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Awami League turned Bangladesh justice system into ‘Kangaroo court’

Interesting thread i usually don't write in BD section but is seems i have been missing a lot.

I always used to be angry on Indian comments about our Political Matters.But judging by this thread it seems Indian Members are completely into the Politics of another sovereign country.I mean even if BD members don't like AL why do Indians interfere?
We helped BD during her independence now should we allow you to take over the country again? BD belongs to the people of BD. We have good relation with BD, how can we let you to destroy this? :no:

Now let me say:

India did conspiracy with some BDans including Hindus (I have no problem with Hindus and I have very good Hindu friend and there not any problem between Hindu and Muslim in BD) in 71 which induced war situation and then after 9 or 10 months when we were going to win against PK then the Indian Army came to BD to end the war and took the credit. What a selfish pre-planed strategy by INDIA TO DEVIDE pk !!!!!!!.BUt now India's interfere inducing division among BD people. And about AL's victory, forget it and wait till next..........
We helped BD during her independence now should we allow you to take over the country again? BD belongs to the people of BD. We have good relation with BD, how can we let you to destroy this? :no:

Do you have any idea that how many true Bangladeshi hate BD jsut for AL?

Even one of our BD member (M_saint) changed his flag for out of rage. ANd no wonder, if I will change My flag ever to UN, and obviously not for any anti independent issue but for the AL's recent stooge activity. I can not see my BD as any one's broker.

It seems evil souls are stronger than the good soul now. May Allah bless my BD or give punishment for the crime going on by AL.
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Now let me say:

India did conspiracy with some BDans including Hindus (I have no problem with Hindus and I have very good Hindu friend and there not any problem between Hindu and Muslim in BD) in 71 which induced war situation and then after 9 or 10 months when we were going to win against PK then the Indian Army came to BD to end the war and took the credit. What a selfish pre-planed strategy by INDIA TO DEVIDE pk !!!!!!!.BUt now India's interfere inducing division among BD people. And about AL's victory, forget it and wait till next..........

Oh really ! that's a new take on history. The whole internet is wrong and this is the truth. Oh let God give you the strength to know your own history. Start reading from 1966 when "provincial autonomy" was a buzz word.
Do you have any idea that how many true Bangladeshi hate BD jsut for AL?

Even one of our BD member (M_saint) changed his flag for out of rage. ANd no wonder, if I will change My flag ever to UN, and obviously not for any anti independent issue but for the AL's recent stooge activity. I can not see my BD as any one's broker.

It seems evil souls are stronger than the good soul now. May Allah bless my BD or give punishment for the crime going on by AL.

OK, why do they have a massive majority ?
Well, possibly because the electorate once liked them.

Is thr no one in AL who wants the good of people? Maybe ?

Why don't we hear reports of mass uprising in BD to oust the government if they are as bad as what you claim ?

When was the last call for dissolution of the parliament from opposition parties ?

OK, why do they have a massive majority ?
Well, possibly because the electorate once liked them.

Is thr no one in AL who wants the good of people? Maybe ?

Why don't we hear reports of mass uprising in BD to oust the government if they are as bad as what you claim ?

When was the last call for dissolution of the parliament from opposition parties ?


^ I will not answer you anymore. :hitwall: Any one can answer you on behalf me who thinks like me and who is expert to deal with your worthless post.
^ I will not answer you anymore. :hitwall: Any one can answer you on behalf me who thinks like me and who is expert to deal with your worthless post.

Ya whatever. You can't answer because you can't.
OK, can you answer some 'simple' questions again?

1) whats the reasons behind all these 'persons' are against govt Y, which bagged 263 seats out 300!!! They are against any move by the govt.

2) India is the largest neighbor of BD, both Indian and BD govt want good relation between the countries, but for some reason these 'persons' are against it!! Calling Hasina as pro-Indian (I am not using slang) they blamed her for everything!!! Why? Whats bad if there is a good relation between the countries?

3) Why they are so much against India? When there was a news that China building dams over Brahmaputra, they still blamed India but not China, isn't that call India-phobia?

4) Someone here even supported the brutal slayers of 1971 and blaming India for 'creating' Bangladesh!!! Should we consider them as Bangladeshis? People and govt of BD trying hard to find such people and bringing them under punishment for what they did against the country. Now what will you say about the that? Do they have any right to talk agaist the govt when they are against BD itself! :disagree:

These questions are completely irrelevant. You're using very narrow and simplistic logic while debating here.
These questions are completely irrelevant. You're using very narrow and simplistic logic while debating here.

I've noticed that this guy is some what a self styled expert in logic...Would u like to share ur logical take in this matter?? Or did i just ask u something difficult to do??
It seems evil souls are stronger than the good soul now. May Allah bless my BD or give punishment for the crime going on by AL.

There is a famous saying in din-e-Islam.

Mumin er ek din aar munafiq er haazar din
Let's not forget about the event of 75. Let them Awami go at it but mujahideen will strike on right moment.
We helped BD during her independence now should we allow you to take over the country again? BD belongs to the people of BD. We have good relation with BD, how can we let you to destroy this? :no:

Bharatis ka asli Chehra aur awami munafiq gaddar o ka dalal hone ka saboot.

It doesn't matter how bad awami run the country but Bharati will always support them because awami serve bharatis interest over the blood and sweat of poor bd.:angry::sniper:
Bharatis ka asli Chehra aur awami munafiq gaddar o ka dalal hone ka saboot.

It doesn't matter how bad awami run the country but Bharati will always support them because awami serve bharatis interest over the blood and sweat of poor bd.:angry::sniper:

I would like to see some reasons based on which u reached this conclusion.Did i just asked a question difficult for u to answer??
I've noticed that this guy is some what a self styled expert in logic...Would u like to share ur logical take in this matter?? Or did i just ask u something difficult to do??

Your personal attacks on me are not gonna help you. Anyone mature enough and knowing what they're talking about will see what I am seeing. Indians, throughout the internet, tend to use very simplistic and naive arguments and then personally attack those who think differently. Like teenagers. That was the case in the other topic, it's the case here as well.
Have we got nothing better to do?? This is a defense forum, and we should talk defense, NOT politics!! Sick of this..:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

Raquib Bhai
Welcome back. It has been long. Where do you think our country heading? Would there any defence require if we become virtual slave of Bharat?

I understand your frustration but political ideology is the mother of all defence. A country can not Survive with dignity with out strong ideology and aim. Take a look at our Pakistani brother.. They managed to acquire neuclear weapon and strong defence becasue they managed to come out from bharati circle to clear and convicting Islamic ideology. They had aim and no confusion when come to idendifying the enemy. They are anyting but bharati minded. If Bangladesh wish to survive with dignity and you want to see strong defence then we must follow diffrent ideology than Awami.

Pakistan and Bharat officially enemy country yet you do not see their citizen being killed by BSF whearas our awami dalal went all the way to slave level realtion with bharat yet all most every week a Bangaldeshi citizen die in the hand of BSF. When our coward and dalal govenment bow to bharati bully then expect such humiliation. No one respect cowards and suckers. I hope you understand what I mean.

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