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Awami League minister agrees with Delhi on border shooting

Good post, sane and pragmatic post will be answered in pragmatic voice as well.

The truth is both BGB and BSF are corrupt and involved in this multi million dollar smuggling. You can't blame them, they are just poor people as well trying to make their ends meet. The only way to prevent this nuisance is to legalize cattle trading, although I have shade of doubt that it will be effective since India is already largest exporter of beef and but Bangladeshis prefer to risk life instead of importing and pay the customs.

There is another factor as well, Indo-BD border is too porous and can be used by terrorists to enter into India or flee from India. I'm not blaming BD nationals of terrorism but BD and Nepal have been used as gateway to enter India by terrorists of certain nationality in past, so BSF is in immense pressure to curb the influx.

Having said that, I still do think that BSF shouldn't use gun unless it's a life threatening situation and actually BSF is doing that as well(or at least have been instructed to do that), if just read the stats you'd know that border killing while is not eliminated but getting lower by each passing year. At least far more people were killed on border during BNP era than AL era. And it's only been made possible by cordial relation between BD-India govt. Believe me no amount threatening or Jamati whining would have been able to move the juggernaut that Indian babus are, otherwise.

Fair enough, a good post.

1. Both the BNP and Awami League are corrupt and run by thugs (though Awami League street thugs are far more brutal) but their power is exaggerated. Not that much changes in Bangladesh irrespective of which set of thugs are ruling e.g military close to China, development of garments industry, remittance from GCC states, relations with the US etc.

2. I would strongly be opposed to Bangladesh acting as a proxy for a "certain" foreign power and SAARC member (no prizes for guessing who I'm talking about) and their intelligence agency and helping foreign guerillas e.g. ULFA.

The BNP-Jamat coalition in the past has apparently been doing precisely that.

Even on this forum we had the likes of Kalu Miah calling for such things.

This is highly irresponsible and a poor country like ours has no time for such adventurism.

3. I come from the border area (a certain thana of Sylhet district close to the border with Assam) and the death of people by BSF personnel hurts me more personally than it hurts some trolls here who are merely using this for India-bashing.

I sincerely and truly want nothing but peace and an end to these killings.
Are you an idiot or just trying to pretend to be one? India and BD govt have a detailed trade agreement signed which covers which items can be brought from India legally and which can not. By not adhering to these laws and agreement these smugglers violating the agreement and thus committing thievery and crime.

Your idea of crime is weird to say the least, an act doesn't become legal when it wouldn't fill govt coffers but it becomes crime because it's wrong to do so.

You were trying to 'learn'/making reference to Shariah, hence my answer.
Legal trade seems to be off the dictionary of Bangladeshis. What a weird Islamic majority country

By that logic, every corrupt politician in Bangladesh should lose their hand. Or even lose their heads for murder, and such.

Had there been no cattle trade (illegal) with India, prices of beef may go up to Tk. 1500/kg.

By the way, religious/non-religious discussions aren't allowed. It's a banned topic.
Had there been no cattle trade (illegal) with India, prices of beef may go up to Tk. 1500/kg.

Then why complain when a few Bangladeshis get shot. Just part of that price you chaps seem willing to pay.
By that logic, every corrupt politician in Bangladesh should lose their hand. Or even lose their heads for murder, and such.

Had there been no cattle trade (illegal) with India, prices of beef may go up to Tk. 1500/kg.

By the way, religious/non-religious discussions aren't allowed. It's a banned topic.

Don't you think they should? :D
Why so? we should breed our own cattle. Huge process to encourage it, but once the prices go up, everyone will eventually start doing it
Really now? This is the first time i brought up religion to educate some self proclaimed "religious scholars" and you notice it. These scholars have got tons of thread full of religion. Just giving them a taste of their own medicine. I am not even practicing btw, just showing them, their hypocrisy
Legal trade seems to be off the dictionary of Bangladeshis. What a weird Islamic majority country

hey if you are an anti-pak no problem if you're pro awami thats your right & there is nothing wrong with that

but when you start ridiculing your own country then no matter what your political affiliation are you are a "Hypocrite" plain & simple

you spit on the plate in which you eat

sorry for being a bit straight but your posts deserved nothing lesser
Don't you think they should? :D
Why so? we should breed our own cattle. Huge process to encourage it, but once the prices go up, everyone will eventually start doing it
Really now? This is the first time i brought up religion to educate some self proclaimed "religious scholars" and you notice it. These scholars have got tons of thread full of religion. Just giving them a taste of their own medicine. I am not even practicing btw, just showing them, their hypocrisy

I doubt if it's feasible on a large scale.
Well, it's a trade (illegal) in which everyone is involved. Not just Bangladeshis.
Where's the beef? Indians don't want to know - Los Angeles Times

The best thing would be simply to legalize it.

From your point. You have to accept it if others don't agree & since you justified smuggling(because it keeps prices low), you should also be okay with the cost of a few unfortunate Bangladeshi lives. After all, what matters to you is the relatively cheap price of beef, isn't it?
hey if you are an anti-pak no problem if you're pro awami thats your right & there is nothing wrong with that

but when you start ridiculing your own country then no matter what your political affiliation are you are a "Hypocrite" plain & simple

you spit on the plate in which you eat

sorry for being a bit straight but your posts deserved nothing lesser

Bhai eder bole laav nai, Jokhon apnaake 1 jon Bangladesher flag change korte bole insult korcilo koshto peyechilam, but kichhu bolinai, Cause Bangladesh ta odero, problem holo bidesher hawa laga ei public ra nijeder mainstream vableo eraa ta na... Ektu English Jaane tai fot fot kore, Onek Bangladeshi ei forum ghurey jay khali english e torko kora lagbe tai register korena.. Era evabe Jevabe islam r muslim k attack kore, Shamnashamni desher kothaw bolle thota mukh public thappor diye Bhota kore dibe 100% sure :sniper: ..Koyekdin age 1ta Juta khelo, Election ta hote din, aro bohut public er kopal e Juta achhe
1. Another poster asked me a question about the Islamic religion.

I addressed that poster and made a post.

2. You then commented on my post when I had not addressed you at all.

3. You have attacked me 3 or 4 times now in different threads, following me around this forum always attacking me in threads where I have never spoken to you.

4. I responded to the post you made and then as per usual you continued to attack me and respond in a highly emotional and immature way.

I have no option but to add you to ignore as you are nothing but a trouble-maker and a stalker.


So you take anyone who quotes your post as an attacker? by the same logic when you quote someone's post when he didn't quote you or was replying in general than you are an attacker too... heck by same means almost 95% members on this forum are attackers
at my answer ..i was mentioning another prospect ...we have many people here who support certain parties either for the sake of boosting their egos or proving other wrong even when they know these parties are oppressing certain other muslims and spreading corruption and immorality then it becomes a right of every muslim to act against the corruption , immorality and oppression ...rather then accusing sufferers and ignoring their sorrows .no party is above ALLAH (SWT) ,HIS Prophet (SAWW) and the religion of ALLAH

In our part of the world we treat these political parties as the most important entity in our life and in our that lame love we forget to notice the sorrows of other muslims caused by the hands of those culprits.

we are very low on tolerance levels ...we always have this attitude "either side with my point of view or else get ready for accusations" as i am seeing on this thread alot....

last but not the least don't you call such hypocrisy when one person justifying and defending the acts committed by certain chunk due to xyz reasons accuses and criticizes another chunk for even way less troublesome acts due to the same xyz reasons.
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From your point. You have to accept it if others don't agree & since you justified smuggling(because it keeps prices low), you should also be okay with the cost of a few unfortunate Bangladeshi lives. After all, what matters to you is the relatively cheap price of beef, isn't it?

Well, how often do you see me whining on BSF/smuggling threads? :D

To many Bangladeshis, it is a sensitive issue. Everyone's gotta make a living. Better than having a bunch of jobless gun-trotting wackjobs wouldn't you say? :D

And by the way, I rarely eat beef.
hey if you are an anti-pak no problem if you're pro awami thats your right & there is nothing wrong with that

but when you start ridiculing your own country then no matter what your political affiliation are you are a "Hypocrite" plain & simple

you spit on the plate in which you eat

sorry for being a bit straight but your posts deserved nothing lesser

I am not anti-pak, i am not pro-awami
I am not ridiculing my country, i am pointing out the hypocrisy of the members here, who beat the drums about religion and then encourage smuggling.
No need to be sorry, you have every right to share your opinion. cheer

Bhai eder bole laav nai, Jokhon apnaake 1 jon Bangladesher flag change korte bole insult korcilo koshto peyechilam, but kichhu bolinai, Cause Bangladesh ta odero, problem holo bidesher hawa laga ei public ra nijeder mainstream vableo eraa ta na... Ektu English Jaane tai fot fot kore, Onek Bangladeshi ei forum ghurey jay khali english e torko kora lagbe tai register korena.. Era evabe Jevabe islam r muslim k attack kore, Shamnashamni desher kothaw bolle thota mukh public thappor diye Bhota kore dibe 100% sure :sniper: ..Koyekdin age 1ta Juta khelo, Election ta hote din, aro bohut public er kopal e Juta achhe

Bro lets stop the hate, i don't support any killing, i was just suggesting that we should do well about stopping smuggling as well, and no point in blaming them about everything. Peace
Ami kintu karate jani. :azn:
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