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Ayatollah Khamenei Urges Muslims to Slam 'Oppressors' Who Invade Kashmiris

LeJ Is A Terrorist Organization They Attack Everyone Irrespective of Their Faith.Eversince Zarb e Azb and Radd Ul Fassad They Have Been Taken To The Cleaners.The Frequency of Such Attacks Has Decreased Drastically

As Long As The State Is With Us We Have Nothing To Worry
LeJ targets 90% times Shias.
Since January, 2017 over 150 shias died in Parachinar.

So Khomeni was referring to plight of Shias through his statement.
LeJ targets 90% times Shias.
Since January, 2017 over 150 shias died in Parachinar.

So Khomeni was referring to plight of Shias through his statement.

No He Was Refering to Kashmiri Muslims Under Attack From The State Sponsored Terrorism By Indian Army.

And As I Said As Long As The State Is With Us We Have Nothing To Fear.

BTW LeJ Also Attacked The Sri Lankan Cricket Team Were They Shia?What About Police Training Academy Quetta Was That An Imam Bargah????
Swift Can Easily Be Replaced By E Mail Notification and Both Russia and China Have Developed Their Alternative To Swift.

It Is A Multipolar World USA Cannot Dictate The Way They Used To

You certainly do not know how bank ordering and transactions work, do you? There is this thing called settlement. That is, once you have credits and debits from various parties, you need to settle it with who owes what money finally. Meaning, India will not just ship a bunch of dollar bills to Iran but will authorize Iran to receive payment from another party who owes India money. Without a SWIFT network you can never settle your accounts in dollars at least. And that is a problem for Iran. They do not want Rubles, they do not want Yuan, they want dollars. And that becomes a bottle-neck for them. That is how last time it ended up being settled in India. They opened an account in an Indian bank, UCO bank, and then they used Indian payments in rupees to purchase goods and services from with in India. They did same with China. This is where both India and China will short charge them.
Thanks Supreme Leader, we really appreciate your stance for supporting the oppressed Muslims of Indian Occupied Kashmir. We should give the credit where it is due. Other Muslim leaders should learn from the Supreme leader.

@waz please check this troll @Purple Heart
Thanks Supreme Leader, we really appreciate your stance for supporting the oppressed Muslims of Indian Occupied Kashmir. We should give the credit where it is due. Other Muslim leaders should learn from the Supreme leader.

@waz please check this troll @Purple Heart
He made no mention of India or Indian Kashmir.
I guess he is alluding to Pakistan part of Kashmir....Yemen and Bahrain doesn't make sense together with Kashmir.

The Grand Ayatollah also supports the struggle of Palestinian people, who are Sunni.

Furthermore, there are no Shias in Azad Kashmir either, they are Sunnis. So your analogy of Sunni Pakistan attacking Shia Kashmir makes no sense.
I was hoping OIC would stop talking and actually do something... and BJP and right wing will get lot of fuel... But Alas no one in the so called OIC has the spine to do more than talking

Kashmir puts OIC in a good fix perhaps, should they sacrifice muslims in India for Kashmir ? Pakistan has wasted its Generation after Kashmir. It must be so frustrating to desire something so much and never get it...
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