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Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

It's absolutely insane how Armenia's population is 4.5x smaller than Azerbaijan yet they're infinitely times more vocal and loud than Azeris who are nowhere to be seen when it comes to raising awareness about what's actually going on.

From where I live, Armenian diaspora is almost non-existent and yet, I saw bunch of gigantic save Armenia posters on the highway bridges on my way back home. Every drivers could see the text from miles away.

Not surprisingly considering Australia is populated by Non Muslim people.
I follow this conflict from couple Turkish TV, one social media platform (there is a dude there collects info and updates periodically) and from several freelance journalists on twitter. I opened this forum account 9 years ago, has not been active. I wanted to follow it from here as well since I knew there were a lot of defence enthusiasts who could break down things or share info that I could not locate elsewhere. But instead this thread merely consists any info. Full of off topic stuff and my dad can beat yours level of arguments between people. C'mon guys. Let's get some quality here shall we ?
Azerbaijan’s military shows off Armenian hardware seized in Nagorno-Karabakh

Azerbaijani Defense Ministry has shown Armenian tanks and military vehicles that were seized in the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region.

In a statement Monday, Azerbaijan’s military said that they captured a large number of tanks, trucks, artillery systems and ammunition of Armenian forces.

Video and still photos released by the Defense Ministry show seized T72B1 and T-72AV main battle tanks, a few Ural and Kamaz military trucks and 122-mm D-30 howitzers.


Armenian and Azerbaijani forces ignored calls this past week by the United States, France and Russia for an immediate cease-fire in Nagorno-Karabakh, as fighting escalated to levels not seen since the 1990s. The three countries co-chair the OSCE Minsk Group, which is tasked with finding a peaceful solution. The OSCE is the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

Armenian separatists seized Nagorno-Karabakh, formerly an autonomous territory within Azerbaijan, in a bloody war in the 1990s that killed an estimated 30,000 people.

Talks to resolve the conflict have been halted since a 1994 cease-fire agreement among Armenia, Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh.



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Turkish FM Cavusoglu is in Azerbaijan today. He will meet with president Aliyev. It is said weather in NK is very rainy and cloudy today. So I do not expect much happening. There is also cloud cover tomorrow. From Thursday onwards wheather is fine, we may see some UAV action and Azerbaijan advances. But my guts tells me there is something going on in the background. Yesterday and today less and less news coming from the front and now this Turkish FM visit. I highly anticipate the press conference afterwards. Messages from that will kinda tell what's going to happen. Will update here once I hear something.

Update: Turkish FM met with President of Azerbaijan and then with the Azerbaijani FM. He said he came Azerbaijan to show support. During his talks with president when media was still recording he said to aliyev that Turkey will take any Azerbaijani request as an order. Aliyev thanked him. My understanding is nothing significant was discussed. Basically Turkey just renewed her support by going there.
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Turkish FM Cavusoglu is in Azerbaijan today. He will meet with president Aliyev. It is said weather in NK is very rainy and cloudy today. So I do not expect much happening. There is also cloud cover tomorrow. From Thursday onwards wheather is fine, we may see some UAV action and Azerbaijan advances. But my guts tells me there is something going on in the background. Yesterday and today less and less news coming from the front and now this Turkish FM visit. I highly anticipate the press conference afterwards. Messages from that will kinda tell what's going to happen. Will update here once I hear something.

Somewhere along the western power calling for a cease fire on which the Azeris was going stalle thing as slow as possible since they were allready taking the iniative and paces of the fighting trying milk as much as leverages in the coming cessation talks ..
It's a win-win situation for everybody but the armenian . Azeris get some of their lost land . Turkey get the free advertising platform . The Azeri's presiden get his much sought after prestige . The Azeris army get much high quality live on training time and boosted morals . Putin get a soft pat in his back for allowing turkey's help for disciplining his much rebellious yerevan's pet . And NATO ... Atleast they doesn't seem to be seen as a backstabber of democracy spirit and could somehow vaunted their much of camaraderie sense with the Armenian all over again . While the Armenian .....
Well ....

Let just say everybody were live happily ever after shall we ... ☕☕
Azerbaijan must fight throughout October, both militarily and diplomatically. Diplomatically they need to be very tactful now so as to put forward their just narrative and demands.
There is no way there can be another war in the near future as after the hype and the adrenaline rush both countries will need time to recuperate and rejuvenate their armed forces. Armenia will turn towards Russia whether they want it or not is not relevant now. They will also improve their defenses via purchasing drones and air defence as a must.
Cities of Martoni, Martakout and Askerian inshallah will fall within a week which should make move towards stepnakert easier. Before any dialogue or ceasefire, Azeri brothers must capture Stepnakert and then move up towards the reservoir near Heyvali and umudlu and capture them as areas beyond is highly mountainous and will require comparatively tougher battles. Stepnakert fall would be a huge demoralizing omen for Armenians.
I see, I looked up few things and seems the Armenians were also mostly favored for fighting roles and the Azeris were sidelined. This also gave the upper hand to Armenia.

That is where the Armenian stereotype that Azeris cannot fight wars comes from. Armenians are the victims of their own propaganda.

It reminds me also of the restrictions British put on our ancestors (Muslims of the British subcontinent,) which led Hindus/Sikhs to believe that Muslim could no longer fight wars due to British forcefully disarming and demoralizing us. They also were wrong, that is why we have Pakistan.

It's absolutely insane how Armenia's population is 4.5x smaller than Azerbaijan yet they're infinitely times more vocal and loud than Azeris who are nowhere to be seen when it comes to raising awareness about what's actually going on.

From where I live, Armenian diaspora is almost non-existent and yet, I saw bunch of gigantic save Armenia posters on the highway bridges on my way back home. Every drivers could see the text from miles away.

Christian extremists, white nationalists, and Russians are doing free propaganda for Armenians.

Cursing Sahaba's is absolutely wrong under all circumstances. I have few questions just questions
1. Who is the best Sahbi?
I accroding to my study believe it to be Imam Hussain. There is no other Sahabi who holds such honor
A. ONLY SAHABI for whom Prophet (p.b.u.h) extended the prayers .
B. ONLY SAHABI who's every inch of his face was kissed by Prophet (p.b.u.h)
C. One of 2 Sahaba's mentioned in holy quran as part of Ahyle Bait as sons of Prophet(p.b.u.h)
D. Since no one will be old in jannah and everyone will be youthful and prophet(p.b.u.h) himself said Hassan and Hussain are sardar of Jannah men.
E. His grandfather is the one from whom Allah created this universe for.
F. His father is Lion of Allah
G. His mother Fatima (p.b.u.h) was loved by Prophet(p.b.u.h) so dearly that prophet would stand up everytime she would come. And prophet(p.b.u.h) himself said whoever made Fatima(p.b.u.h) angry made me angry and who ever made me angry made Allah angry
Sura Fatiha. Don't put us on path of those who angered you.
Every prayer 5 time a day we pray.
Look man with out disrespecting any Sahabi I have presented to you my Shia Islamic faith. Now you tell me am I on loosing end if I just love this Sahabi Hussain so so so dearly and called Shia or Kafir and God knows what.
What is in this post that I said shirk or haram or insulted anyone. You can't even tolerate my own thoughts on which is great Shahbi. Don't shove or ban my post because you are intelecutllay weak and can't counter.
@Kambojaric whats wrong with post? Why you deleted it? You wont deleted Rafdi but this you are quick to delete. Hypocrite This aqeeda about imam Hussain i learned from no other than Hazrat Umar (may Allah be pleased with him). Instead of banning and deleting read and guide yourself to Sahaba. Whatever I said here is what Hazrat Umar (m.A.b.p.h) told his own son. I dont know which islam the person deleted my post is following.
Or is it the case some Armenian Indian types went protesting to moderator? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Try to learn from your own scholars
If you are interested in truth

We are going way off topic, I suggest you move this discussion elsewhere (such as Whatever.)
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Azerbaijani sources claim second wave of the operation just started.

Armenia also announced they started an attack towards southern karabag sector. Armenia president Pasinyan also visited karabag and had a meeting with its so called leader and millitary commanders.

We may see increased fighting in the next few days from now on.
Azerbaijani sources claim second wave of the operation just started.

Armenia also announced they started an attack towards southern karabag sector. Armenia president Pasinyan also visited karabag and had a meeting with its so called leader and millitary commanders.

We may see increased fighting in the next few days from now on.

do we know how much fighting capabilities have depleted between two countries? and whats the situation in getting replenishnents?
Azerbaijani sources claim second wave of the operation just started.

Armenia also announced they started an attack towards southern karabag sector. Armenia president Pasinyan also visited karabag and had a meeting with its so called leader and millitary commanders.

We may see increased fighting in the next few days from now on.
There has been a bit of lull over the last day. My guess was Azerbaijan was consolidating its gains and restocking for another push. Good to see they have resumed the push.
do we know how much fighting capabilities have depleted between two countries? and whats the situation in getting replenishnents?
There has been a effort in many countries, Canada....even in Israel to stop supplying arms or components to the conflict area. There are many Armenian diaspora all over the world that will be used to push this agenda.
There has been a effort in many countries, Canada....even in Israel to stop supplying arms or components to the conflict area. There are many Armenian diaspora all over the world that will be used to push this agenda.

Their almost 1.5-2M Armenians alone in the US possibly more so than in Armenia.
do we know how much fighting capabilities have depleted between two countries? and whats the situation in getting replenishnents?
Armenia officially announced 240 casualties. Real number is believed to be around 6400. 3 days ago german bild reporter said armenian casualties were around 4000 so I believe its between 4000 and 6400 somewhere in there. Armenia announced yesterday full mobilization they called all personnel who served in the military recently back to service. So it is definitely not 240. They have massive equipment losses as well. Picture below is Azerbaijan announcement 3 days ago. Not sure is it this much but drone footages also suggest it must be hundreds of equipment. Also they attacked at least 3 ammunition depots. Yesterday I posted a picture of armenian soldiers cleaning long term rust protection agent from soviet era rifles. Those rifles are first versions of Ak-47s. That means they are having some issues. Azeri's also claim armenians are having trouble to supply food to the front.

Of course take all this with a pinch of salt. Both countries are not generous with sharing information.

As far as Azeri losses I dont think it is even a quarter of what armenians suffered but I am a little biased towards them of course. So don't want to speculate.

As for replanishment there were 2 cargo flights from azerbaijan to pakistan and turkey. I dont think azerbaijan will have any problems of equipment or supplies. Not so sure about armenians.
There has been a bit of lull over the last day. My guess was Azerbaijan was consolidating its gains and restocking for another push. Good to see they have resumed the push.
When armenia announces an attack I kinda think that they are being attacked but they can't say that to the public. they acknowledged yesterday that they had lost some land but claimed it was a tactical withdrawal. So I believe both announcements point at the same engagement who is the attacker it is up to you to guess.
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