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Awami League imposing Hindu dominance over Muslim majority population

Please spare me from reading some blog..and the link is not working also..

if you cared to read he has given dates, names of publications from where he has used the information about what awami dala is doing.

On another note the writer is a known journalist.

Who is imposing??As far as i know only 2 Bangaldeshis and a Pakistani is opposing it..sane persons will support it.

And i see dozen Indians here are claiming to be representative of entire BD :)))

No sane person will support any flawed idea of damaging one religion to prove credentials of being "secular"

.you know being tolerant to another religion is not going to hurt you

:agree: Only if you teach it to RSS.VHP.Bajrangis and other hindu fanatics too. selective wisdom doesnt work

and madam where did say it was Hindu masters is doing it??you three got a chance to bash Hinduism and started it with out any proper evidence..

We are talking about AL connections and everyone knows that.
:) intentions are something which cant be seen but here atleast he did not insult your god.

Ohh they can be very well seen by the type of hindu-hate-venom he spills in his every post.anyway lets no go offtopic discussing this...

we all know about intentions of each other so lets be honest and accept none of us is a saint.

I dont bring in ur religious figures......so i expect the same from others

:agree: Only if you teach it to RSS.VHP.Bajrangis and other hindu fanatics too. selective wisdom doesnt work

in a country of 80% Hindus affected by Islamic fundamentalism a reactionary force is bound to arise sooner or later especially if the Govt is also Muslim-appeasing.
before posting reply which culture are you talking about??Bengali culture or Persian culture??:what:

I am talking about Islamic heritage and culture. It has not thing to do with Bengali or Persian culture. If some Bengali or Persian culture goes against Islamic principal then it is to be abandon. Very simple.

Now Awami trying to impose Hindu based Bengali culture on Muslims in the name of secularism. I am neither pro or anti Hindu culture but I am just against it in majority Muslim Bangladesh.
if you cared to read he has given dates, names of publications from where he has used the information about what awami dala is doing.

On another note the writer is a known journalist..

I told you the link is not working

And i see dozen Indians here are claiming to be representative of entire BD :)))
where did we claim representing BD??all we talked about is when they talked about my country and one of my countrys religion..

No sane person will support any flawed idea of damaging one religion to prove credentials of being "secular"

ANd madam how come being secular is damaging ones religion??care to explain..

:agree: Only if you teach it to RSS.VHP.Bajrangis and other hindu fanatics too. selective wisdom doesnt work

Offtopic..spare us the usual rant when you dont have anything else to say

We are talking about AL connections and everyone knows that.

We all means you,Idune and Al-Zakir?? :what:
For readers few things to note:

One: "Secularism" is the propaganda tool and disguise for establishing hindu dominance.

Two:India has been active on setting up that "secular" aka hindu dominance in Bangladesh. So indian post will just refelct hindu dominance aka "secular" wish.

Three:In 1972 just after independence Bangladesh constitution was heavily influenced by indian wish ignoring aspiration of majority population. Today Awami regime removing Islam as state religion and "Bismillah" from constitution are only implementing indian plan for hindu dominance in disguise of "secularism.

Four: Because establish hindu dominance is the goal of indo Awami nexus, Awami regime is completely muted on bongobhumi anodolon activities in indian which calling to curve out 1/5th of Bangladesh territory and establish hindu state.

Sounds like a mouth piece of some extrimist outfit, extremely irrational and ridiculous. Only uneducated poor youth would fall for such stupidity.

Hindu dominance.. no hindu is as hindu as a muslim is in his religion or christain is in his religion. they don't have majority fanatics who can tell us this is right and you have to follow this. So there is no one single authroity and unity among hindus. There by, if a few fanatics who start the bandwagon of minority descrimination or hate politics they wont get the support of majority hindus, because majority are not guided by people but their own traditions and rituals carried over centuries. so if somebody from hindu relligion says that hindusim is the best and all other religions are rubbish, they are going to get ridiculed.

So stop fearing a mirrage.
So I am fundamentalist Taliban because I am fighting to keep my heritage and culture while people like Iajdani is patriot and good human being because they betray with Islam. We call them munafiq.

No you are fundementalists because you publically called for killing all the Hindus and hindu supporters..and told may be Pak Army can help them covertly..is this terrorist support or what??I dont care about Iajdani being patriot or not but he has a heart to accept and tolerate other religion too..its a good quality in my eyes..

You are also a terrorist in my eyes because you are advocate your way of life on us. What right you bharati has to impose your worthless hinduani culture on us when we hate you to gut

Where did i advocate my way of life to you??Well Hindustani culture was here before Islamic culture and it may be worthless to you with your narrow mindedness but we are proud of it..and it may be hard for you to Digest but you will be known for your Bengali culture rather than Islamic culture :agree:

. We just do not like you. Very simple. :)

Who cares :rolleyes:
Originally Posted by idune View Post
Banga Bhumi Andolan set July 22 for grand rally in West Bengal
United News of Bangladesh . Benapole

"Banga Bhumi Andolan seeking to establish a separate independent state — Hindu land — comprising 21 south-western districts of Bangladesh and parts of West Bengal will hold a grand rally at Bangaon rail station on July 22, according to reports reaching from across the border.
The Banga Bhumi Movement receiving active support from the Indian government has put up wall posters, circulated leaflets, held rallies and organised demonstrations in different parts of West Bengal including Kolkata to drum up support for the grand rally.
The movement has set up more than a dozen training centres with clandestine supply of money and arms from the Indian government with the objective of arms struggle for creation of the Hindu land.
Indian print and electronic media have been reporting about the July 22 grand rally.
Humayun Ahmed, BDR check-post in-charge at Benapole, told UNB that they had heard about the grand rally being organised by the Banga Bhumi Andolan at Bangaon rail station, about 10km away from the border."

Front Page

@ idune
Our friend MBI Munshi already posted this news on another thread. Today is the 25th of July. Please post a "report" on this "mega-event' which "has already taken place". Mr. MBI Munshi is (seemingly) not available. So you can 'do the honours' on his behalf. Then we can separate the wheat from the chaff!
Ohh they can be very well seen by the type of hindu-hate-venom he spills in his every post.

You can not expect us to like you because you are advocating your Hinduani on us. How hard it is for you to understand is that we are two different type of people. As a matter of fact, your leader bit disappointed with our Islamic transformation. You have thought Bangladeshi would abandon Islam with adoption of Hindu culture under secularism but you and awami munafiq failed in the past and will fail again in future Insh'allah.

You are encouraging your women into nagapan and behayapan in the name secularism so what makes you think that your vulgarity will be tolerated by Muslims. You keep your BS with you and we are friends otherwise expect hate. Very simple.
in a country of 80% Hindus affected by Islamic fundamentalism a reactionary force is bound to arise sooner or later especially if the Govt is also Muslim-appeasing.

:what::what: so you mean all Indian Muslims are fundamentalists and Hindu fanatic militant groups are result of reaction to that ???

But the history has it that forces of Godse and Savarkar are much older than current day Muslim reaction in India.

Anyway as this thread is not about Hindu fundamentalist parties of India hence i will not further comment on that in this thread but some other relevant one
You can not expect us to like you because you are advocating your Hinduani on us. How hard it is for you to understand is that we are two different type of people. As a matter of fact, your leader bit disappointed with our Islamic transformation. You have thought Bangladeshi would abandon Islam with adoption of Hindu culture under secularism but you and awami munafiq failed in the past and will fail again in future Insh'allah.

You are encouraging your women into nagapan and behayapan in the name secularism so what makes you think that your vulgarity will be tolerated by Muslims. You keep your BS with you and we are friends otherwise expect hate. Very simple.

what is nagapan and behayapan??:what: anybody?
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