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Avoid cow slaughter on Eid, suggests Dar-ul-Uloom India)

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NO not AIR but FIRE !!! look i am least interested in whats the real state law in your country is OK . For heaven's sake CANADA is all about standard. Now all i am saying is just leave the Indian Muslims alone simple. how hard is that?

Listen buddy, I live in Britain myself, but I haven't forgotten where I came from. You're about as Canadian as the Dalai Lama is Indian mate.

Muslims in India are being left alone, no one is doing anything to them nor is anyone forcing them to even pray on Eid day much less sacrifice a cow. Are you here to stifle discourse? I hardly feel intimidated by uptight Canadians mate.
This was 4 pages ago, sad that you can't listen to your own voices of hesitation.

That was a different debate about the ritual of sacrifice and how people have changed it beyond recognition to chomping of juicy steaks.

I found that comment abominable and got dragged into a debate I didn't want to.

This is about vegetarianism, a different topic!
Why is than legislation only about cow meat?

I would start respecting life with humans first!

Were you serious in writing this?

The respect for humans does not exclude respect for any other form of life.
Listen buddy,
listening buddy Speak up
I live in Britain myself, but I haven't forgotten where I came from.
So who cares ? big deal !
You're about as Canadian as the Dalai Lama is Indian mate.
& Exactly Who are you to tell me that, are you the governor gen. of CANADA ?
Muslims in India are being left alone, no one is doing anything to them nor is anyone forcing them to even pray on Eid day much less sacrifice a cow.
Even I am saying the same thing
Are you here to stifle discourse? I hardly feel intimidated by uptight Canadians mate.
Even I never feel intimidated by uptight British of Pakistani origen with respect no offence ment but your quiry couldn't have gone unanswered either.
Lets give this thread full of joy, laughter,fraternal love and peace a short break.......Remember everyone.......in with anger out with love!:lol:
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