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Awami League imposing Hindu dominance over Muslim majority population

No you are fundementalists because you publically called for killing all the Hindus and hindu supporters..and told may be Pak Army can help them covertly..is this terrorist support or what??I dont care about Iajdani being patriot or not but he has a heart to accept and tolerate other religion too..its a good quality in my eyes..

Fake Muslim like Iajdani advocating Hindu way of living over Muslims. They are using force on Muslim not to perform their daily religious duty. They break Islamic monument from public display and replace with Hindu vulgarity. People have patience and if patience break then people like Iajdani should disappear.

Where did i advocate my way of life to you??Well Hindustani culture was here before Islamic culture and it may be worthless to you with your narrow mindedness but we are proud of it..and it may be hard for you to Digest but you will be known for your Bengali culture rather than Islamic culture :agree:

You are terrorist because you think that pagan Hindu culture should still be practice by Muslims. You are proud with your culture and I am proud with mine so why are you get angry when I defend mine.

Do you think we are weak to defend our faith and culture.???
I think awami league is on right track to transform Bangladesh in to a secular state…where any religion doesn’t enjoy a special statues….banning religious based politics, removing Islamic principles in the Bangladeshi legal sphere related to family life, Secularizing education, Supreme Court that made it illegal to mix religion with politics,….I DON’T SEE ANY WRONG IN THESE STEPS…………….AND WHO SAID SECULAR MEANS HINDUISAM…?

I agree that religion is deep rooted in social institutions and all other things…and such a move will disturb the society but it the necessary pain a society needs to undergo for a much broader and secular country. It is just like moving a tree from a pot to the plain land. The plant may suffer some damage but it has much scope and freedom to grow in the land than in a plant pot.
Ohh they can be very well seen by the type of hindu-hate-venom he spills in his every post.anyway lets no go offtopic discussing this...

I dont bring in ur religious figures......so i expect the same from others

in a country of 80% Hindus affected by Islamic fundamentalism a reactionary force is bound to arise sooner or later especially if the Govt is also Muslim-appeasing.

:what::what: so you mean all Indian Muslims are fundamentalists and Hindu fanatic militant groups are result of reaction to that ???

But the history has it that forces of Godse and Savarkar are much older than current day Muslim reaction in India.

Anyway as this thread is not about Hindu fundamentalist parties of India hence i will not further comment on that in this thread but some other relevant one

Please keep this to another thread..there is plenty of India bashing thread..
Pak army didn't kill their Bengali brother. They were killing Awami munafiq Hindu sympathizer to clean up the land. Sad for us is that they couldn't killed enough and now these Hindu sympathizer creating same trouble for us again. Another revolutionary task will be needed to clean the land from dhoti lover and perhaps Pak army can help us indirectly this time. It's family matter. ;)

You are a certified case of rabid hatred and your racist remarks are just symptoms of that.

Your frustration, your anger, your verbal diarrhoea, your empty impotent threats, your chest thumping - all is really really funny. I request you post here more often so that we can enjoy the fruits of the good work we are doing in bangladesh.

Secular Bangladesh forever :lol::lol::lol:
Fake Muslim like Iajdani advocating Hindu way of living over Muslims. They are using force on Muslim not to perform their daily religious duty. They break Islamic monument from public display and replace with Hindu vulgarity. People have patience and if patience break then people like Iajdani should disappear.

:hitwall::hitwall: Where in the hell did he or any one advocating Hindu way of life?? and for the bolded part are you insane or something??

You are terrorist because you think that pagan Hindu culture should still be practice by Muslims. You are proud with your culture and I am proud with mine so why are you get angry when I defend mine.

again where did i said that you should be practice Hindu culture??and i was questioning you about whats wrong with being secular and your nut head comments of killing all Hindus and sympathizers..Is this the way your religion preaches??are you feeling proud of killing other religions persons??you are living in US.. what if the people there think the same way??what will you do??where will you go??

Do you think we are weak to defend our faith and culture.???

No i think you are just a lunatic trying to defame your religion :disagree:
I agree that religion is deep rooted in social institutions and all other things…and such a move will disturb the society but it the necessary pain a society needs to undergo for a much broader and secular country. It is just like moving a tree from a pot to the plain land. The plant may suffer some damage but it has much scope and freedom to grow in the land than in a plant pot.

phir wohi bakwas. You have to understand the social fabric of Bangladesh. Look out our geographic location. we are surround by Hindu and Buddhist land yet have manage to stay Muslim for thousand of years. We are only country that is not connect with greater Islamic world. So basically we are more reluctant to oppose anything that discourage Islamic way of living. Secularism will not work for us no matter how much Awami try.

If we could have get out from Bharati influence in 75 then grievously we are more stronger and connected with Islamic world in 2010. :azn:
phir wohi bakwas. You have to understand the social fabric of Bangladesh. Look out our geographic location. we are surround by Hindu and Buddhist land yet have manage to stay Muslim for thousand of years. We are only country that is not connect with greater Islamic world. So basically we are more reluctant to oppose anything that discourage Islamic way of living. Secularism will not work for us no matter how much Awami try.

If we could have get out from Bharati influence in 75 then grievously we are more stronger and connected with Islamic world in 2010. :azn:

Is your religion so week that its unsafe because of non Islamic neighborhood. By that logic India should raise a wall around to protect Hinduism. But thats not required. A religion takes care if itself. it doesn't require state protection.
These people are just doing nothing but maligning there religon.
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again where did i said that you should be practice Hindu culture??and i was questioning you about whats wrong with being secular and your nut head comments of killing all Hindus and sympathizers..Is this the way your religion preaches??are you feeling proud of killing other religions persons??you are living in US.. what if the people there think the same way??what will you do??where will you go??

First of US is not pure secular. We are not allow to give AZAN on loud speaker while christian are allow to ring the bell at church. We have Christmas off yet not for Eid.

Nothing wrong with secularism if people are OK with it. Bangladeshi are not OK with secularism yet because they prefer Islam over it.

Secularism allow gay life style like secular Bharat while Islam strictly forbid gay culture. Some case Islam allow to kill gay if caught red handed. Just an example. :)

No i think you are just a lunatic trying to defame your religion

I am not. I am merely defending it from dilution with Hinduism. People like iajdani would justify Bengali new year celebration under some big tree with Hindu style garments and music while I call it pure shirk.

I am drawing contrast between Islam and Bengali culture so that outside Muslims brother won't think that we are all Tagore loving Munafiq like Iajdani.
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Originally Posted by Al-zakir
"First of US is not pure secular. We are not allow to give AZAN on loud speaker while christian are allow to ring the bell at church. We have Christmas off yet not for Eid. "

So, are you looking for a return ticket ?
You can not expect us to like you because you are advocating your Hinduani on us

As if i care if u like me or not...:lol: and if u dont like us please dont cry a river the nxt time a BD guy gets shot on the border or wen the water doesnt flow in ur rivers..thats how we treat ppl who dont like us.

How hard it is for you to understand is that we are two different type of people. As a matter of fact, your leader bit disappointed with our Islamic transformation. You have thought Bangladeshi would abandon Islam with adoption of Hindu culture under secularism but you and awami munafiq failed in the past and will fail again in future Insh'allah

Hinduism in particular and India in general are better off without such fanatics like u.
Originally Posted by Al-zakir
"First of US is not pure secular. We are not allow to give AZAN on loud speaker while christian are allow to ring the bell at church. We have Christmas off yet not for Eid. "

So, are you looking for a return ticket ?

Not yet. We are building a mega Masjid near former world trade center. :azn:
phir wohi bakwas. You have to understand the social fabric of Bangladesh. Look out our geographic location. we are surround by Hindu and Buddhist land yet have manage to stay Muslim for thousand of years. We are only country that is not connect with greater Islamic world. So basically we are more reluctant to oppose anything that discourage Islamic way of living. Secularism will not work for us no matter how much Awami try.

If we could have get out from Bharati influence in 75 then grievously we are more stronger and connected with Islamic world in 2010. :azn:

Why do you want to lean towards greater Islamic world….why aren’t you able to look beyond religion and see the larger part of the world. You don’t need to be afraid of change especially a good change. In a secular state Islam will not suffer any casualties. The state will not give it a special statue that’s all. You are free to practice your religion just as much as everybody else is…let it be Islam, Hindu, Christian…whatever. Everything will be fair and equal….people, religion, cast, color….nothing matters…everything fair and square...being a secular democratic country will earn you respect and strength all over the world.:cheers::cheers:
First of US is not pure secular. We are not allow to give AZAN on loud speaker while christian are allow to ring the bell at church. We have Christmas off yet not for Eid.

Nothing wrong with secularism if people are OK with it. Bangladeshi are not OK with secularism yet because they prefer Islam over it.

Secularism allow gay life style like secular Bharat while Islam strictly forbid gay culture. Some case Islam allow to kill gay if caught red handed. Just an example. :)

What US is or US not is not much of our business. In BD secularism means equal rights to every religion. No preference should be given one before another. There will not be any change of Gay punishment which is 3 days imprisonment or 50 Taka fine. That law was widely practiced during your BNP/Jmaat regime as there were increase of gayism in that time frame... :lol:

I am not. I am merely defending it from dilution with Hinduism. People like iajdani would justify Bengali new year celebration under some big tree with Hindu style garments and music while I call it pure shirk.

I am drawing contrast between Islam and Bengali culture so that outside Muslims brother won't think that we are all Tagore loving Munafiq like Iajdani.

You are making me another saint here my dear.
What you call shirk or who you call munafiq is irrelevant but what is called what by Islam is relevant. According to Islam none of them qualify for those what you trying to say.

I am not. I am merely defending it from dilution with Hinduism. People like iajdani would justify Bengali new year celebration under some big tree with Hindu style garments and music while I call it pure shirk.

I am drawing contrast between Islam and Bengali culture so that outside Muslims brother won't think that we are all Tagore loving Munafiq like Iajdani.

First i wanted to ask u one thing..wats this thread got to do with bharti or hinduism.?
It is ur govt that was voted with nearly 75% seats that is doing these things...if u guys are so concerned ,next time catch a flight and come vote in the elections instead of crying like a baby on online forums.:lol:
As if i care if u like me or not...:lol: and if u dont like us please dont cry a river the nxt time a BD guy gets shot on the border or wen the water doesnt flow in ur rivers..thats how we treat ppl who dont like us.

Exactly!!! My problem with you Bharati is that you people are double face snake. You scum bring the 71 issue to off guard whenever Bangladesh take a initiative to get close with Pakistan but we are aware of your snake like behavior. Few Awami munafiqs dog won't divert us from main focus to break you further into smaller pieces. :)
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