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Awesome! Analysis of UAE-India relations

I suggest using purchase power parity (PPP) adjusted GDP figures insted of nominal GDP. Of course it doesn't distort your present analysis percentage wise, but PPP figures are more reliable than nominal ones for analysis within the domestic economy of a country.
Good point, but I felt it would have a bigger impact on my point, if I used nominal GDP.
$75 Billion fund mostly will be be invested in real estate and hoteling not in energy, militarily or industrial projects.

Pak-UAE also deals in billions when it comes to real estate both in Pakistan and UAE since apart from Oil, that's the best Sheikhs can do.

Its really stupidity to even compare it with CPEC for even 1%. Funny to see ignorant Indian posts here.
I expected you to ignore me. :lol:

Why don't you dwelve upon bit of history of leasing habit of Pakistan ??From US to UAE to US to China. How much did that contribute to your economy ??
A lot.
Oh well... It's the same line of argument you get to hear from Pakistani expert analysts & anchors ever since that CPEC agreement was signed. Somehow this CPEC thing manages to get into the mix no matter what, regardless the two are connected or not.

Exactly! India's only relevance to CPEC is its objection for the corridor going through the disputed territory of Gilgit Baltistan, which is claimed by India. Other than that, India couldn't care less what China does in the rest of Pakistan. I have lost count of how many times Indian members have tried to explain India's position vis-à-vis CPEC.

But Pakistanis (including their analysts on TV) deliberately try to pass off India's objection for Chinese investment in Gilgit Baltistan (as part of CPEC or any other project) as India's opposition to CPEC in its entirety, simply borne out of jealousy!
I said , it would be symbolic , that doesn't mean Zero.

Any figures ?? Like what was annual rate etc etc. I heard Badaber was offlimit even for your PM . :lol:
Okay, I'm done. You win.
1) There are four distinct phases of CPEC: 2015-2020, 2020-2025, 2025-2030, 2030-beyond.

2)The $46 billion investment by China is based on Phase 1. $35 billion would be directed towards energy projects in Pakistan, in which roughly half of them would be completed by 2017.

3) Already two different railway routes have been proposed:
  • Kashgar-Hotan-Gilgit-Abbottabad, Havelian-Rawalpindi-Gujranwalan-Lahore-Sahiwal-Multan-Bahawalpur-Rohri-Spezand-Mastung-Kalat-Hosab-Turbat and Gwadar.
  • Kashgar-Hotan-Gilgit-Abbottabad-Havelian-Jand-Miyanwali-Darya Khan-Zhob-Bostan-Quetta-Spezand-Mastung-Kalat-Hoshab-Turbat and Gwadar
4) 29 proposed industrial zones and 21 proposed mineral economic processing zones. China textile association is keen to relocate to Pakistan.

5) Pakistan's fiber optics will improve because of the investment of Huawei

6) FWO have completed 60% of the road connecting Gwadar to the rest of Pakistan

7) Russians are going to invest in a $2.5 billion pipeline from Nawabshah to Lahore.

8) India within the next decade needs $1 trillion for its infrastructure and failure to do so would leave India in serious trouble.

9) Technically its $49 billion investment by China, because last week more deals were signed which accumulated to $1.6 billion.
Good point, but I felt it would have a bigger impact on my point, if I used nominal GDP.

But what about the security situation in Balochistan? To be honest I don't know a lot about what's going on over there right now. Reports suggest that the entire area around Gwadar has heavy army presence. If that is so, how will any investment come up in that area based around the port? Doesn't that make the rest of the proposed investment tenuous as well?
@That Guy regarding gwadar, considering the fact that the Chinese are getting management rights for 40 years upon completion, how do you think Pakistan will be benefitted from the port ?
How does the management rights benefit the Chinese ?
Lastly, why did it go to exclusively the Chinese anyway ?
As if Chinese management only hire Chinese only in Pakistan?
But what about the security situation in Balochistan? To be honest I don't know a lot about what's going on over there right now. Reports suggest that the entire area around Gwadar has heavy army presence. If that is so, how will any investment come up in that area based around the port? Doesn't that make the rest of the proposed investment tenuous as well?

Belive me west won't let it take off.
And what exactly is the purpose of Gawadar port other than importing Chinese Raw material .. ? You seriously believe China will shift its factories to you country ..? How much toll you guys are expecting from letting China import raw material ?
Most of the money from 45Bill will be invested in starting Coal fired Power plants.. This is a productive effort provided the power tariff at which the Chinese company sells power to you is low enough for you to buy. Most importantly, your government has signed sovereign guarantee of providing at least 18% ROI. Just imagine the kind of money you will be paying as interest.

No it is India who insists on "Make in India", its you guys who expect others to shift their factories in Bharat. But carry on with the BS.
I said , it would be symbolic , that doesn't mean Zero.

Any figures ?? Like what was annual rate etc etc. I heard Badaber was offlimit even for your PM . :lol:

You mean symbolic % ? And why is that because UAE is stupid? Why would they not "invest" as "inverter" if they had to? And what is your source of "symbolic contribution" other than yourself?
But what about the security situation in Balochistan? To be honest I don't know a lot about what's going on over there right now. Reports suggest that the entire area around Gwadar has heavy army presence. If that is so, how will any investment come up in that area based around the port? Doesn't that make the rest of the proposed investment tenuous as well?

Yes, there is a heavy military presence in the area, to ensure that workers and locals aren't targeted in terror attacks. There is also major operations going on to clear the area of militants.

The insurgency there is dying down. Numerous amounts of militants are surrendering every week, and security has improved. Terrorism there has dropped massively, with a 60% drop across the nation, due to ZeA.

Over all, things are improving, which is why militants are getting desperate (with many that are fleeing to Afghanistan, and rumors that some are trying to joining Daesh for protection).

A lot of credit goes to the military, but credit must also be given to the Baluchistan provincial government, as they've pushed heavily for militants to surrender their arms and enter mainstream politics, through a process of reconciliation, despite backlash from other parties.
Lol unlike your's our FDI is not limited to single country.

Anyway , same amount of money would help same number of people. For instance if 46 billion helps 46000 people then 75 billion will help 75000 people. It may be less percentage wise of total population bu still more investment is better investment. Now go do your maths.

Atleast you agreed with me on one point. About my maths, you need not worry. It still counts you as an enemy whose bottom is on fire. 175 C. Thats the temperature.
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