity with Iran.

The prolong Armenia-Azeri war could create hatred among Azerbaijan against Iran.
Aliyev want war to cover his dictatorship and corruption just like Erdogan who one day fighting in Libya the other day fighting against Syria then the Kurds then against Greece or he try to be a hero against USA,China and Russia but he failed on all fronts.
Yes, Aliey's dictatorship is showing cracks. rumour has it that he has cancer and he wants transition to his wife as next heir apparent.
Nigoro Karabakh is part of Azerbaijan and it is internationally recognized. Instead of morally supporting Aggrieved party we should not support aggressor
Correct, there has been a massive amount of refugee displacement. If this conflict does not resolve, we will have generations living outside like the palestinians. It is time to end it once and for all.
SAMs and tanks are sitting ducks, this is what so far proved
Hiding tanks behind static berms makes them sitting ducks to AC/drones. That was the case in 1991 gulf war, I'm surprised Armenians are still doing this. Maybe the Azeri didn't didn't have precision air strike capacity in previous conflicts. Now they do.
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