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Ayatollah Khamenei Urges Muslims to Slam 'Oppressors' Who Invade Kashmiris

Yes it is getting brutal but so do the response of Kashmiries freedom fighters. They are now neutralising Indian forces with impunity just like they used to back in 90s. The situation help Pakistan because it occupy India in this mess. Infact Pakistan would encourage India to have this gloves off approach because it will help us recruit more freedom fighters. US Pakistan relationship at low actually is bad omen for India which means very less leverage of America over Pakistan. What Islamophobia got anything to do with Kashmir issue?

Your north west belong to what China called "one china" which btw Pakistan support. There are way important issues to settle here then just some American goodies for India. Chinese are eyeing the land just like we are with Indian occupied kashmir. Your military high ups are not stupid when they talk about two front war. And if you are hoping that yanks will put their neck for you in your conflicts with Pakistan and China, you will be in the shock of your life. CPEC is more of a statement from China to yanks and it's poodles that if they mess with Pakistan, they will be messing with China as well.

Going back to kashmir, if there any indicators of failure and boomerang of Indian brutal tactics, the recent open and in your face celebration of Pakistan victory over India in Kashmir. Pakistani flag is now waving right infront of Indian forces just like a bull fighter will wave red flag infront of bull before killing it. Even Indians are admitting that kashmiries are not fearing Indian forces anymore.

Actually it is not brutal at all right now. Army actively tries to avoid hitting native Kashmiris. Ever seen those videos of Indian troops running from Kashmiri women pelting stones? Do you think they are afraid of stones when they have rifles in their hands? They are ordered to avoid firing on civilians. It will be a PR and a political mess for Indian government if they do it right now. Modi is trying to change that. From suppressing press to making sure global media turns a blind eye in case India takes real action on Kashmiris.

Have you seen anything like what happened in punjab when India went crushing Khalistan uprising? I guess not. Pawa shells and plastic bullets and some water cannons. This is nowhere any brutal. Real brutality will be when India will start doing what Pakistan is doing for her problem areas. All these protestors will find is real hard to protest when it will be raining bullets from sky. Or drones blowing houses in the dead of the night.

As far as America goes, India does not want any leverage from America on Pakistan per say. It just wants America to look the other way when it does the mop-up in the valley.

And no CPEC is no statement to USA. It is a path -- more like alternative path -- to avoid blockade. China has better ways to make statements to USA, starting with all the US debt they hold. Pakistan has a different position in Chinese plans, it has very little bearing to USA. Did you hear China making noise when US planes conduct drone strikes in Pakistan? Nope!

Indian northwest is a India China issue, even with all the tensions it never comes down to even a gunfight -- not atleast in the near future. There will be a settlement of this issue. Don't know when -- but it will have no relationship with India's militant problem in Kashmir. Terms will be more favorable for Chinese for sure.

So long India Army does not cross the border and attacks Pakistan, China have no issues if India genocides entire Kashmiri population. And no, if Pakistani Army tries mess with Indian Army in support of Kashmiri militants, they will find China stopping them not helping them.

So what's it called.

We had the Arab Spring.

Now the Kashmir summer for India.

Is that what you are suggesting?
Actually if that happens, it will be in winter. Best season for Indian Army to crush Kashmiri militancy. Due to snow, most of the paths are blocked from Pakistan side, Winter also makes Kashmiri more dependent on supplies from rest of the Indian side and especially electricity, food and fuel.

If it happens, it will be winter of 2018. Modi will have to face an election in 2019 and what can polarize country better than a strong man dealing with Kashmiri militants. This is what I think is his plan. But then I am too young and stupid to be sure.
I know there is a difference but there is no chance that a extremely religious shia group support infidels against Sunnis .
That too in indian occupied Kashmir where general public is suffering the brutalities of indian military .

You have no idea of Shia and Sunni politics in Kashmir and no...Shias don't support Kashmir separatism
I know there is a difference but there is no chance that a extremely religious shia group support infidels against Sunnis .
That too in indian occupied Kashmir where general public is suffering the brutalities of indian military .
Not true, back in the 90s we had religious Shiite militias allied with India fighting against Sunni terror groups in Kashmir.
Yes it is getting brutal but so do the response of Kashmiries freedom fighters. They are now neutralising Indian forces with impunity just like they used to back in 90s. The situation help Pakistan because it occupy India in this mess. Infact Pakistan would encourage India to have this gloves off approach because it will help us recruit more freedom fighters. US Pakistan relationship at low actually is bad omen for India which means very less leverage of America over Pakistan. What Islamophobia got anything to do with Kashmir issue?

Your north west belong to what China called "one china" which btw Pakistan support. There are way important issues to settle here then just some American goodies for India. Chinese are eyeing the land just like we are with Indian occupied kashmir. Your military high ups are not stupid when they talk about two front war. And if you are hoping that yanks will put their neck for you in your conflicts with Pakistan and China, you will be in the shock of your life. CPEC is more of a statement from China to yanks and it's poodles that if they mess with Pakistan, they will be messing with China as well.

Going back to kashmir, if there any indicators of failure and boomerang of Indian brutal tactics, the recent open and in your face celebration of Pakistan victory over India in Kashmir. Pakistani flag is now waving right infront of Indian forces just like a bull fighter will wave red flag infront of bull before killing it. Even Indians are admitting that kashmiries are not fearing Indian forces anymore.
No worries my brother. Let China strengthen Pakistan economically first, military technology is there to be shared with Pakistan. India will face a 3 front war and not two front if we include Bangladesh. Imagine in 20 years time, with CPEC up and running, Pakistan economically rejuvenated, we can fry India easily, we can out supply you with as much weapon as you need.
All I have to say to you is this -- Russia is a permanent member of UNSC, right? Still Russians are being subjected to crippling sanctions. Heck their nominal GDP crashed to half. Ask yourself how did that happen. It happened quite recently -- I guess 2013-14 or so?. Once US adds you to the list of sanctioned countries, problem for you is that most of the banks deny or extremely delay processing of your transactions.

Issues is not that Iran wants to buy mechantdise from China. Quite the opposite, issue is that Iran wants to sell oil to other countries and want the payment in dollars... Why dollars? because thats what most of the other countries accept as a payment. Now if they cann't settle their payments with say India in dollars, what is the option left for them? To nagotiate an alternative payment method. There we dectate our terms.

Pride and reality has nothing to do with each other. Pakistani are also proud Muslims but that does not protect them being bombed by drones from USA now, is it?

Those Sanctions Are Unilateral Sanctions By US and EU Not UN And At Least Upto EU they Have Caused More Damage To EU Than Russia.

No India Cannot Dictate Terms In Today's Multipolar World Iran Has Many Options Open To It.There Will Always Be A Party With An Even More Attractive Offer

Drone Attacks In Pakistan Are The Result Of A Covert Understanding Between Pakistan and USA.There Is No Way In The World You Can Compare With Iran.It Is Not Just About Shia Worldview Of Defying A Tyrant And Facing The Consequences It Is Also Nationalist Pride In Iran

Lastly You Are Completely Oblivious Of The Muslim Mindset.A Religiously Guided Muslim Does Not Look To This World But The Life Hereafter.Once You Understand This Mindset You Will Understand Why Iran Would Not Give A Rat's *** Even If The Entire World Cut Them Off
Those Sanctions Are Unilateral Sanctions By US and EU Not UN And At Least Upto EU they Have Caused More Damage To EU Than Russia.

No India Cannot Dictate Terms In Today's Multipolar World Iran Has Many Options Open To It.There Will Always Be A Party With An Even More Attractive Offer

Drone Attacks In Pakistan Are The Result Of A Covert Understanding Between Pakistan and USA.There Is No Way In The World You Can Compare With Iran.It Is Not Just About Shia Worldview Of Defying A Tyrant And Facing The Consequences It Is Also Nationalist Pride In Iran

Lastly You Are Completely Oblivious Of The Muslim Mindset.A Religiously Guided Muslim Does Not Look To This World But The Life Hereafter.Once You Understand This Mindset You Will Understand Why Iran Would Not Give A Rat's *** Even If The Entire World Cut Them Off

Do you think India will humiliate Iran in the process of extracting value from them? Last time, Entire payment in INR happened and only when journalists were looking into growing deposits in UCO bank they realized the tactic India and Iran had devised. These negotiations are done much quitely and are dressed according to PR needs. Last time India presented this as a 'Defiance to USA in helping a friend'. In reality they were ensuring that we do not have to spend precious forex in buying our oil. Oh, btw, India didn't defy US completely, they reduced oil orders from Iran by a decent fraction but negotiated a preferential deal based on INR. For PR purposes they even sent some token Gold as a payment for oil. Later all payments happened in INR, at preferential rates and the cash was still held in UCO bank.

Lastly, nations are not run by religion or Muslim mindset but by policies and diplomacy in foreign affairs. India government and diplomats will never utter a single word which differs from Iran's narrative on how things are being done. They will ensure that things are done favorably for India. No pride will be hurt and yet favours will be extracted.
Do you think India will humiliate Iran in the process of extracting value from them? Last time, Entire payment in INR happened and only when journalists were looking into growing deposits in UCO bank they realized the tactic India and Iran had devised. These negotiations are done much quitely and are dressed according to PR needs. Last time India presented this as a 'Defiance to USA in helping a friend'. In reality they were ensuring that we do not have to spend precious forex in buying our oil. Oh, btw, India didn't defy US completely, they reduced oil orders from Iran by a decent fraction but negotiated a preferential deal based on INR. For PR purposes they even sent some token Gold as a payment for oil. Later all payments happened in INR, at preferential rates and the cash was still held in UCO bank.

Lastly, nations are not run by religion or Muslim mindset but by policies and diplomacy in foreign affairs. India government and diplomats will never utter a single word which differs from Iran's narrative on how things are being done. They will ensure that things are done favorably for India. No pride will be hurt and yet favours will be extracted.

OK Best Of Luck But You May Want To See The Latest News



Usual bickering in business. Both the side play this game all the times. When their position is weak we make best use of it. When they have upper hand they also follow the suite. And it is business as usual. Any one who has run a shop ever will tell you how money changes hand.
Actually it is not brutal at all right now. Army actively tries to avoid hitting native Kashmiris. Ever seen those videos of Indian troops running from Kashmiri women pelting stones? Do you think they are afraid of stones when they have rifles in their hands? They are ordered to avoid firing on civilians. It will be a PR and a political mess for Indian government if they do it right now. Modi is trying to change that. From suppressing press to making sure global media turns a blind eye in case India takes real action on Kashmiris.

Have you seen anything like what happened in punjab when India went crushing Khalistan uprising? I guess not. Pawa shells and plastic bullets and some water cannons. This is nowhere any brutal. Real brutality will be when India will start doing what Pakistan is doing for her problem areas. All these protestors will find is real hard to protest when it will be raining bullets from sky. Or drones blowing houses in the dead of the night.

As far as America goes, India does not want any leverage from America on Pakistan per say. It just wants America to look the other way when it does the mop-up in the valley.

And no CPEC is no statement to USA. It is a path -- more like alternative path -- to avoid blockade. China has better ways to make statements to USA, starting with all the US debt they hold. Pakistan has a different position in Chinese plans, it has very little bearing to USA. Did you hear China making noise when US planes conduct drone strikes in Pakistan? Nope!

Indian northwest is a India China issue, even with all the tensions it never comes down to even a gunfight -- not atleast in the near future. There will be a settlement of this issue. Don't know when -- but it will have no relationship with India's militant problem in Kashmir. Terms will be more favorable for Chinese for sure.

So long India Army does not cross the border and attacks Pakistan, China have no issues if India genocides entire Kashmiri population. And no, if Pakistani Army tries mess with Indian Army in support of Kashmiri militants, they will find China stopping them not helping them.

Actually if that happens, it will be in winter. Best season for Indian Army to crush Kashmiri militancy. Due to snow, most of the paths are blocked from Pakistan side, Winter also makes Kashmiri more dependent on supplies from rest of the Indian side and especially electricity, food and fuel.

If it happens, it will be winter of 2018. Modi will have to face an election in 2019 and what can polarize country better than a strong man dealing with Kashmiri militants. This is what I think is his plan. But then I am too young and stupid to be sure.

Wow you guys are planning meticulously to murder your 'own' people. The talk was not that hard even in the early 1990s
Wow you guys are planning meticulously to murder your 'own' people. The talk was not that hard even in the early 1990s
From what is happening, it seems one conclusion. I do not support it but there is no other conclusion I can draw from this. I well hope that I am completely wrong.
From what is happening, it seems one conclusion. I do not support it but there is no other conclusion I can draw from this. I well hope that I am completely wrong.

If you cannot think of any other solution you may have already given up on some level trust me.
If you cannot think of any other solution you may have already given up on some level trust me.
I will not lie, my family have given up on this part quite sometime back. I will be going back to Ireland by the end of this year. I do not want to be here when this stuff happens. The radical wave is too strong these days. As much as I want economic progress, the price seem too high.
Ayatollah Khamenei should stop making a new enemy for us.
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