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Australia, US, India and Japan plan to counter China's Belt and Road initiative

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Australia, US, India and Japan plan to counter China's Belt and Road initiative


SYDNEY: Australia, the United States, India and Japan are talking about establishing a joint regional infrastructure scheme as an alternative to China’s multibillion-dollar Belt and Road Initiative in an attempt to counter Beijing’s spreading influence, the Australian Financial Review reported on Monday, citing a senior U.S. official.

The unnamed official was quoted as saying the plan involving the four regional partners was still ”nascent“ and ”won’t be ripe enough to be announced’ during Australian Prime Minister Turnbull’s visit to the United States later this week.

The official said, however, that the project was on the agenda for Turnbull’s talks with U.S. President Donald Trump during that trip and was being seriously discussed. The source added that the preferred terminology was to call the plan an “alternative” to China’s Belt and Road Initiative, rather than a “rival.”

“No one is saying China should not build infrastructure,” the official was quoted as saying. “China might build a port which, on its own is not economically viable. We could make it economically viable by building a road or rail line linking that port.”

Representatives for Turnbull, Foreign Minister Julie Bishop and Trade Minister Steven Ciobo did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga, asked at a news conference about the report of four-way cooperation, said Japan, the United States, Australia, and Japan, Australia and India regularly exchanged views on issues of common interest.

“It is not the case that this is to counter China’s Belt and Road,” he said.

Japan, meanwhile, plans to use its official development assistance (ODA) to promote a broader “Free and Open Indo-Pacific Strategy” including “high-quality infrastructure”, according to a summary draft of its 2017 white paper on ODA. The Indo-Pacific strategy has been endorsed by Washington and is also seen as a counter to the Belt and Road Initiative.

First mentioned during a speech by Chinese President Xi Jinping’s to university students in Kazakhstan in 2013, China’s Belt and Road plan is a vehicle for the Asian country to take a greater role on the international stage by funding and building global transport and trade links in more than 60 countries.

Xi has heavily promoted the initiative, inviting world leaders to Beijing last May for an inaugural summit at which he pledged $124 billion in funding for the plan, and enshrining it into the ruling Communist Party’s constitution in October.

Local Chinese governments as well as state and private firms have rushed to offer support by investing overseas and making loans.

In January, Beijing outlined its ambitions to extend the initiative to the Arctic by developing shipping lanes opened up by global warming, forming a “Polar Silk Road”.

The United States, Japan, India and Australia have recently revived four-way talks to deepen security cooperation and coordinate alternatives for regional infrastructure financing to that offered by China.

The so-called Quad to discuss and cooperate on security first met as an initiative a decade ago - much to the annoyance of China, which saw it as an attempt by regional democracies to contain its advances. The quartet held talks in Manila on the sidelines of the November ASEAN and East Asia Summits.
US,India and jap for obvious reason,but Australia,what does CHINA ever done to Australia,considering CHINA is the number 1 export market of Australia,it is more confusing,no?
If CHINA fights back,the more wounded one is AUS!
Please no democracy and freedom crap!
This was actually quite a big news here in Australia. But guess what, these idiots are trying to catch-up to a Ship which left the port ages ago. And to have india as part of this group is laughable. India is a rag tag, filth ridden country which needs trillions of dollars just to get some basic infrastructure there. And here they are trying to 'invest billions' in other countries. Absolutely jokers.

Agree, this group lost all credibility when India is included. India is th country that needs help from others. It has no ability in helping others.
All 4 together cannot compete with china in infrastructure. By the time the talks are complete the belt and road initiative would be well established.

They are on the back foot and out of balance, quad relation takes forever to agree on anything. By the time they complete talks Indian AMCA stealth fighter would be ready.
They are not countering CPEC belt road scheme they are merely adding infrastructure that will facilitate trade. This is what China is tryingvto do anyways. So when they build their infrastructure will they no longer trade with China.....except now trade will be faster and simpler. Where do they import from.. China.. ..so who wins....China.
TPP deal is coming, CN cant sell goods to TPP nations, millions jobs loss...and now,big 4 block CN belt&road ......seem like everyone happy to see CN collapse so everyone can enslave CN again like during 8 nations alliance time :laugh:
Australia, US, India and Japan plan to counter China's Belt and Road initiative

The message is pretty clear: these nations are weak, incapable and insecure to compete alone against China. In military maybe a big deal for China to face the military power of the 4 combined nations but when come to execute mega project, we have money, more qualified and experienced workers in infrastructure project than all these 4 countries combined, we certainty can compete to win any infrastructure projects around the world.

I put my bet on China. :china:
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