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Awami League minister agrees with Delhi on border shooting

I am confronting you on the same point what you said...you act like you are the only pious and righteous one here ...I can post more Hadith on the topic than you can think of ...so dont make me loose my brain with your such comments...if you wana engage in argue do it in a decent manner without taunts or being sarcastic

1. Another poster asked me a question about the Islamic religion.

I addressed that poster and made a post.

2. You then commented on my post when I had not addressed you at all.

3. You have attacked me 3 or 4 times now in different threads, following me around this forum always attacking me in threads where I have never spoken to you.

4. I responded to the post you made and then as per usual you continued to attack me and respond in a highly emotional and immature way.

I have no option but to add you to ignore as you are nothing but a trouble-maker and a stalker.

Don't worry, they basically bully anyone who disagrees with them.....so everyone thinks all Bangladeshis are Jamatis/razakars like them. They silence differing opinions.

One way they do this is to twist what you say. I mean I have said the Awami League are corrupt, brutal, violent, thugs etc...then because I don't like razakars they call me "Awami"


Anyway using bad language against people is "guna" (sin) and it will go back to them.

Re topic: The previous BNP-Jamat e Islami coalition government in Bangladesh from around 2001-2006 did nothing against BSF killings.

The BNP and Awami League are same in this regard. Both are useless.

Bangladeshi nationalists should work with human rights organizations in Bangladesh, America and India to ensure that the New Delhi government stops BSF from killing Bangladeshi civilians as well as abusing Indian civilians too.

The BSF are a problem for Indian civilians too. I can understand why Indian posters here may get defensive due to the Jamati/razakar onslaught here (Jamatis will never like India even if it was the best neighbour on earth, since Jamatis hate Hindus) but please listen to us legitimate, mainstream Bangladeshis, I will be the first to say Bangladeshi politicians are corrupt, Bangladeshi police are corrupt, so why can you not accept the BSF are not perfect and need to be restrained, when even Indian civil society says this?

We should also strengthen our Border guards to stop the greedy smugglers
Don't worry, they basically bully anyone who disagrees with them.....so everyone thinks all Bangladeshis are Jamatis/razakars like them. They silence differing opinions.

One way they do this is to twist what you say. I mean I have said the Awami League are corrupt, brutal, violent, thugs etc...then because I don't like razakars they call me "Awami"


Anyway using bad language against people is "guna" (sin) and it will go back to them.

Re topic: The previous BNP-Jamat e Islami coalition government in Bangladesh from around 2001-2006 did nothing against BSF killings.

The BNP and Awami League are same in this regard. Both are useless.

Bangladeshi nationalists should work with human rights organizations in Bangladesh, America and India to ensure that the New Delhi government stops BSF from killing Bangladeshi civilians as well as abusing Indian civilians too.

The BSF are a problem for Indian civilians too. I can understand why Indian posters here may get defensive due to the Jamati/razakar onslaught here (Jamatis will never like India even if it was the best neighbour on earth, since Jamatis hate Hindus) but please listen to us legitimate, mainstream Bangladeshis, I will be the first to say Bangladeshi politicians are corrupt, Bangladeshi police are corrupt, so why can you not accept the BSF are not perfect and need to be restrained, when even Indian civil society says this?

Isnt tagging your country mates who too are muslims with such fancy stuff just because you perceive them as against your awami league or them being perceived by you as supporting another nuslim country is sin?

At one side you say before 71 bangladesh have no right to freedom of expression and other stuff so it became your right and duty to wage a war and partner with an enemy country to defend your rights and freedom so arent now you and your party doing same things with other bangladeshis and tagging them razakars, traitors or what not...so where that freedom of expression flew away? You are bashing them just because they are expressing their thoughts ...no think what about if they form coalition with aanother country and take the chunk out of bangladesh ...then damn you will cry here like anything ....
But when the "jabar/zulm" crosses a certain limit than its a right of muslim to stand up and take action against that "jabar/zulm"

when you see sins committed in your community, Islamic society or nation (Ummah), and if you turn a blind eye, you all will be answerable to Almighty ALLAH (SWT), liable for His punishment and for spreading the corruption.

what are you suggesting?
Don't worry, they basically bully anyone who disagrees with them.....so everyone thinks all Bangladeshis are Jamatis/razakars like them. They silence differing opinions.

One way they do this is to twist what you say. I mean I have said the Awami League are corrupt, brutal, violent, thugs etc...then because I don't like razakars they call me "Awami"


Anyway using bad language against people is "guna" (sin) and it will go back to them.

Re topic: The previous BNP-Jamat e Islami coalition government in Bangladesh from around 2001-2006 did nothing against BSF killings.

The BNP and Awami League are same in this regard. Both are useless.

Bangladeshi nationalists should work with human rights organizations in Bangladesh, America and India to ensure that the New Delhi government stops BSF from killing Bangladeshi civilians as well as abusing Indian civilians too.

The BSF are a problem for Indian civilians too. I can understand why Indian posters here may get defensive due to the Jamati/razakar onslaught here (Jamatis will never like India even if it was the best neighbour on earth, since Jamatis hate Hindus) but please listen to us legitimate, mainstream Bangladeshis, I will be the first to say Bangladeshi politicians are corrupt, Bangladeshi police are corrupt, so why can you not accept the BSF are not perfect and need to be restrained, when even Indian civil society says this?

Good post, sane and pragmatic post will be answered in pragmatic voice as well.

The truth is both BGB and BSF are corrupt and involved in this multi million dollar smuggling. You can't blame them, they are just poor people as well trying to make their ends meet. The only way to prevent this nuisance is to legalize cattle trading, although I have shade of doubt that it will be effective since India is already largest exporter of beef and but Bangladeshis prefer to risk life instead of importing and pay the customs.

There is another factor as well, Indo-BD border is too porous and can be used by terrorists to enter into India or flee from India. I'm not blaming BD nationals of terrorism but BD and Nepal have been used as gateway to enter India by terrorists of certain nationality in past, so BSF is in immense pressure to curb the influx.

Having said that, I still do think that BSF shouldn't use gun unless it's a life threatening situation and actually BSF is doing that as well(or at least have been instructed to do that), if just read the stats you'd know that border killing while is not eliminated but getting lower by each passing year. At least far more people were killed on border during BNP era than AL era. And it's only been made possible by cordial relation between BD-India govt. Believe me no amount threatening or Jamati whining would have been able to move the juggernaut that Indian babus are, otherwise.
Isnt tagging your country mates who too are muslims with such fancy stuff just because you perceive them as against your awami league or them being perceived by you as supporting another nuslim country is sin?

At one side you say before 71 bangladesh have no right to freedom of expression and other stuff so it became your right and duty to wage a war and partner with an enemy country to defend your rights and freedom so arent now you and your party doing same things with other bangladeshis and tagging them razakars, traitors or what not...so where that freedom of expression flew away? You are bashing them just because they are expressing their thoughts ...no think what about if they form coalition with aanother country and take the chunk out of bangladesh ...then damn you will cry here like anything ....

Those countrymen calls me Maloon/hindu/bigot when i go against their ideology. Please giv your opinion about this part too.
We should also strengthen our Border guards to stop the greedy smugglers
If Bangladesh does this then it will go a long way in reducing the number of deaths on the border.

Also there should be no surprise if there are many bad apples in BSF. The sheer scale of economy (of smuggling) will make many corrupt on both sides of the border. Its only Human. India should start a serious discussion on legalizing the cow trade with Bangladesh to stop this menace.
We should also strengthen our Border guards to stop the greedy smugglers

Jamatis/razakars hate Hindus because they are Hindus and will always use any opportunity or excuse to vilify India.

I do not like the New Delhi elite be it a BJP or Congress government. Indians know that I am a Bangladeshi nationalist and even argue for stronger defence.

However I just want to make it clear.

1. India was, is and will always (unless India breaks up) be our neighour.

2. We are both brown people and in many parts of the world, whether you are Bangladeshi/Indian/Sri Lankan/Pakistani (excluding light Pashtuns and Kashmiris) you will be looked down upon as an inferior brown being from a "poor part of the world".

Jamatis here make fun of slumdog millionaire but to the average non-South Asian, that is not an India-exclusive film, in their eyes all South Asians are "poor".

3. Whites and others laugh at us "brown people" fighting each other.


Apu from the Simpsons, an educated and well-informed non-South Asian friend of mine from Berkley told me this is how the world views South Asians, "desis" regardless of being Muslim or Hindu, as weak, poor and servile.

4. I believe in Asian unity which is why I am happy when I hear India and China are having $100 billion trade.

I want India and Bangladesh to have a similar relationship. One of trade and co-operation.

However New Delhi administrations must change their attitude to Bangladesh and respect us rather than looking at us with contempt and weak thus susceptible to be bullied. We are not.

I could write pages on how strong Bangladesh actually is, or the outcomes of any Indian-Bangladeshi war, but I won't as I do not want to offend Indians and it serves no purpose (plus I've done that in the past).

I won't be here next week, but all I can say is the BSF really, really, really need to stop killing civilians, as it is civilians they kill and not just smugglers. They also abuse Indians and not just Bangladeshis.
And if you ask me its better to die than made cripple and probably only 50 were dead last year so it seems 99 % of them evaded their punishment. Which is rather a blotch on pious people of Bangladesh.

We are not taking about Indians here but Bangladeshis who are smuggling, I think Islamic teaching is pretty clear about the punishment of smuggling as well as the definition of smuggling.

Cattle smugglers are not stealing anything. They are paying a govt imposed tax of 0% for each cow/bull you are selling to them.
Those countrymen calls me Maloon/hindu/bigot when i go against their ideology. Please giv your opinion about this part too.

Just ignore this guy.

He is a Hamid Gul follower, so still believes Bangladesh should be part of Pakistan and still cries over 1971.

It is natural he supports Pakistani-wannabes, razakars and Jamatis and then tries to act pious with a holier-than-thou attitude by lecturing me and you whilst turning a completely blind eye to razakars who call people "bastard", "hypocrite", "malaun", "Hindu", "bigot", "thug".

Anyway I really don't know what this clown is doing on this thread as Bangladesh has been an independent country for 42 years when the likes of him were defeated and kicked out for good.
Cattle smugglers are not stealing anything. They are paying a govt imposed tax of 0% for each cow/bull you are selling to them.

Are you an idiot or just trying to pretend to be one? India and BD govt have a detailed trade agreement signed which covers which items can be brought from India legally and which can not. By not adhering to these laws and agreement these smugglers violating the agreement and thus committing thievery and crime.

Your idea of crime is weird to say the least, an act doesn't become legal when it wouldn't fill govt coffers but it becomes crime because it's wrong to do so.
Tens and thousands of cows cross the Indo-BD border..........PER DAY!

Even though it's technically illegal :D

astagfirullah, where is our beloved @Al-zakir bhai? haat katakati korben na?
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