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Awami League imposing Hindu dominance over Muslim majority population

its already midnight in india. Indians could not sleep just by one thread, imagine how much of their hindu dominance agenda are exposed!!!!!

:p:P:P thei agenda was slapped back on their face in 75 by BD people and thats why i say Bravo BD despite all our past bitter experiences.
I understand your angst.But why are you targeting poor hanuman.He never asked hasina to prostate in front of him.Defending Islam is your birthright.So go for it.Best of luck.:tup:

Bangladesh will be declare a Hindu impose republic if it is up to Hanuman worshiper, dhoti loving malaun hasina and co but we can not allow these residue of Hindus to dictate over us. Islam given us permission to declare jihad against the Munafiq who dare to hurt Islam. Jihad is near and it will all mumin responsibility to demise them Awami dogs on first sight.

Bangladesh will stay Islamic if people within ready to die defending the Islam against fake Muslim like Iajdani otherwise we can abandon Bangladesh from rest of Islamic world. Let them pray toward Hanuman land.
In Bangladesh, secularism should be "freedom for everyone to practice their religion openly".Be it Eid,Durga puja, Buddha Purnima or x-mas.All in a friendly atmosphere.That's why we fought for in 1971.

Do you think Islamic republic of Pakistan disallow it's minorities to practice and enjoy their festival. Do some research.

Are you telling me that Hindus were banned for celebrating their festival in east Pakistan? Vulgarity should not be allow in the name of secularism. You do not want foreigner comes to country with impression that Bangladeshis has become un-Islamic. Do you???
By the way, you have go few thanks for Bharati to target your Muslim brother or do you not consider me as your brother? ;)
Hey btw were u not doing the same thing in Afghanistan..??...oh ok..i get it..that is called genuine "strategic depth" while this is unecessary interference in others internal affairs.

So you are accepting that India is trying to impose its flawed brand of anti-Islam secularism on BD for Indian strategic depth ????????

atleast we dont mince words about our strategic depth ;)
I understand your angst.But why are you targeting poor hanuman.He never asked hasina to prostate in front of him.Defending Islam is your birthright.So go for it.Best of luck.:tup:

He used the word hunuman worshipers and did not target hunuman.
Not sensible. He missed the point that Christian, Buddhist do not come here to poke their nose.

not sensible for you...sensible for me.

you have a problem with Hindus because , they are the mojority after Mulsims.
you have a problem with them because, you are pro pakistani.
you have a problem with them because you have the hatred in your hearts already.

about the rest..no christias majority nation is close to BD to have any sharing of culture....no buddhsit because no buddhsit majority country is also as close or even close then not having such strong interaction,both people to peope and cultural ties and related history.

I can compare the Chinese (Buddhist) and Indians here. Indian want to see BD as they think but Chinese do not.

Indians do not want to see BD as they think....and thats what you need to realise...this thought false notion will always keep you engaged and you will never think about being secular. if Indians wanted to see BD the way you think, then we would have easily done it in 1971...but we allowed your Govt, what you people wanted.

P.S - please do not use any bad word for my country as you have done it earlier..I really dont want to reply to you the way I treat Al-Jalil
its already midnight in india. Indians could not sleep just by one thread, imagine how much of their hindu dominance agenda are exposed!!!!!

after a hectic day in office dont we guys need some things to lighten up and laugh at .:lol:

p.s.: please continue posting ur esteemed analysis'.....
Then why do you speak in a matter that concerns bangladesh??:undecided:
Now what can we call this action of yours??
I guess, poking. Right ma'am??:rofl:

She comes here with concern and love but not like - you, the unsuited- Indians who comes here to bull that what is good or bad for us.

We are living peacefully here since our birth with our current constitution and we have no record clash between various people from different religions in here. But I assume that new attempt to change constitution will undermine majority Muslim's interests and induce for future Hindu-Muslim clash. Oh I can remember the Gujrat clash even India have so called secularism.
In Bangladesh, secularism should be "freedom for everyone to practice their religion openly".Be it Eid,Durga puja, Buddha Purnima or x-mas.All in a friendly atmosphere.That's why we fought for in 1971.

We should not go for Turkey or French style "secularism".Because then Muslim women would be banned from wearing hijab,Hindu women would also have to stop wearing shakhas or shindoors. We don't want that kind of secularism in Bangladesh.

DO you claim Bangladesh as a muslim majority country other religion do not enjoy their freedom???????

BTW why only hindu dominance?Why didn't the thread starter state Christian,Buddhist dominance too?

Beacuse US EU or Christian dominated world recognize Bangladesh as moderate Muslim country as oppose to indio-Awami "secular" aka hindu dominated agenda.

Anymore of your ignorant rant for indian cause???
Why do all the bangladeshi members here believe that there is always some kind of conspiracy cooking against them by india??
What do they want to prove?
They are obsessed with india and hinduism.
I think right now both bangladeshi and pakistani members measure their patriotism by how much they hate india!!
I think its sad.
And please don't go by pakistani formula. Just look at the state in which they are in. You are a different society and make your own ways of looking at things.

I would like to quote my earlier post.
not sensible for you...sensible for me.

you have a problem with Hindus because , they are the mojority after Mulsims.
you have a problem with them because, you are pro pakistani.
you have a problem with them because you have the hatred in your hearts already.

1. No I do not have problem with most of Bangladeshi Hindus. In fact, I have two very close and good Hindu friends and one is my business partner. We help each other in problem. They are really good. Though they do not know that I hate AL so much, in fact, we do not talk about politics. BUt I have problem with Indian Hindus disturb here.

2. Yea, I am pro-PK and their well wisher always.
DO you claim Bangladesh as a muslim majority country other religion do not enjoy their freedom???????

Beacuse US EU or Christian dominated world recognize Bangladesh as moderate Muslim country as oppose to indio-Awami "secular" aka hindu dominated agenda.

Anymore of your ignorant rant for indian cause???

Leonback has fall for the Bharati and Awami spell. We have lost this brother as well. :hitwall: :cry:
It means the same thing.Hanuman is more important than the worshipers so he is targeting hanuman.I am all for Rule of Islam in Bangladesh,but please leave poor hanuman out of it.I humbly request you all to layoff hanuman.
He used the word hunuman worshipers and did not target hunuman.
DO you claim Bangladesh as a muslim majority country other religion do not enjoy their freedom???????

No. How a non muslim citizen could say that they enjoy freedom when they were forced to say Bismillah and Faith on Allah before reading their own constitution. Dont you think those alone make them feel that they are 2nd class citizen in their own country. Even Israel let Muslim pray 5 times a day, does that mean Muslim enjoy their freedom in the very state called Israel?
Lolz were you not allowed to practice your religion freely before 71.

I suppose that was slip of the tongue.

I am not sure how free we were.Since I wasn't alive back then,I hear too many conflicting reports from both point of view.

Thats what we all are saying whereas the reports suggests the extremists secularism being imposed upon by AL by removing Islamic symbols, abolishing Bismillah and so on. This shows what AL wants is not secularism but infact anti-Islamic legislation.

Agreed, since its advents many morons have been trying to weaken Islam but they could not. But here the issue is that this temporary fever of imposed political victimisation is going to create further rift in Muslims and anti-Muslim elements in BD.

Let me give you one small example,which I think you know of Jana ji.

A sculpture of Baul singers were removed from in front of the Dhaka Air port after pressure from different religious groups.Now there stands a different sculpture with verses from holy Quran.

Many protested against the removal,but it was useless cry.

You see, its not so easy to demolish a religion of 140 million people.

Because there is no Budhist, Christian or Jewish country bordering BD that too which wants to influence everything in BD.

I answered it before....Uncle Sam always pokes in our internal matter.

If you declare anyone who is anti-India in BD as jamati than i dont see anything wrong if they associate you with pro-bharti elements.

There's a catch...

A significant difference between anti-India and anti-other religion(in this case Hindus).

Being anti-India is one thing,it may because the person's disagreement on the view with Indian govt.I did not term him Jamati for that.

However, being anti-Hindu is another matter,It is a proof of racism.I termed him Jamati for that.

And as for terming and name calling,well its a well known trait of Mr.Idune, any one he doesn't agree with,automatically becomes a RAW agent. :eek:

You are very old enough in PDF to know that.

and shyt chatra is a terrorist group funded by bhartis . Their brutalities have left behind even the most fakest horrible propaganda of bhartis about 71.

Chatra Leauge is a shyte..I agree x 1000 with you.
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