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Ayatollah Khamenei Urges Muslims to Slam 'Oppressors' Who Invade Kashmiris

Shias will support anyone (may be except Jews) over Sunnis, which is why Iran blocked OIC resolution to UN on Kashmir.

Most Iranian don't give a rats a$$ on Kashrat's

There have been lots of attacks and forceful change of demographics in areas in shia parts of Pakistan held Kashmir, Khomnei was talking about that.
Lolz kid . go on ask iranian who is the oppressor in Kashmir .
For your info shias here are the second highest contributer in Kashmir Freedom Movement (financially) :) .
Try hard dumb dumb ...
Lolz kid . go on ask iranian who is the oppressor in Kashmir .
For your info shias here are the second highest contributer in Kashmir Freedom Movement (financially) :) .
Try hard dumb dumb ...
Not a single Iranian of any important gives an f on Kashmir.

Not a single Kashmiri Shia ever joined terrorism.

Again you are smooking some really hard stuff ... this thread is not about shia sunni this is about iran instance on indian occupation on kashmir and Pakistan is major stakeholder here ...

Only a blind cant see that iran is clearly against indian instance on kashmir and is supporting Pakistan's instance ...

So stop this nonsense ...
This thread is about Khomeini statement on Kashmir and he made ZERO reference to India in his statement.
But his clubbing of Kashmir with Yemen and Bahrain shows it was in reference to Sunni Pakistan just as Yemen and Bahrain are reference to Sunni GCC.
If his statement on Kashmir was with reference to India he would have clubbed it with Palestinem
Simple, when Trump puts sanction on Iranians, we will ask them more discounts for oil or buy oil in Indian currency. They have done this in the past. UCO bank was used as an intermediary. We will do it again. It helps us to preserve our forex too. We make their Moharram our Eid.

Chabbar is a different game altogether.

OK It's 2017 Not 2009 and USA Does Not Have The Kind Of Clout Anymore in UN.Secondly Even In The Unlikely Circumstance of Sanctions You Are Living In A Bubble If You Think Iranians Will Bow Before US.They Are A Proud Nation With A Proud History and The Shia Faith Is All About Standing Up To Oppression.They'll Go Hungry But Never Surrender
OK It's 2017 Not 2009 and USA Does Not Have The Kind Of Clout Anymore in UN.Secondly Even In The Unlikely Circumstance of Sanctions You Are Living In A Bubble If You Think Iranians Will Bow Before US.They Are A Proud Nation With A Proud History and The Shia Faith Is All About Standing Up To Oppression.They'll Go Hungry But Never Surrender
First, Stop Writing Like A 5 Year Old.

Next, US still controls most of financial markets and can easily embargo Iran like they did in 2009. Remember after 2009 US was at its weakest due to 2008 economic crisis. US can and will embargo Iran, good times for us though.
Another article from 2010.:rofl:.
Recent statement from Khomeini was promted by attacks on Shias in Pakistan and aggression by Sunni states.

I Am A Shia From "Pakistan Occupied Kashmir" Thank You For Telling Me I Have Been Attacked:rofl::rofl::rofl:
@Purple Heart. Man, when a non Indian-Pakistani comment about Kashmir, its always about Indian Kashmir.

And If you like to educate yourself:
Old news.
All those times he clubbed Kashmir with Palestine but this time he clubbed Kashmir with Yemen and Bahrain which means he was talking about Pakistan.

I Am A Shia From "Pakistan Occupied Kashmir" Thank You For Telling Me I Have Been Attacked:rofl::rofl::rofl:
25 Shias killed in Gilgit sectarian attack
Old news.
All those times he clubbed Kashmir with Palestine but this time he clubbed Kashmir with Yemen and Bahrain which means he was talking about Pakistan.
Actually it was about whole of Kashmir -- Indian Kashmir and Pakistani Occupeid KAshmir. He was talking about Kashmir from Kashmiri's perspective, and Kashmiri from either the sides of LoC are called Kashmiri.
Whatever gives you guys comfort...
Ancient History Since Then Massive Crackdown Has Happened and Soon Their Buddy Kalbhushan Yadev Will Be Fed to The Dogs Soon
Kulbhushan has no impact on operation if LeJ as .ca be seen by the killing of 90 Shias in Parachinar last week.

Whatever gives you guys comfort...
Whatever helps you remain in denial
First, Stop Writing Like A 5 Year Old.

Next, US still controls most of financial markets and can easily embargo Iran like they did in 2009. Remember after 2009 US was at its weakest due to 2008 economic crisis. US can and will embargo Iran, good times for us though.

Before Getting Your Hopes Too High You May Want To Read This



And US Neck Deep In Debt Does Not Have That Kind of Clout and Now With Elaborate Swap Arrangements and Barter Agreement Iran Can Show The Middle Finger To Uncle Sam Any Time
The thing you dont know is Khomeinis are religiousmoup the moment they start taking side of hindus (idol worshipers) they will even loose support in iran :) . anyways whatever makes you sleep well .
There is no armed struggle in Azad Kashmir . UN's team visit Azad Kashmir every now & then unlike iok ;).
The person you are trying to educate is suffering from severe mental disorder.
More you try to teach him more u make him sick
So let him be happy with his thinking and let the medicine work.
Before Getting Your Hopes Too High You May Want To Read This



And US Neck Deep In Debt Does Not Have That Kind of Clout and Now With Elaborate Swap Arrangements and Barter Agreement Iran Can Show The Middle Finger To Uncle Sam Any Time
Obviously Iranis will put a bold face. These negotiations happen behind close doors.

As far as US goes, they still set the policy level decisions. If US says a certain Bank cannot transfer funds via SWIFT system, then tough luck! You are out of the SWIFT network! Good luck converting your currency to and from dollars! Iranians will have to accept alternative forms of payment then. Problem is US currency control.
Kulbhushan has no impact on operation if LeJ as .ca be seen by the killing of 90 Shias in Parachinar last week.

LeJ Is A Terrorist Organization They Attack Everyone Irrespective of Their Faith.Eversince Zarb e Azb and Radd Ul Fassad They Have Been Taken To The Cleaners.The Frequency of Such Attacks Has Decreased Drastically

As Long As The State Is With Us We Have Nothing To Worry

Obviously Iranis will put a bold face. These negotiations happen behind close doors.

As far as US goes, they still set the policy level decisions. If US says a certain Bank cannot transfer funds via SWIFT system, then tough luck! You are out of the SWIFT network! Good luck converting your currency to and from dollars! Iranians will have to accept alternative forms of payment then. Problem is US currency control.

Swift Can Easily Be Replaced By E Mail Notification and Both Russia and China Have Developed Their Alternative To Swift.

It Is A Multipolar World USA Cannot Dictate The Way They Used To
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