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Awami League imposing Hindu dominance over Muslim majority population

Few Awami munafiqs dog won't divert us from main focus to break you further into smaller pieces. :)[/QUOTE said:
IF that 'YOU' MEANS 'INDIA' then i have to say you that its onlt day dreaming....:disagree::disagree:
You are making me another saint here my dear.
What you call shirk or who you call munafiq is irrelevant but what is called what by Islam is relevant. According to Islam none of them qualify for those what you trying to say.


Sure! If one to adopt your Hindu minded ideology then Islam will vanish from Bangladesh.

You haven't answer my previous question? Do you say "Bismillah" before a meal or Tagore song Amar sonar bangla because you are so called pro liberation Bengali dhothi culture lover.....;)
Exactly!!! My problem with you Bharati is that you people are double face snake. You scum bring the 71 issue to off guard whenever Bangladesh take a initiative to get close with Pakistan but we are aware of your snake like behavior.

mad mulla crying again.....we can be double,triple or even quadruple faced snakes wen it comes to maintaining our interests.

the next time u cry sit on the banks of Jamuna so that atleast people in the downstream get water.

Few Awami munafiqs dog won't divert us from main focus to break you further into smaller pieces. :)

from where..sitting in the US..? :lol:
Exactly!!! My problem with you Bharati is that you people are double face snake. You scum bring the 71 issue to off guard whenever Bangladesh take a initiative to get close with Pakistan but we are aware of your snake like behavior. Few Awami munafiqs dog won't divert us from main focus to break you further into smaller pieces. :)

man i was just reading all your comments on this thread and all you do is call everyone else a munafiq dog lol You do not represent Bangladesh neither do you represent muslims so please cut the manufiq crap and grow up. If you cant talk in a civilized way then shut up. You have no right to call anyone else names just because they dont agree with your extremist attitude. And in regards to breaking India into pieces, keep living that dream, your stupidity knows no bounds anyways.
Nothing is wrong with secularism if Bangaldeshis want it by their free will and not by imposing by AL.

Your stance as always falls flat on it face. AL was imposed by the Bangladeshi people on themselves thru a free and fair election kicking out the Islamic Jamati and co on their ***. Sorry AL has all the right to impose any secular value they wish. We all can see what depths Islamic Pakistan has fallen to and how high Secular Turkey has risen to. Bangladeshi's hence cannot be faulted on being secular.

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Sure! If one to adopt your Hindu minded ideology then Islam will vanish from Bangladesh.

You haven't answer my previous question? Do you say "Bismillah" before a meal or Tagore song Amar sonar bangla because you are so called pro liberation Bengali dhothi culture lover.....;)

whats wrong with singing Amar Sona Bangla ? A patriotic Bangladeshi will always sing that song. Country comes first and everything else is after. Lol its funny because you live in the US and talk about safeguarding Bangladesh against Hindu's. lol what a hypocrite you are.
Sure! If one to adopt your Hindu minded ideology then Islam will vanish from Bangladesh.

Buddy…no need to be watch man of anything…be it culture or religion…it’s all part of evolution. Religion or culture should be a flowing river rather than a artificial dam.
Any religion is here to stay if it preaches good things, respects other religion, continuously evolve with evolving culture, based on love and peace…
man i was just reading all your comments on this thread and all you do is call everyone else a munafiq dog lol You do not represent Bangladesh neither do you represent muslims so please cut the manufiq crap and grow up. If you cant talk in a civilized way then shut up. You have no right to call anyone else names just because they dont agree with your extremist attitude. And in regards to breaking India into pieces, keep living that dream, your stupidity knows no bounds anyways.

munafaqin kuffar desiman...:lol:

p.s.: no offence bro
whats wrong with singing Amar Sona Bangla ? A patriotic Bangladeshi will always sing that song. Country comes first and everything else is after. Lol its funny because you live in the US and talk about safeguarding Bangladesh against Hindu's. lol what a hypocrite you are.

Another Iajdani type fake Bharati Muslim who is responsible for Bharati Muslim downfall. Mubarak ho Islam aur musalman ki dusman.
munafaqin kuffar desiman...:lol:

p.s.: no offence bro

lol im always a munafiq by his standards. Only he is a true muslim lol A great man once told me that the day a idiot can justify his brilliance is the day when the smart ones will be the idiots lol Hope you get my hint.
Another Iajdani type fake Bharati Muslim who is responsible for Bharati Muslim downfall. Mubarak ho Islam aur musalman ki dusman.

lol ya ya w.e. man, grow up. Your rant is getting kinda boring now. Dont speak for muslims, we dont need you. We have enough jerks like you trying to "safeguard" our interest already and look where that has gotten us.
Exactly!!! My problem with you Bharati is that you people are double face snake. You scum bring the 71 issue to off guard whenever Bangladesh take a initiative to get close with Pakistan but we are aware of your snake like behavior. Few Awami munafiqs dog won't divert us from main focus to break you further into smaller pieces. :)

Bharatis are snake, but how come you are spitting venom ??

and about breaking us further...

lol, you can jus dream about it along with your masters , whom you are trying to show how loyal you are to them by these posts.,.
Another Iajdani type fake Bharati Muslim who is responsible for Bharati Muslim downfall. Mubarak ho Islam aur musalman ki dusman.

I take it you have still not got over the drubbing your Islamic Party got in the last elections. Stop calling members here names. You could also be a fake muslim from Mars by that standards. I am happy Bangladesh is going the Secular Turkey way and not the Islamic Pakistan way.

You will be a minority Bangladesh and the world will be a better place.

Another Iajdani type fake Bharati Muslim who is responsible for Bharati Muslim downfall. Mubarak ho Islam aur musalman ki dusman.

why are you trying thesehindi one liners when you claim you dont see any bollywood movies ?? :pop:

about muslims in India ... forget it, I dont want to lower their respect by comparing them with you.

thankfully we have some sensinble BD members as well...who do not always see life with an angle of religion.
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