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Ayatollah Khamenei Urges Muslims to Slam 'Oppressors' Who Invade Kashmiris

Kashmir puts OIC in a good fix perhaps, should they sacrifice muslims in India for Kashmir ?
This is actually a good question. India is too important to many influential OIC member states economically so I doubt any serious measures will be taken for quite a while.
Flush in toilet and move on, as far as Pakistan is concerned. Pakistan will resolve the kashmir issue on its own and on its terms. This two cents, two faced so called leader got zero credibility in Pakistan. Pakistan has already seen enough of how Iran has been used by India to spread terrorism on Pakistani soil.
Flush in toilet and move on, as far as Pakistan is concerned. Pakistan will resolve the kashmir issue on its own and on its terms. This two cents, two faced so called leader got zero credibility in Pakistan. Pakistan has already seen enough of how Iran has been used by India to spread terrorism on Pakistani soil.
Actually, if India crushes most of the internal militancy in Kashmir -- with American blessing, there is not much Pakistan can do here. Remember you will still have to follow Chinese directives. I doubt China will like to see their investments in Pakistan getting in harm's way due to this useless India Pakistan conflict. India -- under Modi -- seems to have chosen a iron fist policy towards internal Kashmiri militancy. These are just execution of that.
Actually, if India crushes most of the internal militancy in Kashmir -- with American blessing, there is not much Pakistan can do here. Remember you will still have to follow Chinese directives. I doubt China will like to see their investments in Pakistan getting in harm's way due to this useless India Pakistan conflict. India -- under Modi -- seems to have chosen a iron fist policy towards internal Kashmiri militancy. These are just execution of that.

If you could you would have. You got full support of Zionist who in turn control America. So what you have achieved with regards to Kashmir? Temperature is rising in Kashmir with each passing day. And now China is destroying Indian posts in Assam. Both China and Pakistan will be more then happy to jointly deal with this Indian problem once and for all, and a far distant power America which is in decline hardly matter.
If you could you would have. You got full support of Zionist who in turn control America. So what you have achieved with regards to Kashmir? Temperature is rising in Kashmir with each passing day. And now China is destroying Indian posts in Assam. Both China and Pakistan will be more then happy to jointly deal with this Indian problem once and for all, and a far distant power America which is in decline hardly matter.

There are three reasons why India is doing what it is doing right now, first before BJP/RSS in power no one had motivation for a forceful and brutal settlement of Kashmiri militancy problem. Second, US and Pakistani relations were never at the lowest as they are right now. And lastly, before this time, at no time the world was as islamophobic as it is right now.

China has her own fish to fry, they are messing with India to signal us to avoid getting more US war technology in this region. They did same with Korea. India deployment of US made weapons is a headache for them. Pakistan may want to deal with India but China is in no mood for a military action against India -- least it is interested in Kashmiris. Having a military conflict with India means jeopardizing Chinese investment in Pakistan and possibly inviting USA in the subcontinent. It will let India do whatever it wants with Kashmiri -- so long India does not go and starts putting threats against China. Funny thing is, China will even influence Pakistan to avoid conflict with India. No one spends 50-100 billion dollars and then let them get in harms way.

All in all rising temperature is good in Kashmir as far as India policy goes. It will give India excuse to take a brutal and forceful action against Kashmiri.

PS : I do not support a violent or suppressive resolution of Kashmir. My comments are mere observations of current events.
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There are three reasons why India is doing what it is doing right now, first before BJP/RSS in power no one had motivation for a forceful and brutal settlement of Kashmiri militancy problem. Second, US and Pakistani relations were never at the lowest as they are right now. And lastly, before this time, at no time the world was as islamophobic as it is right now.

China has her own fish to fry, they are messing with India to signal us to avoid getting more US war technology in this region. They did same with Korea. India deployment of US made weapons is a headache for them. Pakistan may want to deal with India but China is in no mood for a military action against India -- least it is interested in Kashmiris. Having a military conflict with India means jeopardizing Chinese investment in Pakistan and possibly inviting USA in the subcontinent. It will let India do whatever it wants with Kashmiri -- so long India does not go and starts putting threats against China. Funny thing is, China will even influence Pakistan to avoid conflict with India. No one spends 50-100 billion dollars and then let them get in harms way.

All in all rising temperature is good in Kashmir as far as India policy goes. It will give India excuse to take a brutal and forceful action against Kashmiri.

PS : I do not support a violent or suppressive resolution of Kashmir. My comments are mere observations of current events.

Yes it is getting brutal but so do the response of Kashmiries freedom fighters. They are now neutralising Indian forces with impunity just like they used to back in 90s. The situation help Pakistan because it occupy India in this mess. Infact Pakistan would encourage India to have this gloves off approach because it will help us recruit more freedom fighters. US Pakistan relationship at low actually is bad omen for India which means very less leverage of America over Pakistan. What Islamophobia got anything to do with Kashmir issue?

Your north west belong to what China called "one china" which btw Pakistan support. There are way important issues to settle here then just some American goodies for India. Chinese are eyeing the land just like we are with Indian occupied kashmir. Your military high ups are not stupid when they talk about two front war. And if you are hoping that yanks will put their neck for you in your conflicts with Pakistan and China, you will be in the shock of your life. CPEC is more of a statement from China to yanks and it's poodles that if they mess with Pakistan, they will be messing with China as well.

Going back to kashmir, if there any indicators of failure and boomerang of Indian brutal tactics, the recent open and in your face celebration of Pakistan victory over India in Kashmir. Pakistani flag is now waving right infront of Indian forces just like a bull fighter will wave red flag infront of bull before killing it. Even Indians are admitting that kashmiries are not fearing Indian forces anymore.
Yes it is getting brutal but so do the response of Kashmiries freedom fighters. They are now neutralising Indian forces with impunity just like they used to back in 90s. The situation help Pakistan because it occupy India in this mess. Infact Pakistan would encourage India to have this gloves off approach because it will help us recruit more freedom fighters. US Pakistan relationship at low actually is bad omen for India which means very less leverage of America over Pakistan. What Islamophobia got anything to do with Kashmir issue?

Your north west belong to what China called "one china" which btw Pakistan support. There are way important issues to settle here then just some American goodies for India. Chinese are eyeing the land just like we are with Indian occupied kashmir. Your military high ups are not stupid when they talk about two front war. And if you are hoping that yanks will put their neck for you in your conflicts with Pakistan and China, you will be in the shock of your life. CPEC is more of a statement from China to yanks and it's poodles that if they mess with Pakistan, they will be messing with China as well.

Going back to kashmir, if there any indicators of failure and boomerang of Indian brutal tactics, the recent open and in your face celebration of Pakistan victory over India in Kashmir. Pakistani flag is now waving right infront of Indian forces just like a bull fighter will wave red flag infront of bull before killing it. Even Indians are admitting that kashmiries are not fearing Indian forces anymore.

So what's it called.

We had the Arab Spring.

Now the Kashmir summer for India.

Is that what you are suggesting?
This thread is about Iran and its Shia, not Pakistani Shias.
Iran is Shiite state and will alway be enemy relations with Sunnis.
U are no one to talk about Shia and Sunni because you clearly dont know anything about these groups.
First, Stop Writing Like A 5 Year Old.

Next, US still controls most of financial markets and can easily embargo Iran like they did in 2009. Remember after 2009 US was at its weakest due to 2008 economic crisis. US can and will embargo Iran, good times for us though.

You certainly do not know how bank ordering and transactions work, do you? There is this thing called settlement. That is, once you have credits and debits from various parties, you need to settle it with who owes what money finally. Meaning, India will not just ship a bunch of dollar bills to Iran but will authorize Iran to receive payment from another party who owes India money. Without a SWIFT network you can never settle your accounts in dollars at least. And that is a problem for Iran. They do not want Rubles, they do not want Yuan, they want dollars. And that becomes a bottle-neck for them. That is how last time it ended up being settled in India. They opened an account in an Indian bank, UCO bank, and then they used Indian payments in rupees to purchase goods and services from with in India. They did same with China. This is where both India and China will short charge them.

OK and You Are Obviously Living In A Time Warp and Have No Idea of Fundamental Economics

1.If and If US Does Move Any Such Resolution in UN Now Russia and China Will Oppose Them Fully and Definitely Veto It
2.Fiat Paper Money Does Not Have Any Intrinsic Value.There Is Always Underlying Real Wealth Which Gives It Power.Back In The 1970s Henry Kissinger Convinced The Saudis To Link The Purchase of Their Oil In Dollar Payments.This Is What Made The US $ The International Reserve Currency Because All Countries Need To Buy Oil and For That They Needed Dollars.Now Is Not The Case




When China Nearly Manufactures Everything In The Worlds Why Need US $ When They Can Use Yuans To Buy What They Need

Remember The Dollar Is Just A Piece of Paper
3.Even If They Need $ They Could Use A Facility Both Pakistan and China Offered Them Back in 2010 Whereby Iran Could Use Pakistan's Banking System(I Will Be Writing A Thread On It In The Future)

4.Owing To His Personality Trump Has Alienated Many Close Allies It Would Be Hard To Muster Up Diplomatic Support The Way Obama Did

5.Iranians Are A Proud People.You Are Living In A Fool's Paradise If You Think That You Can Dictate Terms To Them
OK and You Are Obviously Living In A Time Warp and Have No Idea of Fundamental Economics

1.If and If US Does Move Any Such Resolution in UN Now Russia and China Will Oppose Them Fully and Definitely Veto It
2.Fiat Paper Money Does Not Have Any Intrinsic Value.There Is Always Underlying Real Wealth Which Gives It Power.Back In The 1970s Henry Kissinger Convinced The Saudis To Link The Purchase of Their Oil In Dollar Payments.This Is What Made The US $ The International Reserve Currency Because All Countries Need To Buy Oil and For That They Needed Dollars.Now Is Not The Case




When China Nearly Manufactures Everything In The Worlds Why Need US $ When They Can Use Yuans To Buy What They Need

3.Even If They Need $ They Could Use A Facility Both Pakistan and China Offered Them Back in 2010 Whereby Iran Could Use Pakistan's Banking System(I Will Be Writing A Thread On It In The Future)

4.Owing To His Personality Trump Has Alienated Many Close Allies It Would Be Hard To Muster Up Diplomatic Support The Way Obama Did

5.Iranians Are A Proud People.You Are Living In A Fool's Paradise If You Think That You Can Dictate Terms To Them

All I have to say to you is this -- Russia is a permanent member of UNSC, right? Still Russians are being subjected to crippling sanctions. Heck their nominal GDP crashed to half. Ask yourself how did that happen. It happened quite recently -- I guess 2013-14 or so?. Once US adds you to the list of sanctioned countries, problem for you is that most of the banks deny or extremely delay processing of your transactions.

Issues is not that Iran wants to buy mechantdise from China. Quite the opposite, issue is that Iran wants to sell oil to other countries and want the payment in dollars... Why dollars? because thats what most of the other countries accept as a payment. Now if they cann't settle their payments with say India in dollars, what is the option left for them? To nagotiate an alternative payment method. There we dectate our terms.

Pride and reality has nothing to do with each other. Pakistani are also proud Muslims but that does not protect them being bombed by drones from USA now, is it?
The thing you dont know is Sharia is Sharia . there is no Sunni or shia Sharia .
Stop arguing about something you dont know about .

Maybe you are right in theory. But Sunni vs Shia is a reality. There is a huge disagreement between how Shia see Islam to what Sunni see.
Maybe you are right in theory. But Sunni vs Shia is a reality. There is a huge disagreement between how Shia see Islam to what Sunni see.
I know there is a difference but there is no chance that a extremely religious shia group support infidels against Sunnis .
That too in indian occupied Kashmir where general public is suffering the brutalities of indian military .
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