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Ayatollah Khamenei Urges Muslims to Slam 'Oppressors' Who Invade Kashmiris

Thanks for agreeing that Khomenies statement was directed at his Sunni enemies.

Khomenies made no reference to India In his statement, but his clubbing of Kashmir with Yemen and Bahrain both which are facing Sunni aggression shows he was talking about Part of Kashmir held by Sunni Pakistan.

I agree, I wonder how can Khamenei speak against India after receiving Khairat for Chahbahar project
Thanks for agreeing that Khomenies statement was directed at his Sunni enemies.

Khomenies made no reference to India In his statement, but his clubbing of Kashmir with Yemen and Bahrain both which are facing Sunni aggression shows he was talking about Part of Kashmir held by Sunni Pakistan.

Stop utilising ur "Bu*D da zor" to prove this statement for IOK.. Kashmir is mostly sunni so what u r trying to say is that Sunni opessing sunni ??
Thanks for agreeing that Khomenies statement was directed at his Sunni enemies.

Khomenies made no reference to India In his statement, but his clubbing of Kashmir with Yemen and Bahrain both which are facing Sunni aggression shows he was talking about Part of Kashmir held by Sunni Pakistan.

Awww My Poor Baby Living In Lala Land:rofl::rofl::rofl:

For the Islamic Republic of Iran, the issue of Kashmir is an issue of humanity and Islam since the Muslim people of this region are clearly subject to oppression and tyranny and we have always expressed to the government of India our abhorance towards what is being done to the Muslim people of Kashmir and we will continue to express the same feelings in various circles.

~Ayatollah Khamenei, September 11, 1994

Oh Yes Absolutely and Don't Forget To Pack Your Bags At Chabahar:lol::lol::lol:
I doubt their position will be negotiable at that point. If we leave Chabahar, they lose more than us.

BTW, talk is cheap, lets see some action -- like Indian army is doing right now in Kashmir.
This sound more like a eidi than a genuine appeal.
Stop utilising ur "Bu*D da zor" to prove this statement for IOK.. Kashmir is mostly sunni so what u r trying to say is that Sunni opessing sunni ??
He was talking about oppression on Shias in Pakistan held Kashmir by Sunni govt of Pakistan.
I doubt their position will be negotiable at that point. If we leave Chabahar, they lose more than us.

BTW, talk is cheap, lets see some action -- like Indian army is doing right now in Kashmir.

You chose quite an appropriate name for yourself here. Count your lucky stars that Indian foreign office has enough sane people.
If you strategically manage to lose Iran then you can count your investment in Afghanistan as good as forgotten. The planned encirclement forgotten and it will be a major diplomatic disaster.

Do think twice before chest thumping on political rhetoric. It is Eid. The dude wanted to make everyone happy.
I doubt their position will be negotiable at that point. If we leave Chabahar, they lose more than us.

BTW, talk is cheap, lets see some action -- like Indian army is doing right now in Kashmir.

You Don't Know Iranians Or Shia Worldview At All My Friend

Awww my poor baby forgot to see the date:
september 1994:rofl::rofl::rofl:

You know what's funny, in that same year Iran blocked a resolution by OIC in UN on Kashmir.

Awwww Pakistani laughing about denial.:omghaha:

Boy Oh Boy Delusions Run Deep

You chose quite an appropriate name for yourself here. Count your lucky stars that Indian foreign office has enough sane people.
If you strategically manage to lose Iran then you can count your investment in Afghanistan as good as forgotten. The planned encirclement forgotten and it will be a major diplomatic disaster.

Do think twice before chest thumping on political rhetoric. It is Eid. The dude wanted to make everyone happy.
That is the entire point. India should not make any diplomatic disasters by issuing stupid statements. Just make them pay when the time is right. They can keep their lots happy on Eid and we will make money on Moharram.

You Don't Know Iranians Or Shia Worldview At All My Friend
Oh we agree with their world view. So long they do not mess with our affairs and let us have our cheap oil, we do not care if they think world is square or triangle.
That is the entire point. India should not make any diplomatic disasters by issuing stupid statements. Just make them pay when the time is right. They can keep their lots happy on Eid and we will make money on Moharram.

Oh we agree with their world view. So long they do not mess with our affairs and let us have our cheap oil, we do not care if they think world is square or triangle.

Just not say that out loud you know. We know how politics work and trust me India will not make any statement on this and frankly enough neither should you.
How are you going to make them pay just out curiosity? Just Chahbahar?
Dude you are being milked by the Iranians if you take my opinion. You will make them a port and it will work as a sister port to Gawadar. Win Win for them if you ask me
How are you going to make them pay just out curiosity? Just Chahbahar?
Dude you are being milked by the Iranians if you take my opinion. You will make them a port and it will work as a sister port to Gawadar. Win Win for them if you ask me
Simple, when Trump puts sanction on Iranians, we will ask them more discounts for oil or buy oil in Indian currency. They have done this in the past. UCO bank was used as an intermediary. We will do it again. It helps us to preserve our forex too. We make their Moharram our Eid.

Chabbar is a different game altogether.
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