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Awami League turned Bangladesh justice system into ‘Kangaroo court’

Yes of course. As expected. A bharati will back up Awami no matter what, with out digging up the truth. Never the less. Those posts on three threads are based on pure truth. All of those posts are either pictures of BD or economic news. No politics what so ever. None is based on my opinion.

O.K so how mine biased when I have either posts images of BD or economy related news? Care to explain?

Electrical Engineer by Profession. :coffee:

Get a life and be yourself, Will you ???? :sniper:

To answer your question above in Bold, check the statement you have made in Red. Do you now count any member who expects BD to be shown in good light an Awami ? If this is not biased what else is!
I will repost what he wrote

"But recently mr. Idune and Al-Zakir made this Bangladesh section as a AL bashing and BNP prasing section."

"Better post some positive news of Bangladesh and should be defence and economy related. So that we could still come and enjoy this forum."

He is stating that instead of attacking ONLY AL and PRASING ONLY BNP , you could better serve your country by having a unbiased stand of your view point.

Also i'm aware about his contribution to defense and BD economy related post's. However less they might be, we have found them fairly unbiased.

Are you acting on be half of Iajdani now?

In line with typical indian charecter you are interfering with someone else conversation, no one is bashing AL or praising BNP here. Just presenting facts that is publicly available and people of Bangladesh is victim of. And to give you taste of Awami looting and repression, here is a news to read.


And here is (already said) what I would say in response to your sidekick attitude.

If exposure of Awami regime killing, raping and looting and not to mention anti state activities making you uncomfortable then not much anyone can do. Every thread posted here with news link, facts and pictures. So no scope of you spreading deception that I or anyone making anything up or bashing any party.

Why it is important people should know about Awami regime destructive activities

Bangladesh strategic standing has significant bearing in the region more than its military standing (because Bangladesh current military standing is very limited in terms of other regional players). And the way Awami regime is pushing Bangladesh to edge of destruction by undermining Bangladesh sovereignty and destroying Bangladesh economy, defense, society and industries, strategic standing of Bangladesh is evaporating faster than one can realize. As such it is only fitting that people in this forum who are interested in Bangladesh defense and strategic matter know how Awami regime is destroying institutions in Bangladesh, unleashed a reign of terror and how Awami regime subservient policy pushing Bangladesh to edge of destruction.
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Yes of course. As expected. A bharati will back up Awami no matter what, with out digging up the truth.
I dont care if he is Awami or a BNP. I merely stated what his point was. And that i personally found his posts were fairly unbiased.

O.K so how mine biased when I have either posts images of BD or economy related news? Care to explain?
Again, I DID NOT accuse you of anything in that post. I merely stated what i believe was iaj's point.

Get a life and be yourself, Will you ???? :sniper:
You will be better served if you attack the thought, not the thinker.
Are you acting on be half of Iajdani now?
Oh god .... You busted me. Yeh, he pays me Annuity to support him on PDF.

In line with typical indian charecter you are interfering with someone else conversation
As usual, your racist comments are of no surprise to us. Did you know what Wikipedia says about the word "Forum" ?

"Forums could be described as a web version of a newsgroup or electronic mailing list (many of which were commonly called Usenet); allowing people to post messages and comment on other messages"

So i suppose if you want people to not respond to your messages, you can post it on Tweeter (Twitter) or Blog (www.blogger.com)

And here is (already said) what I would say in response to your sidekick attitude.
If you didnt knew, personal comment's on someone physical or other traits do not augment your logic in way what so ever!

If exposure of Awami regime killing, raping and looting and not to mention anti state activities making you uncomfortable then not much anyone can do.

Go on. Its your country and your government. If needed we will debate on your topic's as long as you post on this forum.

Every thread posted here with news link, facts and pictures. So no scope of you spreading deception that I or anyone making anything up or bashing any party.
You would have been a billionaire, had someone given you a cent as a royalty every time you have used the word "Deception". Merely stating that im spreading deception - does not in any way quantify your rants. Show me any post of mine where you can prove your accusations against me. As for the above post of mine, i merely pointed out what i believe was Iajdani's point. I have had my own share of debates with him and still believe his posts are fairly unbiased.
@Stumper and ramu,

why are you wasting time arguing with these guys? Its their country, their rulers and their internal matters. if they bash the awami govt, let them. the bangladeshi people elected them into power, so they have the right to gripe about them. if the bangladeshis have that much of a problem with awami league, then they can kick them out in the next election.

even we gripe about our govt at times. but we wont like it if someone else comes to interfere there, would we?

i know this is a forum and everybody has a right to post their opinion, but lets take some people's sensitivities into context here. If we can avoid arguments and nation-bashing, lets do that.
@Stumper and ramu,

why are you wasting time arguing with these guys? Its their country, their rulers and their internal matters.

No sir. They opposed the creation of BD and they have no right to talk against the PM of BD. Hasina is trying to punish them for their brutality in 1971, thats why they hate Hasina, BD and India so much.
@Stumper and ramu,

why are you wasting time arguing with these guys? Its their country, their rulers and their internal matters. if they bash the awami govt, let them. the bangladeshi people elected them into power, so they have the right to gripe about them. if the bangladeshis have that much of a problem with awami league, then they can kick them out in the next election.

even we gripe about our govt at times. but we wont like it if someone else comes to interfere there, would we?

SU : Maybe you can read my posts again. I have not debated on any individuals views on AL or its government. I have stood up for high handed name calling indulged by some members (on the pretext of debating).
No sir. They opposed the creation of BD and they have no right to talk against the PM of BD. Hasina is trying to punish them for their brutality in 1971, thats why they hate Hasina, BD and India so much.

How can you possibly make such comment ? Do you know them personally and/or their actions in 71 ? Can't you relaize that they must attain an age of 60 or over to be really active politically in 71 ? Do not their posts and writing indicate that they are much younger that such age ?

Most Bangladesh think that AL is doing a great dis-service to its image by doing the same pathetic mistake---naming opponents who perhaps were children of 10 years or less or even not born in 71. A war criminal must have become by now teeth-less, balding, diabetic or otherwise ailing old man who by now has forgotten spelling of his own name---upon living minm 40 years under the soothing affection of Mother Bangladesh after that General Amnesty.

You too seem bent on a dis-service to India by poking your nose side-by-side with AL--but then in else's turf. While India is trying hard to stand as a 'super power' on its rickety legs, why some of its citizen so mercilessly making its path more slippery with 'super shower' ?
How can you possibly make such comment ? Do you know them personally and/or their actions in 71 ? Can't you relaize that they must attain an age of 60 or over to be really active politically in 71 ? Do not their posts and writing indicate that they are much younger that such age ?
Younger people doesn't have such hatred against others. Do they? Pakistan and China are our adversaries but we Indians don't hate them so much!!!

First some of them don't consider them as Bangladeshi. They blamed India for the creation of BD, now who gave them right to talk about BD? How young people can talk like that? Why so much hatred against Hasina, AL and India?

Most Bangladesh think that AL is doing a great dis-service to its image by doing the same pathetic mistake---naming opponents who perhaps were children of 10 years or less or even not born in 71. A war criminal must have become by now teeth-less, balding, diabetic or otherwise ailing old man who by now has forgotten spelling of his own name---upon living minm 40 years under the soothing affection of Mother Bangladesh after that General Amnesty.

No most of the Bangladeshis don't think so. I have visited BD. I know them. Almost everyone quite happy that at last these killers will be punished.

You too seem bent on a dis-service to India by poking your nose side-by-side with AL--but then in else's turf. While India is trying hard to stand as a 'super power' on its rickety legs, why some of its citizen so mercilessly making its path more slippery with 'super shower' ?

lol Came to your true color? :rofl: Can't stop blaming India? At least we call ourselves as Indians and we love our country while you don't have any country to love. Not Bangladesh, no Pakistan!!


Good one sir. Awami and bharatis term I would be a warcriminal eventhough I born much after 71........:undecided:

Did you forget many of you posts against the independence of Bangladesh?
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Jazakallah brother.

Bro, what is the meaning of 'Jazakallah'. And when should we say/use that?

.........Mumin like you around.........

Sorry to say that it's your wrong perception about me, I'm not good Muslim as I do not obey the Islamic rules as I should do but I feel that I should follow those rules and may be I'll do those someday if Allah will agree/help. Thanks.
Bro, what is the meaning of 'Jazakallah'. And when should we say/use that?

Sorry to say that it's your wrong perception about me, I'm not good Muslim as I do not obey the Islamic rules as I should do but I feel that I should follow those rules and may be I'll do those someday if Allah will agree/help. Thanks.

جزاك الله Meaning:

'May Allah grant you (goodness)'. Jazakallah Khair is the actual phrase in its entirity.
I see very simplistic and naive logic here by the indians. i.e. if person X is against government Y, it must be because of the reasons I feel person X is against government Y, and not for any other possible reasons. In other words, they are against government Y because of the reasons I have provided and not for other reasons. Very narrow, simplistic, and childish logic.
I see very simplistic and naive logic here by the indians. i.e. if person X is against government Y, it must be because of the reasons I feel person X is against government Y, and not for any other possible reasons. In other words, they are against government Y because of the reasons I have provided and not for other reasons. Very narrow, simplistic, and childish logic.

SMC, your logic is illogical. All that I have said is that the Bangladesh section is predominantly anti Bangladesh section in a way that demeans the democracy in Bangladesh to an extent that makes one think if the people here are really a true representatives of their country.

I have no objections with them calling their government names and what not but the extent they have gone to clearly highlights the aberration from reality. Some of them want to highlight the very idea of their country's existence as an issue and that makes me doubt their flags at times.
Some of them want to highlight the very idea of their country's existence as an issue and that makes me doubt their flags at times.

Stay silent and wait with your believe (doubt their flags) then the time will say you in the next election. AL's popularity is decreasing day by day and it's really true for obvious reasons. I'm not involved to any party but I'm anti-AL.

BTW, how does speaking own idea or on behalf of Islam by any Bangladeshi induce doubt about his nationality in you?!!! Maoists are against Indian govt and there are many anti Indian Indian citizens too, so would you doubt their flag if they come to PDF and speak against Indian govt?

Now tell me which could be their original nationality if they are not BDans? I do not think Pakistanis have any big benefit to speak against AL and India by using BD flag.

Lastly, you do not know well about BD and its people.
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