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Awesome! Analysis of UAE-India relations

Well its not all about money.How much money you throw is not the matter.The matter is what do you get in return.What Pakistan gets through CPEC is fully industrialized and advance Gawadar Port.Now what is Gawadar port? Gawadar port is the world's largest warm water sea port.Of course when the Gawadar is built it will boost economy of both Pakistan and China but it will also allow Chinese and Pakistan navy to get their grips deeper in the Arabian Sea.So it's not about 46 Billion or 75 Billion its about the investment and its long term impact on the region.
Well its not all about money.How much money you throw is not the matter.The matter is what do you get in return.What Pakistan gets through CPEC is fully industrialized and advance Gawadar Port.Now what is Gawadar port? Gawadar port is the world's largest warm water sea port.Of course when the Gawadar is built it will boost economy of both Pakistan and China but it will also allow Chinese and Pakistan navy to get their grips deeper in the Arabian Sea.So it's not about 46 Billion or 75 Billion its about the investment and its long term impact on the region.

End of the day, 75 billion is greater than 46 billion.

Deal with it and go now cry about how great new road will be, to allow China to transport oil to them quickly.

Not to forget, we got China, USA, UK, Japan, Taiwan etc all investing billions of dollars into India. We dont rely on one nation.
End of the day, 75 billion is greater than 46 billion.

Deal with it and go now cry about how great new road will be, to allow China to transport oil to them quickly.

Not to forget, we got China, USA, UK, Japan, Taiwan etc all investing billions of dollars into India. We dont rely on one nation.
You have no idea what 'new road' you're talking about. Time will tell.
End of the day, 75 billion is greater than 46 billion.

Deal with it and go now cry about how great new road will be, to allow China to transport oil to them quickly.
You have no idea what 'new road' you're talking about. Time will tell.

Oh yes I have, I have a read of some threads here, some are 100 pages long talking about what the road will do plus the port.

And its not even ready it. But I admire they confidence!
Well its not all about money.How much money you throw is not the matter.The matter is what do you get in return.What Pakistan gets through CPEC is fully industrialized and advance Gawadar Port.Now what is Gawadar port? Gawadar port is the world's largest warm water sea port.Of course when the Gawadar is built it will boost economy of both Pakistan and China but it will also allow Chinese and Pakistan navy to get their grips deeper in the Arabian Sea.So it's not about 46 Billion or 75 Billion its about the investment and its long term impact on the region.

And what exactly is the purpose of Gawadar port other than importing Chinese Raw material .. ? You seriously believe China will shift its factories to you country ..? How much toll you guys are expecting from letting China import raw material ?
Most of the money from 45Bill will be invested in starting Coal fired Power plants.. This is a productive effort provided the power tariff at which the Chinese company sells power to you is low enough for you to buy. Most importantly, your government has signed sovereign guarantee of providing at least 18% ROI. Just imagine the kind of money you will be paying as interest.
Oh yes I have, I have a read of some threads here, some are 100 pages long talking about what the road will do plus the port.

And its not even ready it. But I admire they confidence!
75 billion vs 46 billion lol. Of all that you've read you must have missed the long term gains.. Which is why you have compared the numbers.
End of the day, 75 billion is greater than 46 billion.

Deal with it and go now cry about how great new road will be, to allow China to transport oil to them quickly.

Not to forget, we got China, USA, UK, Japan, Taiwan etc all investing billions of dollars into India. We dont rely on one nation.
Except the amount doesn't matter, its how the investment is made that matters. That's investment 101.

Look at Afghanistan, and Iraq. It's estimated that the US has invested more than half a trillion dollars in infrastructure, security, education, and energy projects, but 90% have been completely and utterly worthless. The bigger a project gets, the easier it is for it to fail.

The reason why businesses are moving to India is because of the long term impact. A dollar put into buying Indian stocks may grow double or triple within a few years.

Also, don't just look at total amount, look at percentage wise, how much that's worth. What may be a large investment in Somalia, would be a simple write off for most other nations.

An investment of $75 billion is an okay amount, if you take into account India's huge economy, and it's potential impact on India's economy. While, Pakistan being a middle economy, $46 billion is a large investment (almost a fifth of Pakistan's nominal GDP), which takes into account that the Gwadar port is set to become one of the busiest ports in the region, and one of the largest in the world, thus the long term impact (if the project succeeds) is huge, with potentially massive return on investment. That's not even mentioning the money would bring in much needed jobs, work on energy projects (doubling Pakistan's current capacity) and/or upgrading and building new (much needed) infrastructure.

$46 billion is chump change for India, but taking percentage and rates into account, the equivalent amount for India (if India's current GDP is $2 trillion) would be around $400 billion, meaning it would take this much to have the same type of impact on India's economy.
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@That Guy regarding gwadar, considering the fact that the Chinese are getting management rights for 40 years upon completion, how do you think Pakistan will be benefitted from the port ?
How does the management rights benefit the Chinese ?
Lastly, why did it go to exclusively the Chinese anyway ?
75 billion vs 46 billion lol. Of all that you've read you must have missed the long term gains.. Which is why you have compared the numbers.

We Indians should be proud that Pakistan is finally getting some investment, even if the terms and condition favours China.
Except the amount doesn't matter, its how the investment is made that matters. That's investment 101.

Look at Afghanistan, and Iraq. It's estimated that the US has invested more than half a trillion dollars in infrastructure, security, education, and energy projects, but 90% have been completely and utterly worthless. The bigger a project gets, the easier it is for it to fail.

The reason why businesses are moving to India is because of the long term impact. A dollar put into buying Indian stocks may grow double or triple within a few years.

Also, don't just look at total amount, look at percentage wise, how much that's worth. What may be a large investment in Somalia, would be a simple write off for most other nations.

An investment of $75 billion is an okay amount, if you take into account India's huge economy, and it's potential impact on India's economy. While, Pakistan being a middle economy, $46 billion is a large investment (almost a fifth of Pakistan's nominal GDP), which takes into account that the Gwadar port is set to become one of the busiest ports in the region, and one of the largest in the world, thus the long term impact (if the project succeeds) is huge, with potentially massive return on investment.

I fully understand and I agree with you.

My reply was in response to the Pakistani who was showing off about receiving $46b in a thread that is about UAE and India.

I dont think Afghan and Iraq investment can be compared to Pakistan. Pakistan is more stable and still is a democratic nation and does not have as corrupt/poor leaders as them too.
@That Guy regarding gwadar, considering the fact that the Chinese are getting management rights for 40 years upon completion, how do you think Pakistan will be benefitted from the port ?
How does the management rights benefit the Chinese ?
Lastly, why did it go to exclusively the Chinese anyway ?

They just sold their soverginity yet again but this time to a new country.
@That Guy regarding gwadar, considering the fact that the Chinese are getting management rights for 40 years upon completion, how do you think Pakistan will be benefitted from the port ?
How does the management rights benefit the Chinese ?
Lastly, why did it go to exclusively the Chinese anyway ?

Very good questions, and ones that I only have basic answers to.

Pakistan would be getting royalties from the port authorities and guaranteed jobs for locals.

China would benefit as it would significantly shorten it's maritime routes for their exports, and given them a sort of permanent foot in the region.

Before the Chinese, it was Singapore that was in charge, and while Pakistan got some amount of profit, I wad negligible. The port was extremely underdeveloped, as a result of Singapore not wanting to invest a significant amount.

Why would they not want to? Who knows, but it is clear that the US was the only reason why they even decided to approach Pakistan about Gwadar, as the US didn't want China to gain a foot hold in the region. The US bribed previous administrations to stop China from getting the port, but ever since the souring of relations between the two, and its tilt towards India, Pakistan no longer saw it fit to deny China's repeated requests. Plus the massive investment promised to revamp Pakistan's economy, so that helped a lot to deny the US for once.

We Indians should be proud that Pakistan is finally getting some investment, even if the terms and condition favours China.

I fully understand and I agree with you.

My reply was in response to the Pakistani who was showing off about receiving $46b in a thread that is about UAE and India.

I dont think Afghan and Iraq investment can be compared to Pakistan. Pakistan is more stable and still is a democratic nation and does not have as corrupt/poor leaders as them too.
Okay. Also, my Iraq and Afghan point was only meant as an example, albeit an extreme one.

They just sold their soverginity yet again but this time to a new country.
You have no idea how this works, so please don't pretend you do.
@That Guy So what does this 'management going to the Chinese' effectively mean ? From your last post it seems like it doesn't matter who manages the port.
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