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Awesome! Analysis of UAE-India relations

@Echo_419 @magudi (if u can understand) @jaatram @JanjaWeed etc etc

is this Annalist for real ! it seems that, the guy is just too stubborn or angry to do a proper analysis on the subject
All he does is talk's about Pakistan & China corridor & India being nervous , scared , running around confused & what not , while complacently ignoring the important Questions being put forward by the Anchor , on the main subject of U.A.E's $72 billion investments in India's infrastructure
@That Guy So what does this 'management going to the Chinese' effectively mean ? From your last post it seems like it doesn't matter who manages the port.
From a business stand point, as long as Pakistan profits, it shouldn't matter at all. Unfortunately, like every sovereign decision a nation takes, it affects the geopolitics of the region.

Giving the port to China gives the Chinese more influence in the region, and a foothold that the US and India dominate with their navies.

The military thinking is, in case of war, this port would become a major lifeline for China (naval blockade). Unless China's enemy wants to drag Pakistan into the war against them, the port would remain a key supply route.

The same applies to Pakistan. In case of war between India and Pakistan, the thinking is that a blockade could potentially drag China into the war, thus acting as an additional deterrent against India.
You have no idea how this works, so please don't pretend you do.

Soverginity sold is soverginity sold, you can sugarcoat it all you want but bottom line doesn't changes , you have been doing it since 1950s , Badaber air base was first to be rented. :whistle:
Lol, 46<75 but if Pakistani mathematics had it's way then anyhow 75<46. :laugh: Keep trying to look like fools.

I believe you have to be reasonable and look at the relative size of economy. Also, India houses 5 times more people than Pakistan. If I go by mathematics then you sound an utter fool.
I believe you have to be reasonable and look at the relative size of economy. Also, India houses 5 times more people than Pakistan. If I go by mathematics then you sound an utter fool.

Lol unlike your's our FDI is not limited to single country.

Anyway , same amount of money would help same number of people. For instance if 46 billion helps 46000 people then 75 billion will help 75000 people. It may be less percentage wise of total population bu still more investment is better investment. Now go do your maths.
Soverginity sold is soverginity sold, you can sugarcoat it all you want but bottom line doesn't changes , you have been doing it since 1950s , Badaber air base was first to be rented. :whistle:
And that is why no one is taking you seriously.
@Echo_419 @magudi (if u can understand) @jaatram @JanjaWeed etc etc
Oh well... It's the same line of argument you get to hear from Pakistani expert analysts & anchors ever since that CPEC agreement was signed. Somehow this CPEC thing manages to get into the mix no matter what, regardless the two are connected or not.
Lol, 46<75 but if Pakistani mathematics had it's way then anyhow 75<46. :laugh: Keep trying to look like fools.

Look at you :)

"Infrastructural development fund" will "eventual" reach "75 billions" which is a "mutual fund" between India and UAE. Publicly it is not admitted that "initially" are contributing 10,10 billions or 20,20 billions or what. As a matter of fact, this is MOU instead of pleading of money. If that bit is understood, you will breath more easy.
Look at you :)

"Infrastructural development fund" will "eventual" reach "75 billions" which is a "mutual fund" between India and UAE. Publicly it is not admitted that "initially" are contributing 10,10 billions or 20,20 billions or what. As a matter of fact, this is MOU instead of pleading of money. If that bit is understood, you will breath more easy.

Nope in 75 billion investment India's share is just symbolic since India is already investing in her infra.

Anyway Modi is to visit KSA in November , expecting 100 billion investments.
Except the amount doesn't matter, its how the investment is made that matters. That's investment 101.

Look at Afghanistan, and Iraq. It's estimated that the US has invested more than half a trillion dollars in infrastructure, security, education, and energy projects, but 90% have been completely and utterly worthless. The bigger a project gets, the easier it is for it to fail.

The reason why businesses are moving to India is because of the long term impact. A dollar put into buying Indian stocks may grow double or triple within a few years.

Also, don't just look at total amount, look at percentage wise, how much that's worth. What may be a large investment in Somalia, would be a simple write off for most other nations.

An investment of $75 billion is an okay amount, if you take into account India's huge economy, and it's potential impact on India's economy. While, Pakistan being a middle economy, $46 billion is a large investment (almost a fifth of Pakistan's nominal GDP), which takes into account that the Gwadar port is set to become one of the busiest ports in the region, and one of the largest in the world, thus the long term impact (if the project succeeds) is huge, with potentially massive return on investment. That's not even mentioning the money would bring in much needed jobs, work on energy projects (doubling Pakistan's current capacity) and/or upgrading and building new (much needed) infrastructure.

$46 billion is chump change for India, but taking percentage and rates into account, the equivalent amount for India (if India's current GDP is $2 trillion) would be around $400 billion, meaning it would take this much to have the same type of impact on India's economy.

I suggest using purchase power parity (PPP) adjusted GDP figures insted of nominal GDP. Of course it doesn't distort your present analysis percentage wise, but PPP figures are more reliable than nominal ones for analysis within the domestic economy of a country.
I'm bored. You know, instead of making poor comments, how about going through this thread and reading?

I expected you to ignore me. :lol:

Why don't you dwelve upon bit of history of leasing habit of Pakistan ??From US to UAE to US to China. How much did that contribute to your economy ??
Nope in 75 billion investment India's share is just symbolic since India is already investing in her infra.

Anyway Modi is to visit KSA in November , expecting 100 billion investments.

So It is "joint" but one is contributing 100 and other is contribution 0 and it is still a "joint fund". You are funny.
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