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Australian Defence Minister says no to Pakistan

That line is always good for a laugh.

For the longest time, the Indians here were high and mighty about "hindi chini bhai bhai" and a joint Asian century against the evil West. Problems with China were minor irritants which would be worked out in due time.

Now that the Indian government and media has come out swinging against China -- just after Hillary asked them to "look east" and be more assertive -- we see Indians beating their chests about confronting China and justifying the confrontation as being in India's interests.

tangential arguments, how does OZ approval of Uranium become part of our look east policy? try using atlas Dev
tangential arguments, how does OZ approval of Uranium become part of our look east policy? try using atlas Dev

It's all interconnected in the big US-China power tussle in Asia-Pacific. In fact, the US has been going out of its way to integrate India into the Pacific equation to turn it into the Indo-Pacific region by inviting India to all sorts of regional meets.
No bizti asad. it's diplomacy. Keep Indian whining on every military sale to Pakistan in mind at this moment.;)

We should not follow Indian trait- specially of whining and complaining- :undecided:
That line is always good for a laugh.

For the longest time, the Indians here were high and mighty about "hindi chini bhai bhai" and a joint Asian century against the evil West. Problems with China were minor irritants which would be worked out in due time.

Now that the Indian government and media has come out swinging against China -- just after Hillary asked them to "look east" and be more assertive -- we see Indians beating their chests about confronting China and justifying the confrontation as being in India's interests.

sorry to say,i doubt your think tank;)
india requested 1000 times to china to back off from pakistani kashmir but they never did;)
if they go back then india will go be best with china;)
so your point of hillary look east policy followed by india is flawed from top to bottom;)
If india was an Islamic nation with a Muslim majority, they would never allow you to have these uranium.

Look at what these NATO nations did to Iran.

NATO nations hate the fact that Islamic countries have Nuclear Programs. Soon Iran will also be a Nuclear Power, its only a matter of time.

do not see everything in your own eyes.

what about turkey? 96 % muslims still the part of NATO!
Well following "neighbors" once in a while isn't something bad. :D

its not once;)
1)you did on nuclear deal
2)you did on indian presence in a-stan
3)you also did on uranium from oz too:D

so nothing new and once..there are many other instances as well:lol:
sorry to say,i doubt your think tank;)
india requested 1000 times to china to back off from pakistani kashmir but they never did;)
if they go back then india will go be best with china;)
so your point of hillary look east policy followed by india is flawed from top to bottom;)

I am guessing you measure the validity of your posts by the number of smilies. The results speak for themselves.
That line is always good for a laugh.

For the longest time, the Indians here were high and mighty about "hindi chini bhai bhai" and a joint Asian century against the evil West. Problems with China were minor irritants which would be worked out in due time.

Now that the Indian government and media has come out swinging against China -- just after Hillary asked them to "look east" and be more assertive -- we see Indians beating their chests about confronting China and justifying the confrontation as being in India's interests.

India initiated its Look East Policy way back in 1991. The year Hillary became secretary of state is January 21, 2009.
The US and others are supporting India precisely because no one takes India's rise seriously enough to consider it a worthy challenger. Hence the US is propping it up as a deputy sheriff to keep China busy and, Indian ego being what it is, India is doing exactly what the US wants it to do in Asia Pacific.

I'm sure that the U.S. has its reasons for supporting India. I'm also sure that the U.S. hopes that India might work together on certain issues that are of concern to them. Whatever the reasoning of the U.S., it benefits us to take advantage of the U.S.desire to help. As for the U.S. wish to work together on their concerns, it turns out that many of those concerns are also shared by us. We don't get dragged into something that we utterly don't want, a few compromises here & there like that on voting against Iran are small stuff when compared to the main body of India's policy which remains where we want it to remain. If the U.S. sees us a balancing power against China, good for us. It is in India's national interest to balance that out as much as possible. Doesn't mean that we will be driven into conflict with China, atleast not because of the urging of others. While I understand that Pakistanis are loath to give India any credit, you should appreciate that we are a far more independent minded country than you give us credit for. We are no one's poodle no matter how much you might like to suggest otherwise. Chinese domination of Asia is not in our interests & if the U.S. is willing to work with us to prevent that happening, we would be fools not to take that assistance. We do wish to live in peace with our neighbours, both with China & Pakistan but on terms that we find acceptable, not on those that might be sought to be imposed. We will do what it takes to ensure that our interests are protected, as of now that means we work closely with the U.S.
its not once;)
1)you did on nuclear deal
2)you did on indian presence in a-stan
3)you also did on uranium from oz too:D

so nothing new and once..there are many other instances as well:lol:

And in case of India several sales of military equipment to Pakistan you did the same and in many cases the result was positive for Pakistan. So... :lol:
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