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Avoid cow slaughter on Eid, suggests Dar-ul-Uloom India)

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You know what, fine, let them eat whatever they want it's not a big deal. Let's just hope they stop implicating Pakistan and saying that it was because of us they are now forced to skip the beef on Eid. Indian Muslim leadership is being pressured to distance itself from Pakistan which they are kindly obliging to, placing implicit blame on Pakistan in the process.

Damn!! Thats a statement that requires li'l activity of cells of the medulla oblangata.. (doctors correct me if i am wrong) Refer to my previous post above yours.. They are naturalized Indians for God's Sake.. just like Jinnah's daughter!! :angry:
What about those Pakistanis who are coining the idea of "Pakistan First" ?

Pakistan is a nation of 97% Muslim its called the Islamic Republic of Pakistan not like Hindustan which is 80% Hindus...its funny when a "muslim" says hindustan before Islam, and most indian muslims have been to hindu temples doing pooja with their hindu friends..that makes them non-muslims just by doing that..so yea please dont call yourself muslim just call yourself hindustanis better yet hindus.
Saw some pictures of Indian Mullahs carrying "Pakistan to be declared a terrorist state". Seems like they already know there will be another Gujarat if they don't do that. Talk about Muslims living in India! :argh::lol:

Yep theyre scared of hindu mobs coming after them with torches like they did before..the things indian "muslims" would do to impress their hindu masters :lol:
Eat all the pig meat you want, we dont worship pigs we dont eat pig meat because a pig is a discusting dirty animal. enjoy your pepperoni.

I am a vegetarian sir.. Merely mentioning, that its not a mature act to post something just to hurt a religious feeling.. :hitwall:
Tis is an unpresidented move by the Dar-ul-uloom.In 60 years of India's independence and centuries of Indian muslim history, some decision of this magnitude has never been taken before. No other Muslim community in anyother country has taken such a major decision to spread the message of brotherhood.
This terror attack has definately united the country more that ever!!!
Tis is an unpresidented move by the Dar-ul-uloom.In 60 years of India's independence and centuries of Indian muslim history, some decision of this magnitude has never been taken before. No other Muslim community in anyother country has taken such a major decision to spread the message of brotherhood.
This terror attack has definately united the country more that ever!!!
That's like saying Hindus have been offended by Eid all this time.

Real brotherhood would be where Muslims don't bother Hindus for eating Veggies and Hindus don't bother them for eating Meat. Most Brahmins don't even stay in the same room as where meat is being served, they go like "BLUKH IT STINKS" and run out of the room.
Pakistan is a nation of 97% Muslim its called the Islamic Republic of Pakistan not like Hindustan which is 80% Hindus...its funny when a "muslim" says hindustan before Islam, and most indian muslims have been to hindu temples doing pooja with their hindu friends..that makes them non-muslims just by doing that..so yea please dont call yourself muslim just call yourself hindustanis better yet hindus.

Looks like someone's caught in a time warp.. The notion of unity that surpasses religious affiliation is surprising to you. Not all people are religious Bigots and there are millions of muslims who look at people based on their character rather than the religion to which they belong to.. :tsk:
That's like saying Hindus have been offended by Eid all this time.

Real brotherhood would be where Muslims don't bother Hindus for eating Veggies and Hindus don't bother them for eating Meat. Most Brahmins don't even stay in the same room as where meat is being served, they go like "BLUKH IT STINKS" and run out of the room.

thats too do more with their nasal affinity for the smell of the cooking rather than the people who consume it.. I am sure, you will run out of your chinese frienz kitchen, if you spot him cooking snakes and cockroaches..
thats too do more with their nasal affinity for the smell of the cooking rather than the people who consume it.. I am sure, you will run out of your chinese frienz kitchen, if you spot him cooking snakes and cockroaches..
Well if I do that, that too would be quite disrespectful.
Well if I do that, that too would be quite disrespectful.
As you know the saying goes, the family that eats together stays together.

What sort of a family would it be that can't eat on the same table?
Exactly.. You dont need to take d literal mean.. I meant, that you wont be comfortable with that smell around. Same with your accusation of brahmins running out of muslim household..By all logic, I would have never played with my childhood buddy in his house if that was the case.. Coz, me being d brahmin and him being d muslim.. :smokin:
There were objections from some hindu groups about cow slaughtering, because Cow is sacred for Hindus. There was also a case in the court regarding this, but it was quashed. So, according to law, there is no objection whatsoever for eating beef or slaughtering cow.

I never heard and don't know about this incident. If you can give some links, I will read up about that and we can discuss further.

Just to let you know, Beef Biryani, kababs etc are still available in hotels and restaurants in India on a daily basis. So, I don't see a problem here.

Constitutional rights are being trampled almost on daily basis all over the world in the name of fighting terror. Officially people are free to choose in whatever way they want to live but in reality it is not so easy. In a society dominated by the criminals it is understood by the people that certain rights are not to be exercised, if they do, let's say 'accidents' happen.
Why it is a Joke?. They have chose to do so out of their free will and no body forced them. There is no ban on eating Beef in India. So, they are still free to eat. Some how you guys have a problem with Indian muslims, on how they should behave or how they should eat etc. It is up to them to decide whatever they want to do.

you know what?now it is a joke.a serious joke.you cannot justify the depravity that Indian Muslims are going through regarding the religious festivities.they are allowed to eat meat? even Hindus eat beef,mutton and pork as well.its veryyyyyyy tasty they say.whats wrong with cow slaughter then? yes! exactly! they are not allowed.now stop being slanderous and wake up to reality.
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you know what?now it is a joke.a serious joke.you cannot justify the depravity that Indian Muslims are going through regarding the religious festivities.they are allowed to eat meat? even Hindus eat beef,mutton and pork as well.its veryyyyyyy tasty they say.whats wrong with cow slaughter then? yes! exactly! they are not allowed.now stop being slanderous and wake up to reality.

Let me reiterate this. Yes, Hindus do eat all kinds of meat you have mentioned. Only some Hindu groups objected to cow slaughtering, because for them Cow is sacred. But these people are too few to listen to and not a majority view. IN democracy all such protest are allowed but decision on them lies with govt.. And according to law, Muslims are free to eat whatever they want.

As a matter of fact, people are still eating beef in India, there is no ban on cow slaughtering.
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Great. So this is Qurbani (sacrifice). I always knew you murder an innocent animal in the name of sacrifice just to feast on it.

At least you showed your real color. It is no qurbani. It is murder, plain and simple.

No! its about relogion,its about Islam.don't say a word when you have no clue about it.
so you people are soooo compassionate that you'll slaughter humans just to avenge the "murder" of animals???
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