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Ayatollah Khamenei Urges Muslims to Slam 'Oppressors' Who Invade Kashmiris

1. Pakistan can arm Kashmiri all they want, but it is one thing to learn to use a AK-47, its another to learn and use anti aircraft missiles and anti tank missiles and other advanced weaponry. Army academies exist for a reason. Good luck training kids to carry these, let alone use them.

Who says we will train stone throwing kids on how to use anti tank and anti aircraft weapons. Afterall those rag tag "Afghans" learns these skills overnight against Soviets. Same magic can be applied to Kashmiries. You are giving me impression that you dont know how proxy wars are fought.

2. India is in no mood to terrorise Pakistan. This matter concerns Kashmiri militancy.

The likes of RAW and it's agents like Kulbashan Yadev will disagree with your rather bold statement.

It's not the question of what India wants or not, it is the opening of possibilities for Pakistan if and when India wants to step up on escalation ladder.

3. Kargil has nothing to do with the present situation. History belongs to history books.

Kargil is the most relevant example where American leverage on Pakistan was used for the benefit of India. Less of this leverage on Pakistan is only good for us. Pakistan is not concerned as to what India and America are planning in this region. Pakistani geopolitical freedom will only increase with the removal of Nawaz Shareef.

4. CPEC, America is no where related to this. If anything, CPEC will be a liabiity for Pakistan if they desire to fight a war with India. Unless China wants a war with India, China will not let Pakistan go on a war and destroy their investments. If China wants a war, Pakistan will be least of concerns for India compared to China.

You need to learn and catch up with news. Americans have openly expressed concerns about CPEC and how China will use it to undermine American interests in region, goes without saying that it check mate the American Asia pivot policy.

What you need to understand that with this Chinese investment in Pakistan, it becomes virtually impossible for India to get into any military adventure against Pakistan. With Kashmir and North East border of India with China heating up, it's no coincident.

5. Indo China border dispute will resolve, most probably in favour of China. Recently China is insisting on Twang region to control Tibetians. I guess that will be the resolution of the conflict, India will have to let go of Twang and China will make minor concessions in North west disputed regions. This all has nothing to do with Kashmir and India's suppression of Kashmiri militancy.

You are ignoring the issue. It's not border issue. It's a territorial dispute. China is eyeing Indian controlled land. If India can bend over and give China what it wants, just like UK hand over Hong Kong, then good for India.

6. Suppressing a motion in UNSC is easy, any one of P-5 can veto. Problem will be to get a motion accepted, as any one of P-5 can veto it. US will most probably veto any UNSC intervention in India's suppression of Kashmiris -- even if China puts that motion forward.

Not sure how UN is relevant here. Neither India will ask UN before stepping up its suppression of Kashmiris, neither Pakistan will require UN approval to step up its proxy war. You must remember one thing, this will be happening within Indian controlled territory, Pakistan has nothing to lose, infact any escalation can easily be exported to more settled areas in India.
In reality India lost Kashmir internationally. Almost every country leader directly or indirectly finger pointing at on going Kashmir violence. Musharraf was heading in right direction with India. But, then came Chief justice I Chaudry and all went to down the drain. Long term conversion of Kashmir into Switzerland type, arm free / military free zone. Accessable for both countries .
In reality India lost Kashmir internationally. Almost every country leader directly or indirectly finger pointing at on going Kashmir violence. Musharraf was heading in right direction with India. But, then came Chief justice I Chaudry and all went to down the drain. Long term conversion of Kashmir into Switzerland type, arm free / military free zone. Accessable for both countries .
You forgot a certain united states of america. They have recently declared your 'freedom fighters' as terrorists. So much for every country leader.
You forgot a certain united states of america. They have recently declared your 'freedom fighters' as terrorists. So much for every country leader.

indian are incapable of standing on their own, if indians think they can hide behind US they have another thing coming. US has no interest of shouldering indian burden.
Time to change the title as Khomeini never referred to Kashmir in his opression/tyranny part of statement as is evident from transcript of his speech.
indian are incapable of standing on their own, if indians think they can hide behind US they have another thing coming. US has no interest of shouldering indian burden.
:blah: oops, claims a guy from a country which got liberated with help of India against some intense opposition from uncle sam.
This old demented fool should be carefull when using the term "Kashmir", he should not even pronounce it because it's a real sensitive issue between Pakistan and India. Iran should only be a neutral party/mediator when it comes to Kashmir.
This old demented fool should be carefull when using the term "Kashmir", he should not even pronounce it because it's a real sensitive issue between Pakistan and India. Iran should only be a neutral party/mediator when it comes to Kashmir.
Iran's interests are served best by maintaining good relations with India, Pakistan, China simultaneously and not getting into conflict which is not even on its own soil.

BTW what does your signature mean?
You forgot a certain united states of america. They have recently declared your 'freedom fighters' as terrorists. So much for every country leader.
But, you forget to read the second part..... US still consider Indian held Kashmir a disputed territory.
It is time to close the thread after Iran issued a statement that it never took Kashmir by name.
Why does Khameini want to condemn sikandar butshikan now? Its been centuries dude.

If anything he should restrict himself to condemning saad ibn abi waqqas etc.
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