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Avoid cow slaughter on Eid, suggests Dar-ul-Uloom India)

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After all Zakat is one of the driving forces of Islam, not banning charity and food.
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It is some Pakistani members who did that.

The vegetarianism issue is not about only the cow. It is about respecting the life itself.

Why is than legislation only about cow meat?

I would start respecting life with humans first!
Two nation theory make sense. Isn't it??? Indian Muslims can't evan sacrifice cow during Eid. Can Pak-Bangla Muslims imagine such???? I feel sorry for the Muslim in India. Secular democracy at work in India. It's more like a cow democracy.
I gotta bring up the important question: What about bulls? ;) Will their slaughter also hurt the feelings of hindu population?
I wonder how they feel when thousands of Indian cow end up getting slaughter in Bd every Eid. I hope we are not hurting their feeling.
jokes apart,After all the dissent between Hindus and Muslims and after all the arguments here on this forum regarding the "Cow Slaughter",what is the result? i mean do the Indian Muslims agree to "avoid" the said or not?if yes then let me tell you all that it is highly commendable!
Strictly speaking,sometimes being a minority,giving up and agreeing to the terms under the given circumstances doesnt mean that they have forsaken their beliefs.what counts is that they respect YOUR religious sentiments and thats very considerate.and i am very proud of my muslims brothers and sisters on it.
phooeee!!!! now if some Hindus have issues with the goat,lamb,sheep and camel slaughter then please keep it to yourself ,i can't take it anymore:cry:
Why it is a Joke?. They have chose to do so out of their free will and no body forced them. There is no ban on eating Beef in India. So, they are still free to eat. Some how you guys have a problem with Indian muslims, on how they should behave or how they should eat etc. It is up to them to decide whatever they want to do.

You couldnt think of anything better so u said this !! :what: my dear friend it is wrong for muslims to say yes to your indian haters & muslim leaders and i dont know wat the muslim leaders there are thinking it is not about choosing yes or no its part of our religon & trad its been like this for thousands of years and it cant and should not be changed now the muslim leaders there including the indian haters are out of there damn minds no offence it must be done there is no other way !!
:tsk: :coffee:
Pakistan is a nation of 97% Muslim its called the Islamic Republic of Pakistan not like Hindustan which is 80% Hindus...its funny when a "muslim" says hindustan before Islam, and most indian muslims have been to hindu temples doing pooja with their hindu friends..that makes them non-muslims just by doing that..so yea please dont call yourself muslim just call yourself hindustanis better yet hindus.

your rubbish post has been reported
Sir! i think you didn't get the point.let me help you with this.Islam has nothing to do with beef and beef has nothing to do with Islam.Ok? the thing is that Eid ul Adha is a religious festival that Muslims celebrate every year and....Hindus call it a "Murder" what we call a "Sacred sacrifice".and they have also got some serious problems with the cow slaughter.but they have their issues and they'll remain just as well:argh:

yeh but which muslims pakistani or bd muslims they do not represent ISLAM sorry facts on grounds speaks louder then words, now sir let me give you my point straight i live in canada and i am a canadian i cannot slaughter A cow or any animal outside my house does canada supress me no see Indian muslims live in a seculear country so there you have to take everything into account i mean this is for peace what its got to do with religion suppress in many mulim countries this open slaughter is not practiced much i mean there are mostly specific places in saudi arabia people mostly go there and give a sheep/goat very rare a cow not outside ones house with utter showing off sorry say sir but the Islam of pakistan is not not the general ISLAM and is not practiced in large by many muslims them self i being one of them and i am not an indian muslim i am CANADIAN. i mean do it but do it as per keeping the social norms why show off and creat a law and order problem its so logical I dont see any problem just chill why ruin it ?:tsk:
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yeh but which muslims pakistani or bd muslims they do not do not represent ISLAM sorry facts on grounds speaks louder then words, now sir let me give you my point straight i live in canada and i am a canadian i cannot slaughter A cow or any animal outside my house does canada supress me no see Indian muslims live in a seculear country so there you have to take everything into account i mean this is for peace what its got to do with religion suppress in many mulim countries this open slaughter is not practiced much i mean there are mostly specific places in saudi arabia people mostly go there and give a sheep/goat very rare a cow not outside ones house with utter showing off sorry say sir but the Islam of pakistan is not not the general ISLAM and is not practiced in large by many muslims them self i being one of them and i am not an indian muslim i am CANADIAN. i mean do it but do it as per keeping the social norms why show off and creat a law and order problem its so logical I dont see any problem just chill why ruin it ?:tsk:

I think you are filled with air, you can sacrifice any animal you want to if you pay for it in any western nation as long it is done in a designated butchery, many of which are small privately owned and slightly out of residential areas, could be as small that it is attached to the butcher's or farmer's house. This is more because of health and environment reasons, and the monopolistic control of food over people via the government as well.

You also fail to understand that Canada was built upon British and French cultures, no one seems to say anything about the millions of turkeys facing genocide on Thanksgiving Day or the hundreds of millions of chickens that KFC tortures before serving them to you.

Furthermore, people have property rights in Pakistan. Some people on large estates rural mostly tend to take care of it right on there property.

Tell me what is so barbaric about eating meat. In India, they don't take cows to the local temple and slaughter them there in front of everyone for godssakes.
Two nation theory make sense. Isn't it??? Indian Muslims can't evan sacrifice cow during Eid. Can Pak-Bangla Muslims imagine such???? I feel sorry for the Muslim in India. Secular democracy at work in India. It's more like a cow democracy.

Oh dear - muslims have volunteered to avoid beef - what religious oppression is this!
Whats the big deal in this bovine topic, Its been discussed too much and already 9 pages long.

If this was made under duress, I am sure, a lot of Editors would have written heart wringing articles on how the Indian muslims have been strong armed to issue this statement. And no harm intended, Munshi saab would have got that article here ;) , @Munshi, I am sure you would have.. Dont you Sir? :)

Moreover its just a suggestion to refrain and not a total fatwa against Muslims eating beef.. how much clear does it have to be? and you guys needed 9 pages to discuss this to death. I am sure the Cow would have been pleased to see you argue this much on their life..
I think you are filled with air, you can sacrifice any animal you want to if you pay for it in any western nation as long it is done in a designated butchery, many of which are small privately owned and slightly out of residential areas, could be as small that it is attached to the butcher's or farmer's house. This is more because of health and environment reasons, and the monopolistic control of food over people via the government as well.

You also fail to understand that Canada was built upon British and French cultures, no one seems to say anything about the millions of turkeys facing genocide on Thanksgiving Day or the hundreds of millions of chickens that KFC tortures before serving them to you.

Furthermore, people have property rights in Pakistan. Some people on large estates rural mostly tend to take care of it right on there property.

Tell me what is so barbaric about eating meat. In India, they don't take cows to the local temple and slaughter them there in front of everyone for godssakes.

NO not AIR but FIRE !!! look i am least interested in whats the real state law in your country is OK . For heaven's sake CANADA is all about standard. Now all i am saying is just leave the Indian Muslims alone simple. how hard is that?
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