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Azad Kashmir or Pakistani occupied Kashmir.

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We do not kill our own people(Balochi) but we are killing those millitants who are trained by RAW in several camps in Afghanistan & India.

And you are qualified to make this statement because....?
It is not with Pakistan on Gun Point, like Indian occupied kashmir.

Do you even know the history of Kashmir conflict, son? You wouldnt have made such an idiotic statement if you did.

---------- Post added at 10:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:14 AM ----------

Who the hell was maharaja to decide the fate of kashmiris? Had there been Nato, they would have attacked Kashmir like they did in Libya.

Who the hell is Pakistan to decide anything for Kashmir - which was an independent state before Pakistani irregulars and militants attacked!
Do you even know the history of Kashmir conflict, son? You wouldnt have made such an idiotic statement if you did.
Pakistan doesnt have to deploy its armed forces in azad kashmir unlike you in your occupied kashmir, grandson.

---------- Post added at 10:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:14 AM ----------

Who the hell is Pakistan to decide anything for Kashmir - which was an independent state before Pakistani irregulars and militants attacked!
no one. Its the people of kashmir who are supposed to decide their fate, neither PAkistan nor India has the right.
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If people care to be politically correct then it's:

- Pakistan administered Kashmir
- Indian administered Kashmir
Pakistan doesnt have to deploy its armed forces in azad kashmir unlike you in your occupied kashmir, grandson.
Go read up on your army's deployment in Pakistan occupied Kashmir. Then come back with a worthy answer, son.
no one. Its the people of kashmir who are supposed to decide their fate, neither PAkistan nor India has the right.
Exactly. So why did Pakistan invade an independent state of Jammu & Kashmir in 1947/48 in the first place, before even India was involved in any manner?

Apna ghar to nahin sambhalta, padonsi ki zameen per nazar!
It is Azad Kashmir. Those who disagree can quit the forum in protest if they can overcome their obsession with Pakistan. :rolleyes:
Who the hell was maharaja to decide the fate of kashmiris?

Rejection of the June plan is the first step in making Pakistan an illegitimate country :)

I suppose that explains why Pakistan has no sovereignty on its own land.

ON topic - there's nothing new in the article, we all know what the reality is. However I'd like to, once again, highlight the fake Pakistani claim that they want self determination for Kashmir, they want Kashmir. During debates here many debaters from Pakistan lie through their teeth that they will give Kashmir freedom if Kashmiris so desire, when they fully know what the Pakistani stand is. The recent murder of Moulana Shoukat Ahmad Shah by pakistani terrorist organisation LET is just one more example of the reality of this Azadi.

I hope all these liars want kashmir really really bad, because more the fun denying it then :)
It is Azad Kashmir. Those who disagree can quit the forum in protest if they can overcome their obsession with Pakistan. :rolleyes:
Seriously, do you even know the meaning of Azad? Read up before showing everyone your 'limited' capabilities. Calling Kashmir that doesnt make it one.
Azad Kashmir is much better compared to the Occupied Kashmir having 60K+ unmarked graves, thanks to the security services of Indian occupational forces.

The day Azad Kashmir's population start getting killed and dumped in unmarked graves, peoples daughters/wives/mothers start getting dragged to be raped and then killed, old & young start getting killed by firing squads, holy places start desecrated, foreigners are pumped into Kashmir to increase the non-muslim population, then kindly come and tell us which part of Kashmir is more better and which one is more Azad.

Till then, keep such BS articles to Indian forums.
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