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Azad Kashmir or Pakistani occupied Kashmir.

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The name of the government may be Azad (free) but it is not free by any stretch of imagination, and its role is to look after the interests of Pakistan,

This is the reason which :flame: many on the other side.

This is Pakistan Administered Kashmir like Gilgit-Biltistan, Indians have the history of calling it 'Pakistan occupied kashmir'. But who care...
So stop calling it Azad, just say it is Pakistani Administered Kashmir

Azad means azad from you fools, not from Pakistan. Kashmir is the the whole of the area, Pakistani as well as the one occupied by you lot. Azad kashmir emans azad from you people, and in Pakistan, is it really that hard to comprehend in your tiny brain.
Azad means azad from you fools, not from Pakistan. Kashmir is the the whole of the area, Pakistani as well as the one occupied by you lot. Azad kashmir emans azad from you people, and in Pakistan, is it really that hard to comprehend in your tiny brain.

Then its really not azad.. In your words its Pakistan's Ghulaam Kashmir instead of India's Ghulaam Kashmir.. Right???
Then its really not azad.. In your words its Pakistan's Ghulaam Kashmir instead of India's Ghulaam Kashmir.. Right???

It is not with Pakistan on Gun Point, like Indian occupied kashmir.
We kashmiris are happily living with Pakistan we have no problems in it...........the Article shows the intentions of writer who want to spread hate between people of AJK and PAKistan which can not happen...........We are are not separate we are pakistani we are part of Pakistan you call it AZAD KASHMIR or not but the thing that matter is WE LOVE PAKistan .....
the other things like DAM PROJECT, ISI and about army is enough for me to laugh.....pathetic writer

---------- Post added at 10:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:36 PM ----------

Azad means azad from you fools, not from Pakistan. Kashmir is the the whole of the area, Pakistani as well as the one occupied by you lot. Azad kashmir emans azad from you people, and in Pakistan, is it really that hard to comprehend in your tiny brain.
i think you cleared all doubts
It is not with Pakistan on Gun Point, like Indian occupied kashmir.

Buddy, what ever Part of Kashmir is with India, is only there because your Quid e azam jumped the gun and tried to annex Kashmir on gun point by sending the irregulars. Which forced Maharaja to accede to India to protect his state. Had that not happened, he probably would have had to accede to Pakistan sooner or later..
So stop calling it Azad, just say it is Pakistani Administered Kashmir
dude we call it azad kashmir or we call it Paksitan its our home and we call it whatever we want so dont try to be smart......its none of your business.....oh sleep tight:butcher:
Buddy, what ever Part of Kashmir is with India, is only there because your Quid e azam jumped the gun and tried to annex Kashmir on gun point by sending the irregulars. Which forced Maharaja to accede to India to protect his state. Had that not happened, he probably would have had to accede to Pakistan sooner or later..

Who the hell was maharaja to decide the fate of kashmiris? Had there been Nato, they would have attacked Kashmir like they did in Libya.
Azad Kashmir is the biggest and most cruel practical joke in subcontinent's history. The people don't even elect their leaders. Just another playground for Punjabi politicians. SAD.
Lol, i know you Indians just wish so bad that there was some kind of uprise, some kind of mass protest in Azad Kashmir! But damn it just wont happen. WHY? Come on, you dont have to be a rocket scientist to figure that out. Its because they are happy being part of Pakistan. And dont give me the usual bs that its closed to media which is why nothing leaks out. Syria is also classified as being closed to media yet look how videos and photos of the mass demonstrations there leak out!
Who the hell was maharaja to decide the fate of kashmiris? Had there been Nato, they would have attacked Kashmir like they did in Libya.
He was the British recognized Maharaja of the state. and based on the modalities of independence (the same modalities that provided for the creation of Pakistan), the ruler of the princely state had the right to chose who he acceded to. Now I am not bringing up the debate around whether it was right or wrong, nor am I bringing into the mix of whether his accession to India was valid or not. All I am saying is that in all probability if he didnt see the Pakistani irregulars at Srinagar airport, looting and raping, he would have never acceded to India and there would have been no Disputed area there with all of it either a separate state (very low chances) or all of it as a region in Pakistan. It was the 1st and the most costly mistake of Pakistan's foreign policy
Azad Kashmir; this word will be completed when we will got Jammu & Kashmir and then no Azad Kashmir but JAMMU & KASHMIR PAKISTAN.
Why is everyone so excited on an article written by a tuition teacher who has a lot of free time on his hands?

The word Azad in Azad Kashmir is about the reminder that this part of Kashmir is not under Indian control and is independent from India vs the Indian held Kashmir.. Some how this tuition teacher took the meaning as Azad Kashmir is an autonomous state...perhaps he should have looked at the list of nations to realize that Azad Kashmir is an integral part of pakistan..

Also all other points raised in the article have to do with administration of the state.. One key difference between Azad Kashmir n Indian occupied Kashmir is the savageness of Indian army against protestors and innocent Kashmiris ..

My Indian neighbors pls read this with an open and objective mind... Pakistan paindabaad
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