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Australians fear attack from China 'more than Taiwanese do'


Nov 4, 2011
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Australians fear attack from China 'more than Taiwanese do'​

By Richard Wood • Senior Journalist
12:48pm Aug 22, 2022

More Australians fear China will attack Australia than Taiwanese believe China will attack Taiwan, the results of a think tank survey published today has revealed.

The results, described as "astounding", are partly due to the "drums of war" rhetoric repeated by some political figures, analysts say.

The Australia Institute polled two groups of 1000 people, one each in Australia and Taiwan, during this month's tensions in the Taiwan Strait after US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited the self-governing island.

Almost one in 10 Australians believed an invasion will come "soon", compared with one in 20 Taiwanese.

Beijing was enraged by Pelosi's visit and responded by high-profile military exercises, including the test firing of ballistic missiles and extensive naval drills close to Taiwan.

The polling found slightly more Australians (85 per cent) than Taiwanese (80 per cent) regarded China as aggressive.

And nearly double the number of Australian men (49 per cent) as women (26 per cent) thought the nation will be prepared for armed conflict if China threatened Australia with a military strike.

But the majority of Australians and Taiwanese surveyed believe it's in the general interest for the US and China to collaborate in keeping the peace.

The institute's director of international and security affairs program, Allan Behm, said the results "astounding".
And he said the survey showed "fearmongering" has impacted Australian public opinion.

"The more that the anti-China lobby beats the drums of war, the more afraid of China Australians become.

"This research indicates that the rhetoric on China and the fearmongering around the a risk of war has had an impact on public opinion."

"It is astonishing that Australians are more afraid of an attack from China than the Taiwanese are."

Beijing views Taiwan as an inseparable part of its territory - even though the Chinese Communist Party has never governed the island.

Chinese President Xi Jinping has vowed to pursue "reunification" with Taiwan by peaceful means.

Behm said the survey results showed the need for a reset of Canberra-Beijing relations.

In the aftermath of Pelosi's visit to Taiwan, the Australian government reaffirmed its commitment to the one-China policy but warned of potential 'miscalculations.

China's ambassador to Australia Xiao Qian, speaking to the National Press Club earlier this month, insisted there was no compromise on Taiwan, and that his nation's 1.4 billion citizens would decide its future.

Western media also tells their subjects that China locks up millions of Uyghurs in camps, they have satellite images to prove it, and Chinese government sterilizes Uyghur women, harvests their organs, takes away their children, sends Han Chinese men to sleep with Uyghur women at night, forces them to work in cotton fields...

And western subjects just take all these crazy reports at face value. They never use their noodles to think if these things happened to them and their women, would they just sit around and do nothing? China enlists many Uyghurs in its army and they are all heavily armed, most police in Xinjiang are also Uyghurs and they also have access to light weapons, but why there is not even one Uighur soldier or a police officer turns their guns on the government? Didn't people have some doubt that something just doesn't seem to add up right there?
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This shows how much constant bombardment of obnoxious lies based western media can damage healthy brain cells.
Thing is. everyone deserved their thought, even if this is not aligned to you, just because Australian in general think China is aggressive and you don't approve, that does not negate what Australian in general think...

And what you don't know is, instead of coming back down and go ask for a resolution that would make BOTH country happy, you keep blaming on western media spilling lies won't do jack shit, because we still think what we think. If anything, this "Denial" will only further enhance the problem.

But hey, I know you need your daily dose of 50 cents, so well. Do go on......
But hey, I know you need your daily dose of 50 cents, so well. Do go on......
This shows how much constant bombardment of obnoxious lies based western media can damage healthy brain cells.

50 cents, social credits, China's economic collapse, Three Gorges damn collapse, food shortage.. Western media is good screen writers.
This shows how much constant bombardment of obnoxious lies based western media can damage healthy brain cells.

50 cents, social credits, China's economic collapse...
Sure, typed 3 paragraph for this but yet you choose to reply on the off-hand comment.

You have this going. champ.

Australians fear attack from China 'more than Taiwanese do'​

By Richard Wood • Senior Journalist
12:48pm Aug 22, 2022

More Australians fear China will attack Australia than Taiwanese believe China will attack Taiwan, the results of a think tank survey published today has revealed.

The results, described as "astounding", are partly due to the "drums of war" rhetoric repeated by some political figures, analysts say.

The Australia Institute polled two groups of 1000 people, one each in Australia and Taiwan, during this month's tensions in the Taiwan Strait after US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited the self-governing island.

Almost one in 10 Australians believed an invasion will come "soon", compared with one in 20 Taiwanese.

Beijing was enraged by Pelosi's visit and responded by high-profile military exercises, including the test firing of ballistic missiles and extensive naval drills close to Taiwan.

The polling found slightly more Australians (85 per cent) than Taiwanese (80 per cent) regarded China as aggressive.

And nearly double the number of Australian men (49 per cent) as women (26 per cent) thought the nation will be prepared for armed conflict if China threatened Australia with a military strike.

But the majority of Australians and Taiwanese surveyed believe it's in the general interest for the US and China to collaborate in keeping the peace.

The institute's director of international and security affairs program, Allan Behm, said the results "astounding".
And he said the survey showed "fearmongering" has impacted Australian public opinion.

"The more that the anti-China lobby beats the drums of war, the more afraid of China Australians become.

"This research indicates that the rhetoric on China and the fearmongering around the a risk of war has had an impact on public opinion."

"It is astonishing that Australians are more afraid of an attack from China than the Taiwanese are."

Beijing views Taiwan as an inseparable part of its territory - even though the Chinese Communist Party has never governed the island.

Chinese President Xi Jinping has vowed to pursue "reunification" with Taiwan by peaceful means.

Behm said the survey results showed the need for a reset of Canberra-Beijing relations.

In the aftermath of Pelosi's visit to Taiwan, the Australian government reaffirmed its commitment to the one-China policy but warned of potential 'miscalculations.

China's ambassador to Australia Xiao Qian, speaking to the National Press Club earlier this month, insisted there was no compromise on Taiwan, and that his nation's 1.4 billion citizens would decide its future.

No surprise
If you ask me or other Viet we would say 90 percent possibility chinese would invade us.
No surprise
If you ask me or other Viet we would say 90 percent possibility chinese would invade us.
But if you ask an average Chinese about invading Australia, people will laugh their heads off and believe you need to have your brain checked. who have more logic with a mind closer to the reality, Chinese public or Australian public? Whose minds are seriously damaged by their media?

Just a couple of months ago, NASA chief claimed that China plans take over the moon....

Why western media, politicians become like lunatics nowadays?
Why you keep calling Chinese posters 50 cents? brain damage by your media?
Sure, everything not fit your agenda is a lies and people who don't tow your line is braindead. And you have to ask why peeps keep calling you people 50 cents......lol

You can't force someone to like you. China is acting like that footballer having a crush on some girl who repeatedly said she does not want to have sex with her. And you know what happened? He raped her.

Dude, you can stand there and call us "brain dead" or call these lies all you want, we don't care. Honestly. if you want to be stupid, then be stupid, but then don't come back to me with a surprise Pikachu face when people see you people aggressive and don't know why. when ID ten T like you calling people who criticize your regime brain dead and lies.

But if you ask an average Chinese about invading Australia, people will laugh their heads off and believe you need to have your brain checked. who have more logic with a mind closer to the reality, Chinese public or Australian public? Whose minds are seriously damaged by their media?

Just a couple of months ago, NASA chief claimed that China plans take over the moon....

Why western media, politicians become like lunatics nowadays?
If you ask 100 Australian, would you buy the peaceful Chinese rise BS, people will laugh their heads off and said get the F outta here.

Again, this is how you perceived to us. YOU CAN'T CHANGED THAT. Either accept that or change, or don't change, but then don't come back and ask us why we hate you people.

No surprise
If you ask me or other Viet we would say 90 percent possibility chinese would invade us.
Well, they already did. Back in the 70s......
Sure, everything not fit your agenda is a lies and people who don't tow your line is braindead. And you have to ask why peeps keep calling you people 50 cents......lol

You can't force someone to like you. China is acting like that footballer having a crush on some girl who repeatedly said she does not want to have sex with her. And you know what happened? He raped her.

Dude, you can stand there and call us "brain dead" or call these lies all you want, we don't care. Honestly. if you want to be stupid, then be stupid, but then don't come back to me with a surprise Pikachu face when people see you people aggressive and don't know why.
Do you westerners need any proof to call someone a 50 cents or earning so called social credits that most Chinese have never heard of ? just curious.
This happens with most big powerful countries the smaller ones tend to fear them. I find it strange the Australians feel this way, it's not like China is threatening or have a territorial dispute with Australia both of these countries are fairly far apart. When was the last time China invaded any country?

Auatralia great buddy the US invades fairly frequently different countries, yet they have no fear of them. I would put this down to xenophobia.
Is there any proof you won't call "Brain Dead" and "Lies"?? Just curious.
I don't call any specific person, I just posted how foolish the general public think this way, and I called no one "brain dead", You guys keep calling individual Chinese posters 50 cents, do you have any proof to back up this claim?
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